[comp.ai.neural-nets] Here is the reference to "NETtalk" by Sejnowski and Rosenberg

erd@giza.cis.ohio-state.edu (Ethan Dicks) (05/06/91)

A few days ago, I remember seeing a request for a reference for the
program NETtalk.  Here is the text from the cover page of a report I
got directly from Johns Hopkins University...

The Johns Hopkins Univercsity Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Technical Report JHU/EECS-86/01

"NETtalk: A Parallel Network that Learns to Read Aloud"

Terrence J. Sejnowski
Department of Biophysics
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD 21218

Charles R. Rosenberg
Department of Psychology
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08540


Terrence J. Sejnowski
Department of Biophysics
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD 21218

Phone: (301) 338-8687
ARPA-NET: Terry@Hopkins

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