[comp.ai.neural-nets] reference

artzi@cpsvax.cps.msu.edu (Ytshak Artzi - CPS) (02/10/89)

  For every one interested in a comprehensive introduction to the 
neural field I can recommend a very interesting book:

   "Neural Computers",  

     edited by Rolf Eckmiller,  Christoph v. d. Malsburg
     NATO ASI series
     Series F: Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol 41  (1988)

   -- Itzik Artzi --- Michigan State University ---

toulouse@IRO.UMontreal.CA (Michel Toulouse) (02/08/91)

	Does anyone know where the following paper
has been published:"The traveling salesman problem -- A
evolution approach" by M. Gorges-Schleuter and H. Muhlenbein.
It is referenced as "to be published" in "Evolution
algorithms in combinatorial optimization", Parallel computing 7,
1988. I have failled to find this reference in all the index
covering 1988,89,90 neither I got success to find the email
of one of the authors. No use to said that I will appreciate
if someone can help me to better trace this reference. Thank's

	Michel Toulouse
	Universite de Montreal