neuron-request@HPLMS2.HPL.HP.COM ("Neuron-Digest Moderator Peter Marvit") (07/24/90)
Neuron Digest Monday, 23 Jul 1990 Volume 6 : Issue 44 Today's Topics: Cascade-Correlation simulator in C Two papers on neural nets and RNA/DNA Re: Distinguishing "Normal" from Abnormal" Data Paper citation requested Looking for a paper Distinguishing "Normal" from "Abnormal" Data Re: Distinguishing "Normal" from "Abnormal" Data From Standards Committee AI Forum Meeting NEURAL COMPUTATION 2:2 New tech report ASE91 Conference announcement please distribute Re: Technology Transfer Mailing List Send submissions, questions, address maintenance and requests for old issues to "" or "{any backbone,uunet}!hplabs!neuron-request" Use "ftp" to get old issues from ( ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: Cascade-Correlation simulator in C From: Scott.Fahlman@SEF1.SLISP.CS.CMU.EDU Date: Sun, 17 Jun 90 01:02:35 -0400 Thanks to Scott Crowder, one of my graduate students at Carnegie Mellon, there is now a C version of the public-domain simulator for the Cascade-Correlation learning algorithm. This is a translation of the original simulator that I wrote in Common Lisp. Both versions are now available by anonymous FTP -- see the instructions below. Before anyone asks, we are *NOT* prepared to make tapes and floppy disks for people. Since this code is in the public domain, it is free and no license agreement is required. Of course, as a matter of simple courtesy, we expect people who use this code, commercially or for research, to acknowledge the source. I am interested in hearing about people's experience with this algorithm, successful or not. I will maintain an E-mail mailing list of people using this code so that I can inform users of any bug-fixes, new versions, or problems. Send me E-mail if you want to be on this list. If you have questions that specifically pertain to the C version, contact Scott Crowder ( If you have more general questions about the algorithm and how to run it, contact me ( We'll try to help, though the time we can spend on this is limited. Please use E-mail for such queries if at all possible. Scott Crowder will be out of town for the next couple of weeks, so C-specific problems might have to wait until he returns. The Cascade-Correlation algorithm is described in S. Fahlman and C Lebiere, "The Cascade-Correlation Learning Architecture" in D. S. Touretzky (ed.) _Advances_in_Neural_Information_Processing_Systems_2_, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1990. A tech report containing essentially the same information can be obtained via FTP from the "neuroprose" collection of postscript files at Ohio State. (See instructions below.) Enjoy, Scott E. Fahlman School of Computer Science Carnegie-Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15217 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- To FTP the simulation code: For people (at CMU, MIT, and soon some other places) with access to the Andrew File System (AFS), you can access the files directly from directory "/afs/". This file system uses the same syntactic conventions as BSD Unix: case sensitive names, slashes for subdirectories, no version numbers, etc. The protection scheme is a bit different, but that shouldn't matter to people just trying to read these files. For people accessing these files via FTP: 1. Create an FTP connection from wherever you are to machine "". 2. Log in as user "anonymous" with no password. You may see an error message that says "filenames may not have /.. in them" or something like that. Just ignore it. 3. Change remote directory to "/afs/cs/project/connect/code". Any subdirectories of this one should also be accessible. The parent directories may not be. 4. At this point FTP should be able to get a listing of files in this directory and fetch the ones you want. The Lisp version of the Cascade-Correlation simulator lives in files "cascor1.lisp". The C version lives in "cascor1.c". If you try to access this directory by FTP and have trouble, please contact me. The exact FTP commands you use to change directories, list files, etc., will vary from one version of FTP to another. