[comp.ai.neural-nets] the divine comedy continues

rkmorris@cdp.UUCP (07/13/90)

           Thanks to all of you who have made this translation possible,


   I was walking in a grassy field somewhere around midnight, curisoty pulling
at my brow, growing closer to a glowing light beyond some nearby trees. Passing
through the thicket, and a few steps more I found myself holding a rail
attached to a ramp which slanted slightly upward. I was pulled into a circular
room. Standing at zero latitude I could look up, down, fore and aft. Before I
thought to turn and run I was motioned down into a pool of liquid by a form
seated at what appeared to be a control panel going over some last second
calculations. He appeared to be in concious hurry.
   I stepped forward and down. No fear followed. I soon felt the liquid lapping
at my nose... The next instant I was looking upon another world...
   A vaction Paradise!

   I found myself in what appeared to be an open parking lot being pulled
closer to a rail which was attached to a ramp which slanted slightly upward
through the mist and ended at a door which opened into another circular room, 
bare of any decor but had no steps leading down. Noting the floor and moving
forward I looked up to a balcony which arced around the room. Seated in the
balcony were a number of figures holding my presence. As I absorbed the scene
my eyes locked into the eyes of a being whose penetrating commands still push
at my instinct but was allowed to be broken by the spirits echoing their call:.
Dawn buzzed in my ear.

  Concious action, awakened by the artifacts of man, soon found me fumbling
for the keys which would allow me entrance into the unlimited realms of the
orbiting universe which whirls around and through us.

   The words included with this sample file are an attempt to translate
 communications which occured over a number of years with spirits who have
 an interest in the affairs of the human specie. In my contact with 
 these people, there was never any verbal exchange but somehow I was
 commanded to compile this dictionary which may be added to and read in
 any manner.

   At the DOS prompt type READ and the filename(s) you wish to read.
    "   "  "    "      "  DIR  for a list of file names.
   To add your own files use copy con or a word processor and translate
 them to ASCII. Use of a hard drive speeds things up.

   If you feel these files provoke your interest, please pass them along.
   If you would like the rest of the dictionary which keeps growing, please 
 reply to this topic, contact the SYSOP where you found these files or find the
 person who gave you this disk.

                ***   What do YOU think they are saying?  ***

  For a closer inspection download MESSAGE.ZIP from the following IBM boards:
  You could be UNZIPPING IT it in a few minutes! See if you can figure out
  WHAT the F-word means: Look closely for clues. A prize of $200.00  Will BE
  awarded for the best four word definition.

                ELITE BBS
                1-513-777-5429      2400 BAUD       N-8-1-F    24hrs.

                1-513-752-1055   Up to 9600 BAUD    N-8-1-F    24 hrs.
                1-513-752-8248     9600 BAUD

  Artifical Intelligence is the cart being pulled by Natural Intelligience and
man, realizing this, begins to reshape the wheel. If you take a close look, you
may see it turn.
  If you have problems downloading, you may send a check for $5.00 to:
                ROGER MORRIS, INSTANT REFLECTIONS   1-513-489-7764
                5310 E. KEMPER RD.
                CINCINNATI, OH. 

  If you need help, post your response here. This file is posted to 48 Peacenet