[comp.ai.neural-nets] TR available

et@eng.cam.ac.uk (Eli Tzirkel-Hancock) (05/03/91)

The following report has been placed in the neuroprose archives at
Ohio State University:

	  	A Direct Control Method For a Class
 	     of Nonlinear Systems Using Neural Networks 

		Eli Tzirkel-Hancock & Frank Fallside

	        Technical Report CUED/F-INFENG/TR.65 

	             Cambridge University
		    Engineering Department 
		      Trumpington Street 
		       Cambridge CB2 1PZ 


A direct control scheme for a class of continuous time nonlinear 
systems using neural networks is presented. The objective of the 
control is to track a desired reference signal. This objective is 
achieved through input/output linearization of the system with neural 
networks. Learning, based on a stability type algorithm, takes place 
simultaneously with control. As such, the method is closely related 
to adaptive control methods. Indeed, the algorithm's properties are 
analysed with the aid of adaptive control tools. This analysis provides 
an interesting bridge between well studied, adaptive control methods and the  
field of neural network training. In particular, the importance of 
the property of persistent excitation and its implications to learning 
with networks of localized receptive fields is discussed.

************************ How to obtain a copy ************************

a) via FTP:

% ftp cheops.cis.ohio-state.edu
Name (cheops.cis.ohio-state.edu:your-id): anonymous
Password: neuron
ftp> cd pub/neuroprose
ftp> binary
ftp> get tzirkel.control.ps.Z
ftp> quit
% uncompress tzirkel.control.ps.Z
% lp         tzirkel.control.ps

b) via postal mail (only if the above is impossible, please)

Request a hardcopy from

Eli Tzirkel-Hancock, et@uk.ac.cam.eng
Speech Laboratory
Cambridge University Engineering Department 
Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1PZ 