[comp.ai.neural-nets] GENESIS 1.2ucsd

schultz@halley.est.3m.com (John C. Schultz) (03/14/91)

I am trying to use a C code representation of a back prop neural
network as the evaluation function for a genetic algorithm
optimization routine based on the GENESIS 1.2ucsd code.  

While the concept works quite well (after a little hacking at the
interface), some optimized solution are values less than 0.0000.
Physically the output variable being optimized is a thickness and
thickness' less than 0.00 are meaningless, at least to me.

I doubt that I can limit the neural network values (I assume that the
GA has found some strange, untrained portion of the NN to exercise?)
However, can I limit the output values of the GA to be positive?

I would be quite happy to get a set of test points which results in a
ouput variable near 0.00000 (but positive).

Thanks for any suggestions.
John C. Schultz                    EMAIL: schultz@halley.serc.3m.com
3M Company,  Building 518-01-1     WRK: +1 (612) 733-4047
1865 Woodlane Drive, Dock 4,       Woodbury, MN  55125
   How to include the taste of Glendronach in a multi-media system?

esrmm@warwick.ac.uk (Denis Anthony) (03/15/91)

In article <SCHULTZ.91Mar13223859@halley.est.3m.com> schultz@halley.est.3m.com (John C. Schultz) writes:
>I am trying to use a C code representation of a back prop neural
>network as the evaluation function for a genetic algorithm
>optimization routine based on the GENESIS 1.2ucsd code.
>While the concept works quite well (after a little hacking at the
>interface), some optimized solution are values less than 0.0000.
>Physically the output variable being optimized is a thickness and
>thickness' less than 0.00 are meaningless, at least to me.
>I doubt that I can limit the neural network values (I assume that the
>GA has found some strange, untrained portion of the NN to exercise?)
>However, can I limit the output values of the GA to be positive?
>I would be quite happy to get a set of test points which results in a
>ouput variable near 0.00000 (but positive).

Are you using total output error (or similar) as the cost function
for the GA ?

You could adapt the returend error by (say) giving a high cost when the
result is meaningless (output < 0).