[comp.ai.neural-nets] SCAI 91 Roskilde University may 21-24

fomo@diku.dk (Anders Lassen) (04/03/91)

              Third Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
                             Second Announcement
                                                          (dated november 1990)

                                  SCAI U91

                               May 21-24, 1991
                          Roskilde University % Denmark

Conference Scientific Committee
G. Hagert		SAIS	Infologic AB, Stockholm
J.  M?ller Holst	NAIS	Norsk Hydro, Bergen
H. Siggaard Jensen	DAIS	Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen
B. Mayoh		DAIS	Aarhus University, Aarhus
G. Koch			DAIS	Copenhagen University, Copenhagen
M. Syrjonen		FAIS	Helsinki Technical University, Helsinki
J. Fischer Nilsson	DAIS	Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen
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Local Organizer 	
	Edda Sveinsdottir	Roskilde University (RUC)
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Section of Computer Science		tel.: 	+ 45 46 757711
Institut III, Hus 20.1			 	+ 45 46 757781-2128
Roskilde University			fax:	+ 45 46 757401
Postboks 260				email:	edda@dat.ruc.dk
DK-4000 Roskilde
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The Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence is the Scandinavian
forum for scientific exchange and presentation of AI research. The conference 
is designed to cover all subfields of artificial intelligence.
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Tutorials will take place on Tuesday May 21, with two sections in parallel in the 
morning and in the afternoon. 
	R. Cotterill(Copenhagen)	Neural Nets			Afternoon	
	J. E. Fenstad (Oslo)		Situation Semantics		Afternoon	
	P. G
rdenfors (Lund)		Revisions of Belief Systems	Morning
	E. Sandewall (Linkping)	Planning			Morning

---------------------                                     -----------------------

Location of the Conference
Roskilde University Center (RUC) is situated just 5 min. east of Roskilde if you 
come by car (turn off at RHedehuseneS, exit no. 10), and 30 min. drive from 
Copenhagen (turn off at RHedehusene VS, exit no. 9). There is a 10 min. walk 
from the station (get off at RTre KronerS station), and 30 min. train ride from 
Copenhagen. Trains leave every half hour from Copenhagen Central Station 
(RHovedbane-grdenS).

By plane: Copenhagen Airport. You can take bus 32 to the Town Hall Square 
(RRdhuspladsenS) (50 min. Tickets: kr. 16.-) or SAS bus to the 
Copenhagen Central Train Station (20 min, tickets: kr. 32.-). From the 
Central Train Station trains leave for Roskilde and RTre Kroner S station 
every half hour, on 17 and 47 min. past the hour.

By Car:	From Copenhagen. Motorway E4 towards Halskov, turn off and take  
motorway  21/23 towards Roskilde. Turn off at RHedehusene VS, exit no. 9.
	From Roskilde. Motorway 21/23 towards Copenhagen and Halskov. Turn 
off at RHedehuseneS, exit no. 10. 

By Train: Train from /sterport, N?rreport or Copenhagen Central Station 
towards Roskilde every half hour, on 17 and 47 min. past the hour. Get 
off at RTre kronerS station.
------------------------                             -------------------------

Papers must be received by the Programme Chairperson before Dec. 20, 1990.
Authors will be notified by March 1, 1991.
Final Camera Ready Papers must be received by April 15, 1991.
Conference Registration Forms must be received by May 1, 1991.
-----------------------                              -------------------------

Papers are due December 20, 1990. Every paper and poster submitter who 
attends the conference will get one volume of the procedings free of charge.  
Extra copies of proceedings can be purchased. Layout rules will be sent to the 
authors only. The papers should be limited - up to 6 pages for oral presentations 
and 1 full page for poster presentations.
------------------------                               ------------------------

Programme Chairperson
Brian Mayoh	tel.:		+45 86 127188
Computer Science Department	fax.:	+45 86 135725
Aarhus University	email:	brian@daimi.aau.dk
Ny Munkegade 116, Bldg. 540
DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
------------------------                               ----------------------

Technical equipment for the lectures, an overhead projector for transparencies 
will be available. If you are selected to be a lecturer and if you need more or 
other devices, this should be specified on the conference registration form.
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For each poster to be presented at the exhibition, a space of 100 cm x 60 cm is 
available. Plenty of space.
------------------------                                -----------------------

The Conference Reception Desk will be open on Monday, May 20 from 14.00 to 
16.00 and at RKulturhusetS from 18.00 - 20.00. During the Conference, May 21-
24 from 9.00 to 16.00.