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- To access the postscript file for the tech report: unix> ftp (or, ftp Name: anonymous Password: neuron ftp> cd pub/neuroprose ftp> binary ftp> get ftp> quit unix> uncompress unix> lpr (use flag your printer needs for Postscript) ------------------------------ Subject: Two papers on neural nets and RNA/DNA From: Date: Mon, 16 Jul 90 13:29:00 +0200 Two papers on neural nets and RNA/DNA: ``Cleaning up gene databases'', S. Brunak, J. Engelbrecht and S. Knudsen, Nature, vol. 343, p. 123, 1990. ``Neural networks detect errors in the assignment of mRNA splice sites'', S. Brunak, J. Engelbrecht and S. Knudsen, Nucleic Acids Research, 1990 (to appear). Preprints are available. Soren Brunak Department of Structural Properties of Materials Building 307 The Technical University of Denmark DK-2800 Lyngby Denmark ------------------------------ Subject: Re: Distinguishing "Normal" from Abnormal" Data From: Don Malkoff <dmalkoff@42.21.decnet> Date: Mon, 16 Jul 90 09:01:06 -0400 Loren Petrich asked about the use of neural networks to distinguish "normal" and "abnormal" phenomena: The "Stochasm" neural network is used for signal detection and classification in the domains of sonar and radar [1,2,3]. It makes and dynamically maintains a model of "normal" background which resides in the input layer and serves as a discriminator between "normal" and "abnormal". Patterns of interest are passed to the second layer which then performs classification. The network might be described as a back-to-back radial basis function classifier. 1. Malkoff, D.B., "Detection and Classification by Neural Networks and Time-Frequency Distributions," the Second International Symposium on Signal Processing and Its Applications, Time-Frequency Signal Analysis Workshop, Gold Coast, Australia, August 1990. To be published in "Time Frequency Signal Analysis - Methods, Algorithms & Application," Longman and Cheshire, Australia, 1990. 2. Malkoff, D.B. and L. Cohen, "A Neural Network Approach to the Detection Problem Using Joint Time-Frequency Distributions," presented at IEEE 1990 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 3-6, 1990. Published in Proceedings. 3. Malkoff, D.B., "A Neural Network for Real-Time Signal Processing," "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems," ed. D. Touretzky, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., Volume 2, 1990. ____________________________________ Donald B. Malkoff General Electric Company Advanced Technology Laboratories Moorestown Corporate Center Bldg. 145-2, Route 38 Moorestown, N.J. 08057 (609) 866-6516 Email address: "" ------------------------------ Subject: Paper citation requested From: (Stanley Guan) Date: Mon, 16 Jul 90 16:46:03 -0500 Does anyone know of the following paper: F. Girosi and T. Poggio. A theory of networks for approximation and learning: part two. A. I. Memo, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1989 (?) Is it published? Any help will be highly appreciated. -- Stanley Guan ( ------------------------------ Subject: Looking for a paper From: (Roysam) Date: Thu, 19 Jul 90 15:51:50 -0400 "Hornik, K. M., M. Stinchcombe, and H. White, "MUltilayer feedforward networks are universal approximators," Neural Networks, 1989: to appear. I'll appreciate any help in obtaining a copy of this paper. Thanks Badri Roysam Assistant Professor Department of ECSE Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180. ------------------------------ Subject: Distinguishing "Normal" from "Abnormal" Data From: (Loren Petrich) Organization: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Date: 13 Jul 90 22:37:11 +0000 I may have asked about this earlier, and I am asking about this again. I hope to use Neural Nets to analyze astronomical data, and for this purpose, it will be vitally important to distinguish "normal" and "abnormal" phenomena. I mean by "normal" anything that is very commonplace; "abnormal" anything that is relatively rare. Since the "abnormal" phenomena are sometimes the most interesting ones, it will be vital to pick them out. I even think it may be better to risk misclassifying some "normal" phenomena as "abnormal" than the other way around. Has anyone else faced similar problems? What is the most efficient way to solve such problems? Is a backprop network a good thing to use, and if so, what would be the most suitable type of training set? Would one use an mixture of known "normal" inputs and randomly generated "abnormal" inputs, with one output being a normal/abnormal indicator? ^ Loren Petrich, the Master Blaster \ ^ / \ ^ / One may need to route through any of: \^/ <<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>> /v\ / v \ / v \ v For example, use: My