[comp.ai.neural-nets] Intro to neural networks

burgler@acsu.buffalo.edu (craig a burgler) (07/28/90)

Could somebody give me an 'introduction' to neural networks?

For example, does it refer to a new type of algorithm, what makes it
different from conventional programs, etc.

I am aware of the potential power of neural networks in computing, but I
am uniformed of its underlying concepts.

Any attempt at a brief explanation is greatly appreciated.


burgler@acsu.buffalo.edu (craig a burgler) (08/02/90)

Could somebody give me an 'introduction' to neural networks? For example,
does it refer to a new type of algorithm, what makes it different from
conventional programs, etc.

I am aware of the potential power of neural networks in computing, but I
am uniformed of its underlying concepts.

I would like to be able to read this newsgroup having some background
knowledge on neural networks.

Please respond by e-mail.
Any attempt at a brief explanation, or referrences to the same, is greatly