[comp.ai.neural-nets] Chaos and Neural Networks

dgross@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (Dave Gross) (06/05/91)

                        _The Importance of Chaos Theory
               in the Development of Artificial Neural Systems_

                                 by Dave Gross

{Note:  This was a report prepared by an undergrad (me) in a grad-level AI
	course.  This represents a compilation of information learned over
	the course of a quarter at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.  At the
	beginning of the quarter, I didn't even know what neural networks
	were.  I mention this so that you'll understand that this is not
	a terribly sophisticated inquiry into the subject.  I think the
	readers of comp.ai.neural-nets might find some interesting information
	here, though, and if nothing else there is a good list of papers
	in the field in my "References" section.

	The author welcoms comments, corrections, and suggestions and can
	be reached at dgross@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU }


      Neural networks are a relatively new development in computer science,
 having survived a brush with the exclusive-or problem while the field was
 still in its teens in the 1960s and recovered for a renaissance in the 1980s.
 Chaos is a new mathematical theory, dating back to perhaps the 1960s at the
 earliest and blooming only in the 1980s.  The intersection of chaos with
 neurobiology dates back perhaps ten years.  The use of chaos theory in the
 development and study of artifical neural systems (a.k.a. neural networks) is
 newer still.

      This paper will briefly introduce the reader to the general concepts of
 artificial neural networks and of chaos theory, will discuss the research of
 Dr. Walter J. Freeman and others in the area of chaos and neurobiology, and
 will discuss the research on chaos and artificial neural systems.  Finally,
 some conclusions will be drawn concerning the importance of chaos theory in
 the development of artificial neural systems.

      This paper is written for the reader with a background in computer
 science.  The discussions of neurobiology and of mathematics are therefore
 overly simplified, while the discussion of computer science and of artificial
 neural systems demands some degree of prior knowledge about these

      I would like to especially thank Dr. Walter J. Freeman
 (wfreeman@garnet.berkeley.edu) for sending me reprints of some of his papers
 on chaos in neurobiology, and Ice (ssingh@watserv1.waterloo.edu) for a list
 of references and abstracts relating to chaos in neurobiology and in
 artificial neural systems.

                          _Artificial Neural Systems_

      Artificial neural systems are attempts to model some of the
 characteristics of the brain in order to capture and explore those qualities
 of the brain's reasoning power in which the architecture of the brain is
 assumed to play a major part.  This has led to models which use connected
 local processing elements (neurodes) accepting weighted inputs from other such
 elements and using these weighted inputs to give a single output which is in
 turn fed to other such processing elements, back to itself, or is given as an
 output from the system.

      Much of the emphasis of neural network research has been in trying to
 more accurately simulate brain activity both on the microscopic (neuron)
 level and the macroscopic (overall brain activity) level.  This has led to
 developments in areas such as Hebbian learning and unsupervised learning,
 which may have seemed counterintuitive to the pure computer scientists, but
 which had direct biological analogues.

      Many of these biologically-oriented or simulation-oriented developments
 in neural networks have proven to have very practical results from a computer
 science point of view.  Chaos theory has a good chance of being one of these

      To give some idea of how unpredictable behavior might be produced by
 an artificial neural system, imagine a net with two layers and both
 feed-forward and feed-back output.  One example input neuron in this system
 feeds its output back to itself with a high weight, as well as feeding its
 output to the neurons in the output layer, each of which has a low weight on
 the connection to this sample neuron (or, alternately, a higher threshold).
 Imagine that an initial input to that system causes that example neuron to
 fire an output which is not quite high enough to trigger the firing of any of
 the output layer neurons, but is high enough, when fed back to itself, to
 re-fire itself.

      This neuron, after having been given this initial stimulus, fires itself
 cyclicly at a low level continuously.  Now imagine that this system is given
 the same input a second time.  This time, the example neuron not only gets
 the input stimulus, but also gets the stimulus that has been feeding back
 from its own cyclic firing.  If this added input increases the output of the
 neuron significantly, it may trigger a firing of a neuron or neurons in the
 output layer -- producing a response to a given input that did not occur the
 first time that input was presented.

      There are several variations on this mind-game that can be played.  You
 can imagine, for instance, that instead of one neuron cycling the feedback to
 itself, that two or more neurons are playing "frisbee" with the feedback.  In
 that case, the output for a given input will not only depend on whether that
 input has been seen before, but on which neuron is holding the "frisbee" at
 the time the input is presented to the network.

      It's enough to make your own biological neural system spin.

      Neurobiologists have found that such low-level activity is always
 present in the brain, but for a long time assumed that it was just irrelevant
 electric "noise."  Now some believe that this activity, far from being random
 and irrelevant, is chaotic and essential to healthy brain activity.