sister is a Communist for Reagan ------------------------------ Subject: Re: Distinguishing "Normal" from "Abnormal" Data From: jgk@osc.COM (Joe Keane) Organization: Object Sciences Corp., Menlo Park, CA Date: 17 Jul 90 23:33:24 +0000 In article <64712@lll-winken.LLNL.GOV> (Loren Petrich) writes: > I may have asked about this earlier, and I am asking about >this again. I hope to use Neural Nets to analyze astronomical data, >and for this purpose, it will be vitally important to distinguish >"normal" and "abnormal" phenomena. I mean by "normal" anything that is >very commonplace; "abnormal" anything that is relatively rare. Since >the "abnormal" phenomena are sometimes the most interesting ones, it >will be vital to pick them out. I even think it may be better to risk >misclassifying some "normal" phenomena as "abnormal" than the other >way around. > > Has anyone else faced similar problems? Yup. > What is the most efficient way to solve such problems? This may be heresy in, but this task seems ideally suited to standard statistical analysis. Off the top of my head, it's hard to say what sort of distribution you want. A multi-variate normal might work sufficiently well, although you probably want something multi-mode. > Is a backprop network a good thing to use, and if so, what >would be the most suitable type of training set? Would one use an >mixture of known "normal" inputs and randomly generated "abnormal" >inputs, with one output being a normal/abnormal indicator? Don't get me wrong, i think neural nets are very interesting, and they have produced good results in some areas. But i see them being used where more mundane methods would work quite well, and probably much faster. It seems like NN is the newest trick, so people want to use it everywhere. But in the process they don't hear about the old things, which is too bad. Is it just me, or are others bothered by this trend? ------------------------------ Subject: From Standards Committee From: (Cris Koutsougeras) Organization: Computer Science Dept., Tulane Univ., New Orleans, LA Date: 16 Jul 90 16:57:06 +0000 REQUEST FOR HELP WITH NEURAL NETS TERMINOLOGY STANDARDS The neural nets area is an interdisciplinary one. As such it has been attracting researchers from various areas such as neurobiology, computer science, controls, thermodynamics etc. Until the neural nets theme brought researchers from such areas together, there was little interest about the proceeds of research in a certain area from researchers in another area. So various terms have been established for essentially the same concepts or abstract entities. Unfortunately the variety of terms has been passed onto the neural nets terminology as this is used today. We have therefore found ourselves dealing with a great diversity in the terminology and notation which can create misunderstanding and confusion for readers and difficulties for writers. This problem is especially severe for persons new to the field. You will find for example the terms node, neuron, neurode, unit, processing element, cell to refer to the same entity. Another example : weight, synapse, connection strength, propagation coefficient etc. To address this terminology/notation problem, the IEEE Neural Networks Council has established an Ad Hoc Standards Committee. It is felt that neural nets technology is still in such an actively evolving state that an attempt to standardize terminology and notation must take precedence. We would like to request interested researchers in the area to help with the development of a list of terms for which it is felt that there exists a need for a precise definition. All of you who have faced a problem with the clarity of certain terms or concepts, are invited to communicate with us a list of such terms. We also welcome your suggestion concerning possible definitions which you feel that accurately and clearly describe the entity referred to by each term or collection of terms. A relevant article by R. Eberhart is published in the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks (Vol 1, No 2, June 90) which you may wish to consult. Submitt your contributions to Dr. E. Tzanakou, Bioengineering Dpt., Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ. or e-mail : Cris Koutsougeras Tulane University ------------------------------ Subject: AI Forum Meeting From: Date: Thu, 19 Jul 90 18:12:46 -0700 ************************************************************** * * * A I F