(Parcival Willems) (05/23/91)
I am a student at the university of Nijmegen and I am currentlty working on a project in our Neural Network Group. They asked me to implement and evaluate the Neocognitron model. I have several papers on the basics of this model along with an example for recognizing handwritten numerals. However these papers do not reveal the complete structure of the model. If anyone could help me with some tips on the implementation or on the model. You can mail any information on this topic to or (jondarr c g h 2 gibb) (05/24/91)
If the kind person answering the question on the neocognitron could post the details to the network, I'm sure that I'm not the only one who would greatly appreciate it. Anyway the wind blows ... //\ /\\ / || * \ . . / * || . _ _ _/ _ _ _ \\____\X/____// / /_/ / / /_/ /-/ / / / * /O\ * \ ._/ \__/ " \__/ (