eba@computing-maths.cardiff.ac.uk (Eduardo Bayro) (04/24/91)
/*********JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING --- SPRINGER VERLAG **************/ -------------------------------- SPECIAL ISSUE ON NEURAL NETWORKS -------------------------------- \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ --------------- CALL FOR PAPERS --------------- A Special Issue of the Journal of Systems Engineering (Springer- Verlag) will be devoted to Neural Networks and their applications in systems engineerig. Original contributions on theoretical and practical aspects of neural computing are invited. Topics of interest include: new network models and architectures; learning algorithms; comparative studies of different networks;neural networks and fuzzy theory; genetic algorithms for net optimisation; hybrid and connectionist expert systems ; applications (systems identification and control, pattern recognition , signal processing, vision, telecommunications, manufacturing, robotics etc.). Please submit papers (3 copies) by November 1991, to the following address: Prof. D.T. Pham (Editor) Journal of Systems Engineering, Springer-Verlag School of Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering, University of Wales College of Cardiff, P.O. Box 904, Cardiff CF1 3YH, United Kingdom. Tel: ++44(0)222 874429 Fax: ++44(0)222 874192 Telex: ++44(0)222 497368 Internet: PhamDT%cardiff.ac.uk@nsf.ac.uk UUCP: ...!ukc!cardiff!PhamDT email:PhamDT@uk.ac.cardiff /*********JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING --- SPRINGER VERLAG **************/