O R U M M E E T I N G * * * * * * SPEAKER: Jeffrey Canin * * TOPIC: Recent developments in the Supercomputer * * Industry, (Thinking Machines, N-Cube) * * WHEN: 7PM Tuesday 7/24/90 * * WHERE: Lockheed building 202, auditorium * * 3251 Hanover Street * * Palo Alto, CA * * * * AI Forum meetings are free, open and monthly! * * Call (415) 594-1685 for more info * ************************************************************** ------------------------------ Subject: NEURAL COMPUTATION 2:2 From: Terry Sejnowski <tsejnowski@UCSD.EDU> Date: Fri, 13 Jul 90 18:06:21 -0700 NEURAL COMPUTATION Table of Contents -- Volume 2:2 Visual Perception of Three-Dimensional Motion David J. Heeger and Allan Jepson Distributed Symbolic Representation of Visual Shape Eric Saund Modeling Orientation Discrimination at Multiple Reference Orientations with a Neural Network M. Devos and G. A. Orban Temporal Differentiation and Violation of Time-Reversal Invariance in Neurocomputation of Visual Information D. S. Tang and V. Menon Analysis of Linsker's Simulations of Hebbian Rules David J. C. MacKay and Kenneth D. Miller Applying Temporal Difference Methods to Fully Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Networks Jurgen Schmidhuber Generalizing Smoothness Constraints from Discrete Samples Chuanyi Ji, Robert R. Snapp, and Demetri Psaltis The Upstart Algorithm: A Method for Constructing and Training Feedforward Neural Networks Marcus Frean Layered Neural Networks with Gaussian Hidden Units As Universal Approximations Eric Hartman, James D. Keeler, and Jacek M. Kowalski A Neural Network for Nonlinear Bayesian Estimation in Drug Therapy Reza Shadmehr and David D'Argenio Analysis of Neural Networks with Redundancy Yoshio Izui and Alex Pentland Stability of the Random Neural Network Model Erol Gelenbe The Perceptron Algorithm Is Fast for Nonmaliciouis Distribution Eric B. Baum SUBSCRIPTIONS: Volume 2 ______ $35 Student ______ $50 Individual ______ $100 Institution Add $12. for postage outside USA and Canada surface mail. Add $18. for air mail. (Back issues of volume 1 are available for $25 each.) MIT Press Journals, 55 Hayward Street, Cambridge, MA 02142. (617) 253-2889. ------------------------------ Subject: New tech report From: Subutai Ahmad <ahmad@ICSI.Berkeley.EDU> Date: Tue, 17 Jul 90 13:30:06 -0700 The following technical report is available: A Network for Extracting the Locations of Point Clusters Using Selective Attention by Subutai Ahmad & Stephen Omohundro International Computer Science Institute ICSI Technical Report #90-011 Abstract This report explores the problem of dynamically computing visual relations in connectionist systems. It concentrates on the task of learning whether three clumps of points in a 256x256 image form an equilateral triangle. We argue that feed-forward networks for solving this task would not scale well to images of this size. One reason for this is that local information does not contribute to the solution: it is necessary to compute relational information such as the distances between points. Our solution implements a mechanism for dynamically extracting the locations of the point clusters. It consists of an efficient focus of attention mechanism and a cluster detection scheme. The focus of attention mechanism allows the system to select any circular portion of the image in constant time. The cluster detector directs the focus of attention to clusters in the image. These two mechanisms are used to sequentially extract the relevant coordinates. With this new representation (locations of the points) very few training examples are required to learn the correct function. The resulting network is also very compact: the number of required weights is proportional to the number of input pixels. Copies can be obtained in one of two ways: 1) ftp a postscript copy from The file is in the pub/neuroprose directory. You can either use the Getps script or follow these steps: unix:2> ftp Connected to Name ( anonymous 331 Guest login ok, send ident as password. Password: neuron 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. ftp> cd pub/neuroprose ftp> binary ftp> get ftp> quit unix:4> uncompress unix:5> lpr 2) Order a hard copy from ICSI: The cost is $1.75 per copy for postage and handling. Please enclose your check with the order. Charges will be waived for ICSI sponsors and for institutions that have exchange agreements with the Institute. Make checks payable (in U.S. Dollars