(Dan Rose) (01/27/91)
"Neuron-Request" <> writes: >McClelland, J. L. and Rumelhart, D. E. (1988). >Explorations in Parallel Distributed Processing: Computational Models of >Cognition and Perception (software manual). The MIT Press. >Comments: "Written in a tutorial style, and includes 2 diskettes of NN >simulation programs that can be compiled on MS-DOS or Unix . . . ------ I've seen several people mention this, so I thought it was worth clarifying. There are *two* editions of this book. One comes with disks for the IBM PC, the other comes with disks for the Macintosh. Dan Rose UCSD -- Dan Rose {ucbvax,decvax,akgua,dcdwest}!sdcsvax!beowulf!rose.uucp UC San Diego
jmc@vision5 (Jim Cummings) (01/28/91)
I've just started using the pdp simulator and installed the version 1.1 patches. ">minor cosmetic changes. The most important fixes >resolve a set of related problems with constraints >on weights in the bp program: In the old version, >chaos could result when weights were linked >together if the network contained more than 100 units, >or if more than 100 weights were linked together >or constrained to be positive or negative. Even after installing those patches, my net with 127 units cannot have 5 * 28 of its weights constrained to be positve. The bp program crashes on get network. If the weights are random then the program does not crash. Is there a higher version of the pdp software that actually _fixes_ this problem? Please email me as I am not a regular reader Thanks Jim Cummings Jim Cummings - When thinking is outlawed, only outlaws will think.