[comp.ai.neural-nets] The Truck Backer-Upper Problem

brady@chopin.udel.edu (Joseph Brady) (02/12/91)

In article <1991Feb12.150429.23806@qut.edu.au> sammut@qut.edu.au (David Sammut) writes:
>I have heard that Nguyen and Widrow released an article called
>"The truck backer-upper: An example of self-learning in neural networks" that
>Unfortunately the library here does not have either this book or a copy of
>the paper.  Does anyone know if this article has appeared any where else or

These authors talked about this at the 1989 IJNN conference in
Washington DC. It would be in the proceedings.

sammut@qut.edu.au (David Sammut) (02/13/91)

I am currently looking at control via neural networks and other related
techniques.  I have heard that Nguyen and Widrow released an article called
"The truck backer-upper: An example of self-learning in neural networks" that
was published in another book (Miller, Sutton and Werbos (1990), "Neural 
Networks for Robotics and Control", MIT Press).

Unfortunately the library here does not have either this book or a copy of
the paper.  Does anyone know if this article has appeared any where else or
where I can get a copy (anon. ftp etc) or even tell me whether the book is 
worth buying ?

Also, has anyone had any experience with dynamic programming in problems
such as control or similiar applications ?  Any comments or hints would
be appreciated.

Thanks in Advance

David Sammut (email: sammut@qut.edu.au)

jnsn@daimi.aau.dk (Tommy Ravn Jensen) (02/14/91)

I have an explicit reference for the article. The article is reviewed in
Neural Network Review Vol. 3, No 2, 1989, pp. 43-45.

The reference is as follows :

The truck backer-upper: An example of self-learning in neural networks.
D. Nguyen and B. Widrow. Proceedings if the internatioal joint conference on 
Neural networks, 2, 357-363. NY:IEEE Press. Washington DC, June 18-22, 1989.

If anyone out there has any more references on papers or books concerning
Neural networks solutions to control problems - and I'm certain, there is 
- please mail me.
Tommy R. Jensen | Computer Science Department | Email: jnsn@daimi.aau.dk
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