only) to "ICSI" and send to: International Computer Science Institute 1947 Center Street, Suite 600 Berkeley, CA 94704 Be sure to mention TR 90-011 and include your physical address. For more information, send e-mail to: --Subutai Ahmad ------------------------------ Subject: ASE91 Conference announcement please distribute From: Date: Thu, 19 Jul 90 18:42:06 +0100 Subject: ASE 91 Conference First Announcement CALL FOR PAPERS 2nd International Conference A S E 9 1 Application of Supercomputers in Engineering Sponsored by ISBE (International Society for Boundary Elements), Wessex Institute of Technology, and NSF (pending) BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS August 13-15 1991 ORGANIZATION AND EDITORIAL COMMITEE: ----------------------------------- Dr. Carlos Brebbia, Director of W.I.T. and Computational Mechanics, UK. Professor Avi Lin, Temple University and ICOMP NASA, USA. Dr. Daniel Howard, Oxford University and Rolls Royce PLC, UK. Dr. Alex Peters, IBM Heidelberg, West Germany. CONFERENCE OBJECTIVES: ---------------------- ASE91 aims to bring together computer scientists, computational engineers, hardware engineers and mathematicians. The objective is to define the proper roles for all these groups in the practical numerical simulation of engineering problems. Illustrations of one sidedness are the many debates in computational dynamics over mesh/grid generation (structured vs unstructured) with little consideration for the computer science role ! (for example: development of a machine with fast indirect memory addressing); while hardware people do not usually take the simulation end of things very much into account when designing a new machine --- users are expected to respond to changes in hardware design. Another example of one sidedness is over concern with algorithm CPU time, while little attention is paid to user-friendly aspects of problem solving (the viewpoint of the practising engineer --- human pre/post process simplicity/efficiency/cost). Finally, another example is the academic use of mathematical error estimates for accuracy measurement, ignoring the engineering estimate (the `estimate of physical features'). ASE91 then hopes to clarify such issues and to act as a forum for groups who do not normally meet. These will hopefully influence each other and leave the venue with more established views of their roles in the computational engineering simulation world. CONFERENCE THEMES: ----------------- The first conference, ASE 89, took place in Southampton University and resulted in the publication of two volumes of proceedings. At that conference the emphasis was mainly on the impact of supercomputer architectures on the engineering community and on the relevance of benchmark tests for these computers. ASE89 attracted over one hundred contributors and participants. The themes of ASE 91 will have a stronger emphasis on parallel algorithms for the efficient solution of partial differential equations, on examples of large scale computation which have had an impact on an engineering design, as well as on hardware and software aspects of supercomputing which result in more efficient/fast indirect memory addressing. Invited speakers on these and other relevant topics will be disclosed in a future announcement. Contributors should consider four main subject categories when submitting an abstract: (1) New and better algorithms for parallel engineering computation: (a) multigrid and vector extrapolation schemes (b) conjugate gradient methods (c) operator split and domain decomposition (d) the mathematics of parallel computation (e) Finite and Boundary Element algorithms (2) Examples of engineering applications on vector and parallel computers: (a) structural dynamics, rock and ice mechanics (b) fatigue, impact, and crash simulations (c) Computational Fluid Dynamics, heat transfer and combustion (d) turbulence and environmental modelling (e) shallow water equations (f) soil mechanics (g) CAD and CIM interacting with Finite/Boundary Elements (3) Three dimensional visualisation of engineering problems using the latest algorithms, hardware configurations and distributed systems. (4) Pre processors, and all engineering, algorithmic, and computer science aspects of grid/mesh generation and data management. Papers are invited on the topics outlined above and on other topics which will fit within the general scope of the conference. TIME SCHEDULE: ------------- Submission