(Curtis J. Chapman) (09/16/90)
I have seen a few messages in this area regarding sample NN code, one specifically looking for programs distributed by AI Expert magazine. I received those sample programs along with my subscription to that magazine. Four programs are written in C, one in Pascal and one in BASIC. The description given with the programs (a portion of it, anyway) was as follows: ====================================================================== *** A I E X P E R T N E U R A L N E T W O R K S *** *** S A M P L E R D I S K *** This sampler disk has been compiled by the editors of AI EXPERT magazine. It contains program code implementing six DIFFERENT Neural Network paradigms which have been discussed in past issues of AI EXPERT magazine: VECTOR CLASSIFIER ADALINE PERCEPTRON BACKPROPAGATION OUTSTAR NETWORK HOPFIELD NETWORK ====================================================================== Distribution of this information is allowed (encouraged ?) by the editors. If anyone would like a copy of these programs, let me know and I will mail you one. ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^ Curt Chapman ( Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona ._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._ (Curtis J. Chapman) (09/26/90)
This is a follow up to my posting regarding some sample neural network programs from AIExpert magazine. The response to that post has reassured me that my messages reach all corners of this world. Boy, what a response ! ! ! ! I recently found an offer in one issue of AIExpert for a small publication called the NEURAL NETWORK PRIMER. It apparently is a collection of the original eight articles that ran in the magazine from which the same programs came. It would probably be of help in understanding the programs I emailed to soooooo many of you. I will repeat the ordering information below. I think I should mention that I am not affiliated with this magazine in any way, nor do I get any kick-backs. It is just a publication I enjoy reading, and one that has graciously provided us all with some sample NN programs to futher our knowledge. So I just thought I'd go one step further and pass on this info too. The cost for the primer is $7.95 per copy. Shipping in the U.S. is free. Shipping to Canada and Mexico is $2.00 per copy. Shipping to all other countries is $3.00 per copy. Tax wasn't mentioned, so . . . . Send those orders to: AI Expert Neural Network Primer P.O. Box T Gilroy, CA 95020 Make checks payable to Miller Freeman Publications. I certainly hope I haven't violated any rules of the networks by posting information like this. It is strictly in the name of education. Besides, hundreds of you received free software out of it, so it's kinda' hard to complain, right? ======================================================================= || Curt Chapman ( || || Arizona State University || || Tempe, Arizona || ======================================================================= (Dr. Ted Carnevale) (09/26/90)
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