It is recommended to join the welcome gathering at RKulturhusetS  in Roskilde at  
19.30 on Monday evening.
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Participants should book lunches during session breaks in advance on the 
conference registration form.
-------------------------                                      ---------------

Accommodations in the Roskilde area

Hotel  Prindsen	(  )	Double       Dkr. 550.-  / Single        Dkr. 440.-  
Svogerslev Kro	(  )	Double       Dkr. 495.-  / Single        Dkr. 395.- 
SR Hotel	(  )	Double       Dkr. 495.-  / Single        Dkr. 395.- 
Borrevejle Cottage Hotel		(  )	4 persons        Dkr. 282.-
Borrevejle Sportcenter			(  )	per person        Dkr. 160.-   

Hotel Prindsen is next door RKulturhusetS and situated in the center of Roskilde, 
very close to Roskilde train station, buses, and only 5-10 min drive to RUC.  
Other accommodations require private transportation of some kind. We plan to 
hire a bus. Transportation not included in prices. 

Hotel Prindsen is an old hotel situated in the center of Roskilde. It is newly 
(1988) modernised thorougly and have very nice rooms. The hotel restaurant is 
well used by the locals.

Svogerslev Kro is a old hotel with hatched roof, situated 3 km west of Roskilde. 
It provides a restaurant at reasonable prices. 

SR Hotel is a modern hotel, offering rooms, either single or double rooms for 
two singles.  Situated close to the motorway.

The Cottages serve as appartments with kitchen etc. Here you stay at a minimum 
price dkr. 282.- per cottage, with space for 4-6 persons. 

We also provide bedding at nearby Sportcenter. Breakfast and new sheets 
-------------------------                                   ------------------

General information on Roskilde

Origin of the town
Like many other towns, Roskilde has a legend about its origin. An old king had 
two sons who were due to succed him. One son, Helge, became the king of the 
seas, while the other son, Roar, became king of the land. Roar build some houses 
around a beautiful spring at the end of Roskilde Fjord, and he named the town 
after the spring and himself: RoarUs Spring (in Danish: Roars Kilde).

Roskilde in the Middle Ages
Historically the facts are that around 980 the famous Danish king Harald 
Bluetooth built a wooden church in Roskilde where he was later buried. Thus, 
Roskilde grows up in the Viking Age, and it continues to grow rapidly. Around 
the year 1000 the town is a royal cathedral town. From being a product of the 
widespread trade of the Viking period, it becomes an administrative center in the 
Middle Ages and a focus of the political history of the country.

In the middle of the 12th century a rampart and moat are build round the town. 
The rampart is approximately 3.5 km long, and it encircles a town area of 
around 178 acres. This makes Roskilde one of the largest towns of its time in 
Northern Europe - with a cathedral, 14 parish churches and 5 convents and 

In the beginning of the 15th century the decline begins. The king moves his court 
and administration to the old property of the Bishop of Roskilde - Copenhagen. 
With the Reformation in 1536 the rich Catholic clergy is removed. All parish 
churches - apart from St. J?rgensbjerg, St. IbUs and the Church of Our Lady - 
and all convents and monestaries are demolished. The economic foundation of 
Roskilde has been removed and the town is withering away. The plague and 
serious town fires hasten the decline. By the mid-18th century the population has 
fallen to approximately 1500, but then it slowly, begin to increase.

Recent times
A crucial event in the history of the town occurs in 1847 when the first railway 
line in Denmark is built from Copenhagen to Roskilde. This creates excellent 
transportation conditions for industry which undergoes considerable expansion in 
the last decades of the 19th century. Industries attract people from the country 
and the population grows rapidly.

In the course of the last few decades Roskilde has established itself as  a centre of 
education and research. A number of technical schools are located in the town, 
and in 1972 Roskilde University Centre was established. Near the town lies the 
best known of the Danish research institutions, Ris? National Laboratory, which 
is a centre for research into energy, environment, materials and information 

1000 Years of History has left its mark
Present-day Roskilde is a product of 1000 years of history: The Viking ships 
provide unique evidence of the dynamic society of the Vikings. St. Ib's Church, 
the Church of Our Lady and St. J?rgensbjerg Church, the latter probably being 
the oldest stone church in the country, together evoke a picture of flourishing 
prosperity in the Middle Ages. The Cathedral is a magnificent sign of the 
Catholic Church - but at the same time it is a living structure with all the 
different historical periods represented in the royal chapels. Below St>ndertorvet 
lie the remains of the old town square church, St. Laurentii, whose tower is now 
the town hall tower.

No. 17 Bondetinget is the oldest secular house in the town, dating from around 
1600, and Roskilde Convent also has buildings from that period. De Thurah's 
beautiful palace, built in the 18th century on the site of the bishop's palace, 
provided from 1835-48 the setting for the assemblies of the Estates of the Realm 
of the Danish Isles following the breakdown of absolute monarchy. The railway 
station dating from 1847 is the oldest existing station in the country.