of abstracts: **** 1st November 1990 (deadline) **** Preliminary acceptance: 15th December 1990 Submission of final paper: 5th April 1991 Final acceptance: 17th May 1991 Conference: 13th-15th August 1991 ABSTRACTS should be no longer than 300 words and should clearly state the purpose, results and conclusions of the work to be described in the final paper. Final acceptance will be based upon review of the full length paper. ALL ABSTRACTS must be submitted to the Conference Secretary: Liz Neuman, Conference Secretary, W.I.T., Ashurst Lodge Ashurst, Southampton, SO4 2AA, England, UK Tel: 44-703-293223 FAX: 44-703-292853 For further information on ASE 91 please contact the Conference Secretary above. Specific information on `themes' can be obtained from the following E-mail addresses: or (if mailing from anywhere except UK) avilin@edu.temple.math.euclid (if mailing from UK) ------------------------------ Subject: Re: Technology Transfer Mailing List From: finin@PRC.Unisys.COM Date: Wed, 11 Jul 90 01:21:30 -0400 This mailing list is a good idea. Here is an announcement of a conference that is focused on technology transfer in AI: The Seventh IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications Fontainbleau Hotel, Miami Beach, Florida February 24 - 28, 1991 Call For Participation Sponsored by The Computer Society of IEEE The conference is devoted to the application of artificial intelligence techniques to real-world problems. Two kinds of papers are appropriate: case studies of knowledge-based applications that solve significant problems and stimulate the development of useful techniques and papers on AI techniques and principles that underlie knowledge-based systems, and in turn, enable ever more ambitious real-world applications. This conference provides a forum for such synergy between applications and AI techniques. Papers describing significant unpublished results are solicited along three tracks: o "Scientific/Engineering" Applications Track. Contributions stemming from the general area of industrial and scientific applications. o "Business/Decision Support" Applications Track. Contributions stemming from the general area of decision support applications in business, government, law, etc. Papers in these two application tracks must: (1) Justify the use of the AI technique, based on the problem definition and an analysis of the application's requirements; (2) Explain how AI technology was used to solve a significant problem; (3) Describe the status of the implementation; (4) Evaluate both the effectiveness of the implementation and the technique used. Short papers up to 1000 words in length will also be accepted for presentation in these two application tracks. o "Enabling Technology" Track. Contributions focusing on techniques and principles that facilitate the development of practical knowledge based systems that can be scaled to handle increasing problem complexity. Topics include, but are not limited to: knowledge representation, reasoning, search, knowledge acquisition, learning, constraint programming, planning, validation and verification, project management, natural language processing, speech, intelligent interfaces, natural language processing, integration, problem-solving architectures, programming environments and general tools. Long papers in all three tracks should be limited to 5000 words and short papers in the two applications tracks limited to 1000 words. Papers which are significantly longer than these limits will not be reviewed. The first page of the paper should contain the following information (where applicable) in the order shown: - Title. - Authors' names and affiliation. (specify student status) - Contact information (name, postal address, phone, fax and email address) - Abstract: A 200 word abstract that includes a clear statement describing the paper's original contributions and what new lesson is imparted. - AI topic: one or more terms describing the relevant AI areas, e.g., knowledge acquisition, explanation, diagnosis, etc. - Domain area: one or more terms describing the problem domain area, e.g., mechanical design, factory scheduling, education, medicine, etc. Do NOT specify the track. - Language/Tool: Underlying programming languages, systems and tools used. - Status: development and deployment status, as appropriate. - Effort: Person-years of effort put into developing the particular aspect of the project being described. - Impact: A twenty