[comp.ai.neural-nets] Detailed description of ART-1 & 2 wanted

root@blakex.RAIDERNET.COM (Blake McBride) (02/25/91)

Am looking for a source for a detailed description of Adaptive Resonance
Theory (ART) by Grossberg & Carpenter.  Both 1 & 2.  In addition, if 
anyone has any source it sure would be appreciated!
Blake McBride				Home (615) 790-8521
3020 Liberty Hills Drive		Work (615) 790-1088
Franklin, TN  37064			root@blakex.raidernet.com
U.S.A.					...!uunet!mjbtn!raider!blakex!root
Blake McBride				Home (615) 790-8521
3020 Liberty Hills Drive		Work (615) 790-1088
Franklin, TN  37064			root@blakex.raidernet.com
U.S.A.					...!uunet!mjbtn!raider!blakex!root