[comp.ai.neural-nets] application feasibility question

own@castle.ed.ac.uk (O Morgan) (04/18/91)

I'm about to start work on a project involving neural networks,
and would like some indication of the feasibility of the project,
as I only have abstract notions of NN's rather than practical
experience.  This is therefore to see if I can attract any
helpful comments from this group.

The project involves trying to structure an existing database
into some sort of PDP system.  The reasons for this are to
provide the model with some of the qualities of NN, such as
tolerance to noisy input, associative memory and the ability to
induce the model from a data set.

The database is a socio-economic database of 200 farmers, with up
to 500 items of information relating to each farmer.  (NB: all
references below to fields refer to database fields 8-).

1) My first question is whether a problem of this scale is likely
to succeed or not.  In terms of current work, does this pass as a
small, medium or large application?

2) So far, having browsed a few books, I can see some
possibilities: One is the back propagation type (BP), another the
interactive competition (IAC) model, as they are described in the
Rumelhart and McClelland book.   Hopfield nets also look very
interesting.  As I see it, the relative merits/disadvantages of
each approach are:

The advantage of IAC over BP (as I see it) is that the model
would be a very flexible associative memory.  The user could
provide values for any set of fields, and the model would provide
a guess for all the missing values.  In the case of BP, the Input
values and the Output values are set prior to the learning stage,
so the model can only be used "in one direction".

The disadvantage of IAC (as I've understood it) is that every
database record is explicitly recorded in the model.  Ie: to
incorporate farm X in the model, a "variables" 'farm_X' and
'_farm_X' are created in the representation.  The number of these
ID variables will increase in proportion to the size of the
database.  On the other hand, in BP, the learning process
amalgamates all the records so that with the introduction of a
new record, the size of the model is constant, only the (some)
weights are changed to take account of the new data.

Here I would ask a question:  is there a representation of NN
that can combine both these advantages, namely flexibility at
run-time in the choice of inputs and outputs, and the compactness
of the BP model.  Hopfield nets look as if they might have this
quality, but none of the books I've seen (3) give any idea as to
how you train such networks.

3)  Currently I am reading up various references and intend using
the McClelland+Rumelhart software to experiment options.  Is this
a practical vehicle? Does anyone have any suggestion w.r.t. other
environments that might prove useful.  In this sort of project,
do you eventually end up writing your own code?

4)  The data base I am using contains large amounts of symbolic
information.  Is this sort of data readily processed by Neural
networks (assuming it is given a numeric representation).

Thanks in advance,

Olly  Morgan
 Olly Morgan @ Scottish Agricultural College,  Edinburgh EH9 2HH, Scotland
               Tel: (+44 31) 662 4395          E.Mail: O.Morgan@ed.ac.uk

slehar@park.bu.edu (Steve Lehar) (04/24/91)

The prime consideration in whether or not to use a neural paradigm for
a database  implementation   is the nature of   the  information to be
stored.  If the information is essentially deterministic and reliable,
and the operations performed  on such data  explicit and well defined,
then  you are better  off using a conventional  database program.  The
neural  approach holds  promise only for  those  kinds of applications
where a conventional database is  no good, i.e.  where the information
stored or    the  retrieval  operations  are in   some sense  fuzzy or

For instance, if your  data represents the color  of a farmer's fields
as detected by satellite sensors at various bands, and the information
you would  like to retrieve   is the   viability   of his crops,  this
information  is full of ambiguity.  First  of all,  the  color  of the
fields does   not  fall into  discrete  categories,  but  represents a
continuum.  Secondly,  the mapping  from  color to viability is  by no
means  explicit  and well  defined, and  depends on   a host of  other
considerations, such  as geographic location,  current season,  recent
weather, etc.  No  conventional database  package could retrieve  this
kind of information without  an explicit algorithm for  how to compute
viability  from color.   A neural algorithm  however can be trained to
correlate   viability and color  from known  data,  and  can sometimes
generalize this to new data (*note).

On the other hand, if your  data represents names, addresses, incomes,
crops, etc.   and you would  like to retrieve the  names  of  all corn
farmers in Idaho with income exceeding 50,000 and with names between A
and K, then   a conventional database   is the  only  way  to go.  The
translation from fuzzy to hard has already been made implicitly in the
gathering of the data - (Did  the  income figure include  that swap of
the old pick-up with his  brother-in-law's tractor,  and how  much was
that old tractor REALLY worth, and so  forth...) so that now you would
like to retrieve  only  those farmers   whose REPORTED income  exceeds
50,000, and you would consider it an error if the program infered from
other sources that this figure was  wrong and therefore included other
names in the list.   In other words, you would  like the program to be
the perfect bureaucrat, "Hey,  I'm just doin' my  job-  those are  the
rules, I'm not paid to think...".

If you do choose to go the neural route, you should be aware that many
of the  paradigms in the  literature are famous for   their historical
importance or the interesting issues they raise, but  are not ripe for
practical application.   For example   the   so-called  "Hopfield net"
(Actually the Grossberg Additive model [1], see  [2] for explaination)
introduces    the   interesting notion  of  auto-associative  feedback
networks.  In their raw form however these networks have been shown to
have  a  very limited  storage  capacity, and an "unfriendly" behavior
when over-loaded,  i.e. they  don't complain, they   just start giving
wrong answers.   I am  less familiar with the  Interactive Competition
model (IAC) of Rummelhart  and McClelland, except  that I know that it
was   very influential  in   introducing   connectionist  concepts  to
linguists and  psychologists, and is much  referenced in those fields.
I am not familiar with the practical implementations of the model, but
I would  suspect that these  have been  of  a  prototype nature.  Such
multi-level feedback  models are fraught  with dynamic subtleties that
are often difficult to balance, and I would be  interested to  hear if
someone had made practical use of this paradigm.