word description of estimated or measured (specify) benefit of the application developed. Each paper accepted for publication will be allotted seven pages in the conference proceedings. The best papers accepted in the two applications tracks will be considered for a special issue of IEEE EXPERT to appear late in 1991. An application has been made to reserve a special issue of IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TDKE) for publication of the best papers in the enabling technologies track. IBM will sponsor an award of $1,500 for the best student paper at the conference. In addition to papers, we will be accepting the following types of submissions: - Proposals for Panel discussions. Provide a brief description of the topic (1000 words or less). Indicate the membership of the panel and whether you are interested in organizing/moderating the discussion. - Proposals for Demonstrations. Submit a short proposal (under 1000 words) describing a videotaped and/or live demonstration. The demonstration should be of a particular system or technique that shows the reduction to practice of one of the conference topics. The demonstration or videotape should be not longer than 15 minutes. - Proposals for Tutorial Presentations. Proposals for three hour tutorials of both an introductory and advanced nature are requested. Topics should relate to the management and technical development of useful AI applications. Tutorials which analyze classes of applications in depth or examine techniques appropriate for a particular class of applications are of particular interest. Copies of slides are to be provided in advance to IEEE for reproduction. Each tutorial proposal should include the following: * Detailed topic list and extended abstract (about 3 pages) * Tutorial level: introductory, intermediate, or advanced * Prerequisite reading for intermediate and advanced tutorials * Short professional vita including presenter's experience in lectures and tutorials. - Proposals for Vendor Presentations. A separate session will be held where vendors will have the opportunity to give an overview to their AI-based software products and services. IMPORTANT DATES - August 31, 1990: Six copies of Papers, and four copies of all proposals are due. Submissions not received by that date will be returned unopened. Electronically transmitted materials will not be accepted. - October 26, 1990: Author notifications mailed. - December 7, 1990: Accepted papers due to IEEE. Accepted tutorial notes due to Tutorial Chair. - February 24-25, 1991: Tutorial Program of Conference - February 26-28, 1991: Technical Program of Conference Submit Papers and Other Materials to: Tim Finin Unisys Center for Advanced Information Technology 70 East Swedesford Road PO Box 517 Paoli PA 19301 internet: phone: 215-648-2840; fax: 215-648-2288 Submit Tutorial Proposals to: Daniel O'Leary Graduate School of Business University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-1421 phone: 213-743-4092, fax: 213-747-2815 For registration and additional conference information, contact: CAIA-91 The Computer Society of the IEEE 1730 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036-1903 phone: 202-371-1013 CONFERENCE COMMITTEES General Chair: Se June Hong, IBM Research Program Chair: Tim Finin, Unisys Publicity Chair: Jeff Pepper, Carnegie Group, Inc. Tutorial Chair: Daniel O'Leary, University of Southern California Local Arrangements: Alex Pelin, Florida International University, and Mansur Kabuka, University of Miami Program Committee: AT-LARGE SCIENTIFIC/ENGINEERING TRACK Tim Finin, Unisys (chair) Chris Tong, Rutgers (chair) Jan Aikins, AION Corp. Sanjaya Addanki, IBM Research Robert E. Filman, IntelliCorp Bill Mark, Lockheed AI Center Ron Brachman, AT&T Bell Labs Sanjay Mittal, Xerox PARC Wolfgang Wahlster, German Res. Center Ramesh Patil, MIT for AI & U. of Saarlandes David Searls, Unisys Mark Fox, CMU Duvurru Sriram, MIT ENABLING TECHNOLOGY TRACK BUSINESS/DECISION SUPPORT TRACK Howard Shrobe, Symbolics (chair) Peter Hart, Syntelligence (chair) Lee Erman, Cimflex Teknowledge Chidanand Apte, IBM Research Eric Mays, IBM Research Vasant Dhar, New York University Norm Sondheimer, GE Research Steve Kimbrough, U. of Pennsylvania Fumio Mizoguchi, Tokyo Science Univ. Don McKay, Unisys Dave Waltz, Brandeis & Thinking Machines ------------------------------ End of Neuron Digest [Volume 6 Issue 44] ****************************************