      In one study, for instance, researchers compared the pattern recognition
 capabilities of biological and artificial neural systems and commented that
 while "[p]attern recognition systems based on the perceptron... operate by
 relaxation to one of a collection of equlibrium states, constituting the
 minimization of an energy function" on the other hand "[b]iological pattern
 recognition systems do not go to equilibrium and do not minimize an energy
 function.  Instead, they maintain continuing oscillatory activity, sometimes
 nearly periodic but most commonly chaotic."  (Yao, Freeman, Burke & Yang

      We can imagine "sometimes nearly periodic" activity with the frisbee
 analogy used earlier, but what is meant by chaotic activity?

                             _Chaos:  What is it?_

      Most computer scientists discover chaos in one way -- through colorful
 graphic displays of Mandelbrot sets on their terminals.  Most of these
 computer scientists are content to watch the filigree unfold on their CRTs
 during lunch hour without delving too deeply into the mathematics behind it.

      The curiosities of the Mandelbrot set or other graphs which display
 chaotic behavior{1} illustrate some of the interesting features of chaos
 theory.  The boundaries of the commonly-pictured figures are irregular and
 intricate, and any attempt to magnify them only creates depictions just as
 magnificently irregular and intricate as the original.  In fact, any two
 connected points on this boundary have an infinite length of boundary between
 them -- that's some measure of how convoluted this boundary is!

      That such complicated patterns can result from seemingly simple
 mathematics is one feature of chaos theory.  Chaos is statistically
 indistinguishable from randomness, and yet it is deterministic and not random
 at all.  While it is deterministic in the sense that a chaotic system (on a
 computer, for instance) will produce the same results if given the same
 inputs, it is unpredictable in the sense that you can not predict in what way
 the system's behavior will change for any change in the input to that

      One description, given by researchers who found chaotic activity in the
 brain, is that "[c]haos is controlled noise with precisely defined
 properties" (Skarda & Freeman 1987).  A more complex definition is that "[i]n
 a dynamic system, chaos is a steady state solution of the system, but it is
 not an equilibrium solution, or a periodic solution, or a quasiperiodic
 solution" (Yao & Freeman 1990).  The gist of these definitions is that chaos
 lies somewhere between periodic, predictable behavior and totally random
 behavior.  It is random-appearing, and yet has a large degree of underlying

                             _Chaos in the Brain_

      The existance of chaos in the brain has only been a major topic of
 discussion among researchers for less than ten years.  In that time, chaotic
 behavior has been discovered both on the microscopic (neural) level and the
 macroscopic level in the brain.

      One group of researchers, commenting on the discovery of chaos at the
 neural level, theorized that perhaps chaotic behavior could be responsible
 for schzophrenia, insomnia, epilepsy, and other disorders (Guevara, Glass,
 Mackey & Shrier 1983).  Here, we will be most interested in the discovery of
 chaos on the macroscopic level in the brain{2}.

      As a sharp contrast to earlier beliefs that chaos represented a possible
 source of harmful disorder in the brain, later researchers held that chaos
 was essential to proper brain functioning.

      Dr. Walter Freeman of U.C. Berkeley's Department of Physiology-Anatomy
 has led the way in researching the role of chaos on the macroscopic level in
 the brain.  Freeman's discovery of chaotic behavior in the
 electroencephalogram (EEG) tracings of olfactory bulbs in rabbits has led to
 a wealth of research on the role of chaos in the brain and in artificial
 neural systems.

      Freeman noted that for some well-known but complex stimuli, recognition
 is almost instantaneous.  A person recognizes a familiar face, or the scent
 of a barbeque, or the taste of chocolate almost as soon as that stimulus is
 presented to her.

      "How does such recognition," Freeman asks, "happen so accurately and
 quickly, even when the stimuli are complex and the context in which they
 arise varies" (Freeman 1991).  The answer he proposes is chaos.

      Freeman found that there is constant activity in the olfactory cortex
 and that this activity is chaotic (Skarda & Freeman 1987).  He believes that
 it is likely that the rest of the brain behaves in a similar fashion, and has
 proposed some possible reasons for this:  "Chaos constitutes the basic form
 of collective neural activity for all perceptual processes and functions as a
 controlled source of noise, as a means to ensure continual access to
 previously learned sensory patterns, and as the means for learning new
 sensory patterns" (ibid), furthermore chaos "provides the system with a ready
 state so that it is unnecessary for the system to `wake up' from or return to
 a `dormant' equlibrium state every time that an input is given" (Yao &
 Freeman 1990).

      A chaotic system in general, and the chaos exhibited in the brain, often
 alternates in a seemingly random way between various areas (or groups of
 behaviors) of the phase-space.  These areas, known as chaotic attractors, are
 often called "wings" because an early model used in the discovery of chaos
 theory (the Lorenz attractor{3}) had two such areas that when graphically
 represented resembled butterfly wings.

      The way the brain uses chaos to ensure continual access to previously
 learned patterns is to develop these wings for different learned inputs.
 According to researchers, the background chaotic activity enables the system
 to jump rapidly into one of these wings when presented with the appropriate
 input.  "The transition back and forth between the wings or between the
 central part and one wing stands for phase transition{4} in the sense of
 physics and for pattern recognition in the sense of neural networks" (Yao &
 Freeman 1990).

