[comp.ai.neural-nets] Tech report announcement

ahmad@icsib18 (Subutai Ahmad) (07/18/90)

The following technical report is available:

       A Network for Extracting the Locations of Point Clusters
		      Using Selective Attention


		  Subutai Ahmad & Stephen Omohundro
	       International Computer Science Institute

		    ICSI Technical Report #90-011


This  report explores  the problem   of  dynamically computing  visual
relations in connectionist systems.   It  concentrates  on the task of
learning whether three  clumps of points  in a 256x256   image form an
equilateral triangle. We argue that  feed-forward networks for solving
this task would not scale well to images of this size. One  reason for
this is that local information does not contribute to the solution: it
is necessary to  compute relational information  such as the distances
between points. Our solution  implements  a mechanism for  dynamically
extracting the locations of the   point clusters. It  consists  of  an
efficient focus of attention mechanism and a cluster detection scheme.
The   focus of attention  mechanism allows   the system  to select any
circular portion  of the image in  constant time. The cluster detector
directs the  focus of attention  to  clusters in the image. These  two
mechanisms are used  to sequentially extract the relevant coordinates.
With  this  new representation  (locations   of  the  points) very few
training  examples  are required  to learn the  correct  function. The
resulting network is also very compact: the number of required weights
is proportional to the number of input pixels.

Copies can be obtained in one of two ways:

1) ftp a postscript copy from a.cs.uiuc.edu. The file is
ahmad.tr90-11.ps.Z in the tmp directory. Here are directions in case
you are unfamiliar with ftp:

unix:2> ftp a.cs.uiuc.edu
Connected to a.cs.uiuc.edu.
Name (a.cs.uiuc.edu:): anonymous
331 Guest login ok, send ident as password.
Password: ident
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
ftp> cd tmp
ftp> binary
ftp> get ahmad.tr90-11.ps.Z
ftp> quit
unix:4> uncompress ahmad.tr90-11.ps.Z 
unix:5> lpr ahmad.tr90-11.ps

2) Order a hard copy from ICSI:

The cost is $1.75 per copy for postage and handling. Please enclose
your check with the order.  Charges will be waived for ICSI sponsors
and for institutions that have exchange agreements with the Institute.
Make checks payable (in U.S.  Dollars only) to "ICSI" and send to:

             International Computer Science Institute
                  1947 Center Street, Suite 600
                       Berkeley, CA  94704

Be sure to mention TR 90-011 and include your physical address. 

--Subutai Ahmad