Roskilde came into being because of trade, grew big as an administrative town in 
the Middle Ages, then as an industrial town, and lately it has become a centre of 
education and research. Today the town has a population of approximately 

Source: RTurist i Roskilde 1990S, Roskilde Turistinformation.
  ------------------                                          -----------------

Payments can be made either by check made payable to RSCAI' 91-RUCS or by 
bank transfer to 
	Registration number 4360
	Account number       4360-079007
	Den Danske Bank
	S?lvgade 84
	DK-1307 K?benhavn K

  or by postal giro to 
	Account number 3 97 99 38
	c/o Brian Mayoh
	Datalogisk Afdeling
	Ny Munkegade 116
	DK- 8000 Aarhus C


                           Conference Registration Form

Please complete this registration form (mark the '()' fields and enter amounts) 
and return it before May 1, 1991 to

 Edda Sveinsdottir
Section of Computer Science	tel.: 	+ 45 46 757711
Institut III, Hus 20.1	fax:	+ 45 46 757401
Roskilde University	email:	edda@dat.ruc.dk
Postboks 260
DK-4000 Roskilde

Participation information

Title		First Name/Given Name     (Middle Initials)     Last Name/Surname


Affiliation	..........................................................
Address	        ...........................................................
Accompanied by  ............................................................

Tutorials will take place on Tuesday May 21, with two sections in parallel in the 
morning and in the afternoon. Please check two boxes:
			Morning	Afternoon
	R. Cotterill (Copenhagen)	Neural Nets		(   )
	J. E. Fenstad (Oslo)	Situation Semantics		(   )
	P. G
rdenfors (Lund)	Revisions of Belief Systems	(   )
	E. Sandewall (Linkping)	Planning	(   )

Registration fees
Full fees for non-ScAIS members (SAIS, NAIS, DAIS, FAIS)
(   )  Normal:      				Dkr. 1300.-  (Dkr. ...)   Dkr. .......
(   )  ScAIS members:				Dkr. 1000.-  (Dkr. ...)   Dkr. .......
(   )  Full time student:			Dkr.   500.-  (Dkr. ...)   Dkr. .......

Prices include Breakfast. Choose between Hotel Prindsen/ Svogerslev Kro/ SR 
Hotel/ Borrevejle Cottagehotel/ Borrevejle Sportcenter

(  )	I intend to stay at  .................................... ( 1st wish)   
(  )	      	 .................................... ( 2nd wish)   

Single:	Date of arrival:      .....................
	Date of departure:  .................... = .... days x dkr.  ...... = Dkr. .....

Double: Date of arrival:      .....................
	Date of departure:  ................... = .... days x dkr.  ...... = Dkr. ......

(  )	I intend to make my own hotel reservation.
(  )	I would like to join a group transportation to the conference location

Lunches (at the conference location)

				      Dkr. 35.- x .... persons x .... days = Dkr. ......

Social program

Monday, May 20, 1991

% Welcome gathering       Kulturhuset                	..... persons
  (A buffet is available at the price of Dkr. 49.-    
Beverages may be purchased at moderate 

Tuesday, May 21, 1991

% The Mayor's reception   (free of charge)             	..... persons
% Organ recital    (free of charge)               	..... persons

Wednesday, May 22, 1991

% A )   Boat tour on the fiord of Roskilde with visit to 
        the Viking Museum afterwards.  (kr. 75.-)	..... persons  = Dkr. .......
% B)    Visit at the Ris? Research center (free)	..... persons 
% C)    Kronborg Castle and Lousiana museum of 
          modern art (kr. 75.-) 			..... persons  = Dkr. .......

Thursday, May 23, 1991

% Happy hour   (free of charge) 			..... persons
% Conference banquet. On board RSagafjordS
  sailing the water of Roskilde Fjord. (Dkr. 300.-)	..... persons   = Dkr. .......

Friday, May 24, 1991

% The Rector's reception  (free of charge)		..... persons
% Informal farewell gathering  Kulturhuset
   Two-course serving. (Dkr. 75.-)			..... persons   = Dkr. .......


TOTAL  (sum of values in last coloumn of the form):   		  = Dkr. .......

(   )  Transfered to girokonto nr. 3 97 99 38
(   )  Cheque included, made payable to RSCAI'91-RUCS
(   )  Copy of my bank transfer included
	Registration number. 4360
	Account number.       4360-079007
	Den Danske Bank
	S?lvgade 84
	DK-1307 K?benhavn K

The completion of this form is binding for the participant and it must be 
accompanied by payment in full. Money refunded if we are informed of 
cancellation by May 15.

Date: 		Signature: