[comp.ai.neural-nets] Wanted: databases for testing classifiers

barry@wilshire.math.ucla.edu (Barry Merriman) (12/11/90)

I'm loooking for data sets on which to test classifier methods
(such as NN, Decision Trees, etc). Are there some good databases
at any FTP sites, etc?

(I know about:

the UCI Repository Of Machine Learning Databases:
ics.uci.edu: /usr2/spool/ftp/pub/machine-learning-databases
Site Librarian: David W. Aha (aha@ics.uci.edu), 47 databases

But I would like to find more---they are undoubtably being created
at a rapid rate these days.)


Barry Merriman
UCLA Dept. of Math
UCLA Inst. for Fusion and Plasma Research
barry@math.ucla.edu (Internet)