(saad mufti) (03/01/91)
Thank you to everybody who sent me references on handwritten character recognition using neural networks. I received a lot of requests, so I'm posting what I got. 1) K. Fukushima, S. Miyake and T. Ito, Neocognitron: A Neural Network Model for a Mechanism of Visual Pattern Recognition, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 13(5), Sept./Oct. 1983, pp. 826-834. Y. Le Cun et al., Handwritten Digit Recognition: Applications of Neural Network Chips and Automatic Learning, IEEE Communications Magazine, November 1989, pp. 41-46. K. Fukushima, A Neural Network for Visual Pattern Recognition, IEEE Computer, March 1988, pp. 65-75. 2) Please post the results, I;'m interested if anything new comes up. Well-known beasts are the neocognitron, of course (see, e.g., Neural Networks, one of the first editions), and the work done by Sara Solla, Denker, Le Cun, etc. at AT&T Bell Labs (see conference proceedings, e.g., ICANN-90 (Paris)). Other reference: Rajavelu, Musavi, & Shirvaikar: "A neural network approach to character recognition", Neural Networks V 2 (1989), pp. 387--393. 3) The following might be useful, especially 11, 13 & 15. They should be available in any academic library. I compiled this as part of some work on Transformation Invarient Pattern recognition. Anthony Botham ( @INPROCEEDINGS{1, Author = "Joachim Buhmann and Klaus Schulten", Title = "Invarient Pattern Recognition by Means of Fast Synaptic Plasticity", Booktitle = "International Conference On Neural Networks Vol 1", Pages = "125-132", Year = 1986 } @ARTICLE{2, Author = "Terry M. Caelli", Title = "Digital Image Processing techniques for the display of images and modeling of visual perception", Journal = "Behavior Research Methods, Instruments and Computers", Volume = 18, Number = 6, Pages = "493-506", Year = 1986 } @ARTICLE{3, Author = "Terry M. Caelli and Walter F. Bischof and Liu Zhi-Qiang", Title = "Filter Based Models for Pattern Classification", Journal = "Pattern Recognition", Volume = 21, Number = 6, Pages = "693-650", Year = 1986 } @ARTICLE{4, Author = "Terry M. Caelli and Liu Zhi-Qiang", Title = "On the Minimum Number of Templetes Required for Shift Rotation and Size Invarient Pattern Recognition", Journal = "Pattern Recognition", Volume = 21, Number = 3, Pages = "205-216", Year = 1988 } @ARTICLE{5, Author = "Terry M. Caelli and Namik M. Oguztoreli", Title = "Some Task and Signal Dependent Rules for Spatial Vision", Journal = "Spatial Vision", Volume = 2, Number = 4, Pages = "295-315", Year = 1987 } @ARTICLE{6, Author = "Terry M. Caelli and Christoph Zetzsche", Title = "Invarient Pattern Recognition Using Multiple Filter Image Representations", Journal = "Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing", Volume = 45, Pages = "251-262", Year = 1989 } @ARTICLE{7, Author = "Terry M. Caelli and Giampaolo Moraglia", Title = "On the Detection of Edge Signals Embedded in Natural Scenes", Journal = "Perception and Psychophysics", Volume = 39, Number = 2, Pages = "87-95", Year = 1986 } @ARTICLE{8, Author = "Terry M. Caelli and Mark Mawrot", Title = "Localization of Signals in Images", Journal = "Journal of the Optical Society of America", Volume = 4, Pages = "2274-2280", Month = "December", Year = 1987 } @INPROCEEDINGS{9, Author = "Gail A. Carpenter and Stephen Grossberg", Title = "Invarient Pattern Recognition and Recall by an Attentive Self-Organizing ART Architecture in a Nonstationary World", Booktitle = "International Conference On Neural Networks, Vol 2", Pages = "737-744", Year = 1987 } @INPROCEEDINGS{10, Author = "H. H. Chen and T. C. Lee and G. Z Sun and H. Y. Lee", Title = "High Order Correlation Model for Associative Memory", Booktitle = "American Institute of Physics, Conference Proceedings 151 - Neural Networks for Computing", Pages = "86-99", Year = 1986 } @INPROCEEDINGS{11, Author = "L. D. Jackel and H. P. Graf and W. Hubbard and J. S. Denker and D. Henderson", Title = "An Application of Neural Net Chips: Handwritten Digit Recognition", Booktitle = "International Conference On Neural Networks Vol 2", Pages = "107-115", Year = 1988 } @INPROCEEDINGS{12, Author = "A. Khotanzad and J. H. Lu", Title = "Distortion Invarient Character Recognition by a Multi-Layer Perceptron and Back-Propagation Learning", Booktitle = "International Conference On Neural Networks Vol 1", Pages = "625-632", Year = 1988 } @INPROCEEDINGS{13, Author = "Kunihiko Fukushima", Title = "Neocognition: A Hierarchical Neural Network Capable Visual Pattern Recognition", Booktitle = "International Conference On Neural Networks Vol 1", Pages = "119-130", Year = 1988 } @INPROCEEDINGS{14, Author = "Ganapathy Krishnan and Deborah Walters", Title = "Psychologically Plausible Features for Shape Recognition", Booktitle = "International Conference On Neural Networks Vol 2", Pages = "127-134", Year = 1988 } @INPROCEEDINGS{15, Author = "Thaddeus F. Pawlicki and Lee Dar-Shyang and Jonathan Hull and Sargur N. Srihari", Title = "Neural Network