[1] Grossberg, Math. Biosci. 4, 201 (1969); Grossberg and Pepe, J.
Stat. Phys. 3, 95 (1971)

[2] Carpenter, Cohen, & Grossberg "COMPUTING WITH NEURAL NETWORKS"
(1987) Science, 235, 1226-1227.

*note to "AI-vs-NN flamesters: this sentence is not to be construed as
 a claim that the neural model cannot be implemented with conventional
 algorithms, nor indeed be expressed in more conventional mathematical
 terms.  Of course it can.  Sometimes however it is more convenient to
 express these operations as a "neural" paradigm.
(O)((O))(((               slehar@park.bu.edu               )))((O))(O)
(O)((O))(((    Steve Lehar Boston University Boston MA     )))((O))(O)
(O)((O))(((    (617) 424-7035 (H)   (617) 353-6741 (W)     )))((O))(O)

slehar@park.bu.edu (Steve Lehar) (04/25/91)

The prime consideration in whether or not to use a neural paradigm for
a database  implementation   is the nature of   the  information to be
stored.  If the information is essentially deterministic and reliable,
and the operations performed  on such data  explicit and well defined,
then  you are better  off using a conventional  database program.  The
neural  approach holds  promise only for  those  kinds of applications
where a conventional database is  no good, i.e.  where the information
stored or    the  retrieval  operations  are in   some sense  fuzzy or

For instance, if your  data represents the color  of a farmer's fields
as detected by satellite sensors at various bands, and the information
you would  like to retrieve   is the   viability   of his crops,  this
information  is full of ambiguity.  First  of all,  the  color  of the
fields does   not  fall into  discrete  categories,  but  represents a
continuum.  Secondly,  the mapping  from  color to viability is  by no
means  explicit  and well  defined, and  depends on   a host of  other
considerations, such  as geographic location,  current season,  recent
weather, etc.  No  conventional database  package could retrieve  this
kind of information without  an explicit algorithm for  how to compute
viability  from color.   A neural algorithm  however can be trained to
correlate   viability and color  from known  data,  and  can sometimes
generalize this to new data (*note).

On the other hand, if your  data represents names, addresses, incomes,
crops, etc.   and you would  like to retrieve the  names  of  all corn
farmers in Idaho with income exceeding 50,000 and with names between A
and K, then   a conventional database   is the  best  way  to go.  The
translation from fuzzy to hard has already been made implicitly in the
gathering of the data - (Did  the  income figure include  that swap of
the old pick-up with his  brother-in-law's tractor,  and how  much was
that old tractor REALLY worth, and so  forth...) so that now you would
like to retrieve  only  those farmers   whose REPORTED income  exceeds
50,000, and you would consider it an error if the program infered from
other sources that this figure was  wrong and therefore included other
names in the list.   In other words, you would  like the program to be
the perfect bureaucrat, "Hey,  I'm just doin' my  job-  those are  the
rules, I'm not paid to think...".

If you do choose to go the neural route, you should be aware that many
of the  paradigms in the  literature are famous for   their historical
importance or the interesting issues they raise, but  are not ripe for
practical application.   For example   the   so-called  "Hopfield net"
(Actually the Grossberg Additive model [1], see  [2] for explaination)
introduces    the   interesting notion  of  auto-associative  feedback
networks.  In their raw form however these networks have been shown to
have  a  very limited  storage  capacity, and an "unfriendly" behavior
when over-loaded,  i.e. they  don't complain, they   just start giving
wrong answers.   I am  less familiar with the  Interactive Competition
model (IAC) of Rummelhart  and McClelland, except  that I know that it
was   very influential  in   introducing   connectionist  concepts  to
linguists and  psychologists, and is much  referenced in those fields.
I am not familiar with the practical implementations of the model, but
I would  suspect that these  have been  of  a  prototype nature.  Such
multi-level feedback  models are fraught  with dynamic subtleties that
are often difficult to balance, and I would be  interested to  hear if
someone had made practical use of this paradigm.

[1] Grossberg, Math. Biosci. 4, 201 (1969); Grossberg and Pepe, J.
Stat. Phys. 3, 95 (1971)

[2] Carpenter, Cohen, & Grossberg "COMPUTING WITH NEURAL NETWORKS"
(1987) Science, 235, 1226-1227.

*note to "AI-vs-NN flamesters: this sentence is not to be construed as
 a claim that the neural model cannot be implemented with conventional
 algorithms, nor indeed be expressed in more conventional mathematical
 terms.  Of course it can.  Sometimes however it is more convenient to
 express these operations as a "neural" paradigm.
(O)((O))(((               slehar@park.bu.edu               )))((O))(O)
(O)((O))(((    Steve Lehar Boston University Boston MA     )))((O))(O)
(O)((O))(((    (617) 424-7035 (H)   (617) 353-6741 (W)     )))((O))(O)