[comp.ai.neural-nets] SUMMARY : Extracting Rules ...

mam@luise.informatik.uni-dortmund.de (Martin Mandischer) (05/13/91)

Hi, folks

There is a summery of papers on the intersection of expert systems
and neural networks. We like to contribute some of our papers to these

Here follows a short compilation of works done at the University of
Dortmund. We have been working on the field of rule extraction and
integration of NN and expert systems for two years. Our work in this
area is still going on.

Ultsch, A., Halmans, G., Mantyk, R.:
CONCAT: A Connectionist Knowledge Ackquisition Tool, 
Proc. IEEE International Conference on System Sciences, 
January 9-11, Hawaii,  1991, pp 507 - 513.

Ultsch, A.,Halmans,G.,Mantyk, R.:
A Connectionist Knowledge Acquisition Tool: CONCAT, 
Proc. International Workshop on Artifcial Intelligence and Stastistics,
January 2-5, Ft. Lauderdale FL, 1991.

Ultsch, A.: 
Konnektionistische Modelle und ihre Integration mit wissensbasierten Systemen,
Habilitationsschrift, University of Dortmund, 1991.

Ultsch, A., Panda, PG.: 
Die Kopplung konnektionistischer Modelle mit wissensbasierten Systemen, 
Tagungsband Expertenystemtage Dortmund, Februar 1991.

Ultsch, A. (Hrsg.): 
Kopplung deklarativer und konnektionistischer Wissensrepraesentation, 
Forschungsbericht Nr. 352, Institut fuer Informatik, 
Universitaet Dortmund, April 1990

| Martin Mandischer                          |
| University of Dortmund                     | 
| Department of Computer Science VI          | 
| P.O. Box 500 500                           |
| W-4600 Dortmund                            |
| Tel.: 0231 - 7554737                       |
| e-mail: mam@yen.informatik.uni-dortmund.de |