[comp.ai.neural-nets] organizational models

brady@sun.acs.udel.edu (Joseph Brady) (02/26/90)

I am looking for references on modelling the flow of policy information
through organizations. The effects of a policy change can depend
on simultaneous constraints like current power relationships, 
budgets, staffing, other resources available in different units, and
other factors. 

For example, the Federal government might announce changes in funding 
for certain kinds of primary school educational activities. A 
connectionist model might be able to capture the effects of such a change
as it propogates through state, district and local levels, given existing 
budget, manpower, space, etc. constraints at the different levels. Such
a model might be able to predict the effect of the policy change on
targeted student populations, on teachers, on other students, and on
others directly or indirectly involved.

Please send references directly to me. I will summarize and re-post.

Joe Brady, brady@sun.acs.udel.edu, 451-1571, 305 Willard Hall
University of Delaware, Newark DE 19716