[comp.ai.neural-nets] Back-face cull with neural nets

tarquin@athena.mit.edu (Robert P Poole) (09/23/90)

I am writing some CAD software for the PC, and I would like to implement hidden
edge removal using neural net models.  Specifically, I want to implement a back
face cull (for starters), which is an algorithm that computes which direction a
polygon is facing and then, depending whether that polygon is facing the
observer or not, draws it or not.  I thought that perhaps I could simulate a
neural net and, feeding it coordinate data on the three-dimensional endpoints
of the line segments, train it to remove certain lines based on their
placement.  I would sit through the training and every time it drew a line or
shouldn't (or didn't draw a line it should have), I would tell it which line
segment it got wrong, etc.

Anyone know which neural net model would be best, and have any ideas how it
would be implemented?  Thanks in advance!

Robert P. Poole                       tarquin@athena.mit.edu
46 Massachusetts Avenue               MIT Course VIII
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Cambridge, MA  02139                   wisdom is born of wonder."