[comp.ai.neural-nets] neural network conference

chittor@cpsvax.cps.msu.edu (Suresh S Chittor) (03/28/89)

	I was looking for information about the IEEE conference on 
"Neural Information Processing Systems : Natural and Synthetic", which if
I remember correctly is in Nov 89. There was an announcement in this 
newsgroup sometime back, calling for papers. 
	Can someone give me the the information (or pointers to it) about
the deadlines for submitting papers etc.
	Thanks in advance 

tom@minster.york.ac.uk (02/26/90)

                        NEURAL COMPUTING
                  Principles and Applications
                           at the
                   University of York, UK
    		     April 9th-12th 1990

              Intensive three day short course
                 for Managers and practising


This intensive course covers the principles and applications of neural
computing.  It is presented as a series of lectures and demonstration sessions,
with discussion actively encouraged.  A number of current case studies - from a
wide variety of application areas - will be presented by both industrial and
academic organisations.

The underlying aims are to provide you with the necessary background to enable
you to decide if neural computing techniques can be incorporated in your
products and so commence using these techniques.


This course is intended for practising computing or electronic engineers, and
also managers concerned with development of information and signal processing


A full set of course notes will be provided for each participant, together with
an introductory software package.


.  Perspective overview of living neural networks
.  General properties of artificial neurons
.  Important neural architectures
.  Pattern recognition and learning principles
.  Existing software and hardware tools
.  Practical applications, including signal, speech and image processing,
   industrial inspection, data-base management and robotic systems
.  Future prospects


Single room accommodation has been reserved in one of the University's six 
colleges on the Campus.  This is a short walk from where the day time
activities will be held.  Full board will be provided.  Meals and refreshments
will be provided for non-resident participants.
The Campus is a most attractive environment in which to study, and the
proximity of York makes the exploration and enjoyment of this historic city


1  Introduction to Course and Overview of Pattern Recognition
2  Living Neural Networks and Historical Perspective of Neural Computing
3  Supervised Training Methods
4  Unsupervised Training Methods
5  Applications and Examples
6  Further Networks and General Network Behaviour
7  Current Application Areas and Investment Programmes
8  Software Implementation and Simulators
9  Applications and Examples
10 Hardware Implementations
11 Practical Sessions
12 Future Prospects


Nigel Allinson
A senior lecturer in the Department of Electronics at The University of York, UK,
where he is head of the Adaptive Systems Engineering Group.

James Austin
A member of the Advanced Computer Architecture Group and lecturer in the
Department of Computer Science at The University of York, UK. 

Tom Jackson
An employee of British Aerospace Military Aircraft Ltd, Brough,
N. Humberside, UK. Currently actively involved in neural network research at York.

Graham Tattersall
From the University of East Anglia, UK where he has established a research group
working on neural networks.


Residential 875.00 pounds sterling
Non Residential 785.00 pounds sterling

This includes comprehensive course notes, and all meals.

Closing date for applications is Friday, 16th March 1990.
Please note, remaining places are limited.

For Further information contact
The Secretary
York Electronics Centre
University of York
York, YO1 5DD, UK.

Phone 044 +904 432323
Fax   044 +904 432335
Telex 57933(YORKUL)