(Marwan A. Jabri, Sydney Univ. Elec. Eng., Tel: (+61-2) 692 2240) (12/06/90)
A C N N ' 9 1 P R E - C O N F E R E N C E T U T O R I A L S T U T O R I A L P R O G R A M A N D R E G I S T R A T I O N F O R M 2nd - 3rd February 1991 The University of Sydney Sydney, Australia A tutorial program will be run on February 2nd-3rd before the conference. This program will cover the following topics: - Introduction to neural networks - Theoretical analysis of various network models - Visual cortex models - Hardware implementation - Applications of neural networks in signal processing, image processing and robotics In addition to the lectures, 50 computer workstations will be available for simulation experiments. The program will run for two days with two parallel sessions. Session 1 concentrates on basic theories and hardware implementation, and session 2 on applications, including signal processing, vision, image processing and robotics. PROGRAM ------- FIRST DAY, SESSION 1: 9:00am - 10:30am A/Prof. Ah Chung Tsoi Dept. of Electrical Engineering, University of Queensland Introduction to Neural Networks 10:30am - 10:50am Coffee/Tea Break 10:50am - 12:20pm Dr. Bill Gibson Dept. of Applied Math, University of Sydney Hopfield Neural Nets and Neural Memory Models 2:00pm - 3:30pm Dr. Tom Osborn School of Computing Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney Dynamical Behaviour of Neural Networks - Learning and Performance 3:30pm - 3:50pm Coffee/Tea Break 3:50pm - 5:20pm Experiments FIRST DAY, SESSION 2: 9:00am - 10:30am Prof. Peter Callei Dept. of Computer Science and Psychology University of Melbourne Adaptive Filtering and the Use of Neural Networks 10:30am - 10:50 Coffee/Tea Break 10:50am - 12:20pm Prof. Ray Jarvis Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Monash University Robotics and the Use of Neural Nets 2:00pm - 3:30pm Dr. Bogdan Dreher Dept. of Anatomy, University of Sydney Visual Cortex Models 3:30pm - 3:50pm Coffee/Tea Break 3:50pm - 5:20pm Experiments SECOND DAY, SESSION 1: 9:00am - 10:30am Dr. Marwan Jabri School of Electrical Engineering, University of Sydney Hardware Implementation of Neural Networks I 10:30am - 10:50am Coffee/Tea Break 10:50am - 12:20pm Prof. Graham Rigby School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of New South Wales Hardware Implementation of Neural Networks II 2:00pm - 3:30pm Experiments 3:30pm - 3:50pm Coffee/Tea Break 3:50pm - 5:20pm Experiments SECOND DAY, SESSION 2: 9:00am - 10:30am Prof. Yanni Attikiousel Dept. of Electrical Engineering University of Western Australia Neural Networks for Signal Processing 10:30am - 10:50 Coffee/Tea Break 10:50am - 12:20pm Dr. Hong Yan School of Electrical Engineering, University of Sydney Neural Networks for Image Processing 2:00pm - 3:30pm Experiments 3:30pm - 3:50pm Coffee/Tea Break 3:50pm - 5:20pm Experiments Venue: ------ University of Sydney, School of Electrical Engineering, NSW 2006 Australia. Registration: ------------- Registration information and form are below. Accommodation ------------- A number of motels near the University are listed below. Please make your own arrangements direct with them. University Motor Inn 25 Arundel St Broadway Tel: +61(2) 660 6777 Toll Free: 008 263 909 Fax: +61(2) 660 2929 Broadway Gardens International 60-68 City Rd Broadway Tel: +61(2) 690 9100 Fax: +61(2) 698 2007 Camperdown Travelodge cnr Missenden Rd & Marsden St Camperdown (near Parramatta Rd) Tel: +61(2) 516 1522 Fax: +61(2) 519 4020 Metro Motor Inn 1 Meagher St Chippendale Tel: +61(2) 319 4133 Fax: +61(2) 698 7665 Womens College Western Ave University of Sydney Campus Tel: +61(2) 516 1642 Fax: +61(2) 519 6944 International House cnr City Rd & Cleveland St Chippendale Tel: +61(2) 692 4116 Fax: +61(2) 692 4117 For more information please contact: Dr Hong Yan ACNN'91 Tutorials Chair School of Electrical Engineering University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia E-mail: Fax: (+61-2)692-3847 Phone: (+61-2)692-3515 Registration Fee: ----------------- Academics A$100 Full Time Students A$ 50 Other A$400 The number of registrants is limited to a maximum of 100. Cut here--------------------------------------------------------------------- ACNN91 Tutorials Tutorial Program Registration Form I wish to register for the tutorial program. Title: ______________________ Surname: ______________________________________ First Name: _____________________________ Position: _________________________ Department: _________________________________________________________________ Institution: ________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ City: _____________________________ State: ________________ Post Code: ____________ Country: ____________________ Tel: ____________________________________ Fax: ______________________________ Electronic Mail: ____________________________________________________________ Fee enclosed A$ ___________ or Please charge my credit card for the sum of A$ ____________ Mastercard/Visa Number (specify card type): ______________________ Expiry Date: ________________ Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _______________________ Please return the completed form before January 15, to: Secretariat ACNN'91 University of Sydney Electrical Engineering Sydney NSW 2006 Australia ------ Marwan Jabri E-mail: Systems Engineering and Design Automation Laboratory Fax: (+61-2) 692 3847 Sydney University Electrical Engineering, NSW 2006 Australia