[comp.ai.neural-nets] dynamic recurrent backprop source?

smagt@fwi.uva.nl (Patrick van der Smagt) (04/02/91)

Lectori salutem!

Does anyone out there have a program implementing backpropagation
through time?  This algorithm has been suggested by Pearlmutter
(Neural Computation 1 (1989), pp. 263--269).  I would very much
appreciate any source code to save me some time.

						Patrick van der Smagt 
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Organisation: Faculty of Mathematics & Computer Science             /  \
              University of Amsterdam, Kruislaan 403,            _  \/\/  _
              NL-1098 SJ  Amsterdam, The Netherlands            | |      | |
Phone:        +31 20  525 7524                                  | | /\/\ | |
Fax:          +31 20  525 7490                                  | | \  / | |
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email:        smagt@fwi.uva.nl                                  | | \/\/ | |
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