[comp.ai.neural-nets] PD NN Code.

guy@kcl-cs.UUCP (YUG) (09/12/90)

 Anyone out there got some public domain code for back-propagation nets? Either
 a basic one or something more fancy would be greatly appreciated. The input
 size is 16x10 (real numbers) don't really care how many outputs there are 
 as long as its more than 20.

 The reason for asking is I need some fast(ish!) results for some speech
 recognition data I have to compare it with my own *creation* !

 C source would be preferred since the pascal compiler we have seems a 
 little odd!


    \ | /       Guy Bunker, Dept. of Computing, King's College London.
     \|/                      JANET : guy%kcl-cs@uk.ac.ukc
    __|__                    JANET : G.Bunker@uk.ac.kcl.oak
    Nature it seems decrees that waves should reach their greatest stature
    of  power  and  beauty barely  an instant  before their  annihilation.