Models and Their Application to Handwritten Digit Recognition", Booktitle = "International Conference On Neural Networks Vol 2", Pages = "63-70", Year = 1988 } @INPROCEEDINGS{16, Author = "William L. Reber and John Lyman", Title = "An Artifical Neural System Design for Rotation and Scale Invarient Pattern Recognition", Booktitle = "International Conference On Neural Networks, Vol 4", Pages = "277-283", Year = 1987 } @INPROCEEDINGS{17, Author = "Christoph Von Der MalsBurg", Title = "Pattern Recognition by Labeled Graph Matching", Booktitle = "International Conference On Neural Networks, Vol 1", Pages = "141-148", Year = 1988 } @INPROCEEDINGS{18, Author = "Ted Pawlicki", Title = "Recognising Image Invarients in a Neural Network Architecture", Booktitle = "International Conference On Neural Networks, Vol 2", Pages = "135-142", Year = 1988 } @ARTICLE{19, Author = "Bernard Widrow and Rodney Winter", Title = "Neural Networks for Adaptive Filtering and Adaptive Pattern Recognition", Journal = "IEEE Computer", Pages = "25-39", Month = "March", Year = 1988 } @BOOK{20, Author = "David E. Rumelhart and James L. McClelland", Title = "Parallel Distributed Processing - Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition, Vol 1: Foundations", Publisher = "The MIT Press", Year = 1988 } @BOOK{21, Author = "David E. Rumelhart and James L. McClelland", Title = "Parallel Distributed Processing - Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition, Vol 2: Psychological and Biological Models", Publisher = "The MIT Press", Year = 1988 } @BOOK{22, Author = "James L. McClelland and David E. Rumelhart", Title = "Explorations in Parallel Distributed Processing, A handbook of Models, Programs and Exercises", Publisher = "The MIT Press", Year = 1989 } 4) I got a few. If you get lots of references I'm pleased to have a copy. Bye, Mark. ( Utrecht University, The Netherlands) @INCOLLECTION{De:89, AUTHOR = "J. S. Denker and W. R. Gardner and H. P. Graf and D. Henderson and R. E. Howard and W. Hubbard and L. D. Jackel and H. S. Baird and I. Guyon", TITLE = "Neural network recognizer for hand-written zip code digits", BOOKTITLE = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems", PUBLISHER = "Morgan Kaufmann", YEAR = "1989", EDITOR = "D. Touretzky", PAGES = "323--331" } @ARTICLE{Bu:88, AUTHOR = "D. J. Burr", TITLE = "Experiments on Neural Net Recogition of Spoken and Written Text", JOURNAL = "IEEE Transactions on acoustics, speech, and signal processing", YEAR = "1988", VOLUME = "36", NUMBER = "7", PAGES = "1162--1168" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Gu:87, AUTHOR = "E. Gullichsen and E. Chang", TITLE = {Pattern Classification by Neural Network: An Experimental System for Icon Recognition}, BOOKTITLE = "Proc. IEEE first Int. Conf. on Neural Networks", YEAR = "1987", VOLUME = "4", PAGES = "725--732", ADDRESS = "San Diego" } @ARTICLE{Ra:89, AUTHOR = "A. Rajavelu and M. T. Musavi and M. V. Shirvaikar", TITLE = "A Neural Network Approach to Character Recognition", JOURNAL = "Neural Networks", YEAR = "1989", VOLUME = "2", PAGES = "387--393" } @ARTICLE{Fu:89, AUTHOR = "K. Fukushima", TITLE = "Analysis of the Process of Visual Pattern Recognition by the Neocognitron", JOURNAL = "Neural Networks", YEAR = "1989", VOLUME = "2", PAGES = "413--420" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Bu:86, AUTHOR = "D. J. Burr", TITLE = "A Neural Network Digit Recognizer", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. IEEE Int. conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics", YEAR = "1986", MONTH = "October", PAGES = "1621--1625", ADDRESS = "Atlanta" } @ARTICLE{Le:89, AUTHOR = {Y. LeCun and B. Boser and J. S. Denker and D. Henderson and R. E. Howard and W. Hubbard and L. D. Jackel}, TITLE = "Backpropagation Applied to Handwritten Zip Code Recognition", JOURNAL = "Neural Computation", YEAR = "1989", VOLUME = "1", PAGES = "541--551" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Me:87, AUTHOR = "D. Mehr and S. Richfield", TITLE = "Neural Net Application to Optical Character Recognition", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. IEEE first Int. Conf. on Neural Networks", YEAR = "1987", VOLUME = "4", PAGES = "771--777", ADDRESS = "San Diego" } @BOOK{pa:89, AUTHOR = "Y. Pao", TITLE = "Adaptive pattern recognition and neural networks", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "1989" } @ARTICLE{Fu:80, AUTHOR = "K. Fukushima", TITLE = "Neocognitron: A Self-organizing Neural Network Model for a Mechanism of Pattern Recognition Unaffected by Shift in Position", JOURNAL = "Biological Cybernetics", YEAR = "1980", VOLUME = "36", PAGES = "193--202" } @ARTICLE{Fu:84, AUTHOR = "S. Miyake and K. Fukushima", TITLE = "A Neural Network Model for the Mechanism of Feature-Extraction", JOURNAL = "Biological Cybernetics", YEAR = "1984", VOLUME = "50", PAGES = "377--384" } Saad Mufti Dept. of Computer & Information Science The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 43201