      If the input does not send the system into one of these wings, it is
 considered a novel input (e.g. an unfamiliar scent) and "instead of producing
 one of its previously learned activity patterns, the system falls into a
 high-level chaotic state rather than into the basin for the background odor.
 This `chaotic well' enables the system to avoid all of its previously learned
 activity patterns and to produce a new one" (Skarda & Freeman 1987).

      Some researchers believe that this sort of chaotic background behavior
 is in fact necessary for the brain to engage in continual learning --
 categorizing a novel input into a novel category rather than trying to fit it
 into an existant category.

      "Without such a mechanism the system cannot avoid reproducing previously
 learned activity patterns and can only converge to behavior it has already
 learned" (ibid).

                          _Chaos in Neural Networks_

      Once Freeman decided that chaos "may be the chief property that makes
 the brain different from an artificial-intelligence machine" (Freeman 1991),
 it was up to the artificial neural system researchers to narrow the gap.

      Freeman himself was working on a computer simulation of the olfactory
 cortex by 1988, in part to allow for closer and more sustained monitoring of
 activity than was possible with EEGs on biological models (Eisenberg, Freeman
 & Burke 1989).  That model, based on what was then known about the olfactory
 bulb and using only eight artificial neurodes, replicated many of the
 features Freeman found in the biological counterpart.

      Other researchers created a simple artificial neurode model in which the
 individual neurons display chaotic behavior, modeling the behavior of
 biological neurons (Aihara, Takabe & Toyoda 1990; see also Ikeguchi, et al.
 1990).  At this point, however, the utility of single neurodes with chaotic
 dynamics is unknown, and macroscopic chaotic behavior can be modeled with
 more traditional artificial neurode models.

      Some of the earliest research into macroscopic chaotic behavior in
 artificial neural systems discussed how chaos might crop up as an
 unintentional by-product of a system with feed-forward and feed-back neurode
 outputs (Hopfield nets, for instance).  It was found that many such systems,
 if they have both excitatory and inhibitory connections between neurodes, can
 display chaotic behavior (Choi & Huberman 1983).  Fukai & Shiino (1990) found
 similar results by assigning specific neurodes the task of either excitation
 or inhibition, rather than making the neurodes neutral and having the
 weighted connections either inhibitory or excitatory{5}.

      Attempts to take advantage of chaos in artificial neural systems to
 reproduce benefits like those that Freeman and others have speculated are
 produced by chaos in the brain have met with some success.  One researcher
 found that by adding chaos to a Hopfield-type net{6} it could be made to only
 recognize certain classes of inputs and not form patterns for others, thus
 engaging in selective learning (Sandler 1990).

      The best indication that chaos can be practically utilized in artificial
 neural systems is in the performance of one that has already been developed.
 This chaotic system, designed to optically recognize four different types of
 industrial parts and determine whether or not they appear to be defective,
 was compared to non-chaotic artificial neural system implementations of the
 same problem{7} and was found to have significantly superior performance in
 positively identifying both acceptable and unacceptable parts (Yao, Freeman,
 Burke & Yang 1991).


      Artificial neural systems were designed to capture some of the useful
 brain functions by modeling the features of the brain.  Research into the
 function of the brain has led researchers to conclude that continuing
 background chaotic activity and chaotic dynamics in information processing
 are essential elements of biological neural systems.

      The questions, then, are whether chaos theory is necessary for
 artificial neural systems which seek to duplicate the brain's abilities, and
 to what extent chaos can be exploited to improve the performance of
 artificial neural systems.

      To the first question, there is as yet no answer.  Dr. Freeman believes
 that chaos is essential for brain activity, and "is a quality that makes the
 difference in survival between a creature with a brain in the real world and
 a robot that cannot function outside a controlled environment" (Bower 1988).

      Researchers like Freeman believe that systems that settle to equilibrium
 states or low-level oscillations rather than wells of chaotic activity are
 doomed to failure.  They make the analogy to biological neural systems, in
 which these non-chaotic behaviors are indicative of coma, seizure, or death.

      Others are not convinced.  They see chaos as an understandable
 by-product of complicated systems like the brain or artificial neural
 systems, but one which in itself does not necessarily add to the efficacy of
 the system.  Others, such as adaptive resonance theory creators Gail
 Carpenter and Stephen Grossberg, believe that the benefits that are
 supposedly offered by chaotic systems can be achieved in other ways, at least
 in artificial neural systems (ibid).

      The evidence seems to show, however, both that chaotic activity in the
 brain provides specific advantages to the biological creature, and that
 chaotic activity in artificial neural systems has the potential to provide
 specific advantages to that system.

      Some of the components of a successful artificial neural system
 displaying usefully chaotic behavior are:  Inter-field as well as intra-field
 connections, and both inhibitory and excitatory weights.  Other components
 which may prove useful are:  Neurodes which are either wholly excitatory or
 wholly inhibitory, the ability to switch weights from positive to negative
 based on the state of the system, and neurodes which themselves display
 chaotic behavior.

      Some of the beneficial behaviors we could expect from such systems are:
 Selective memorization, faster pattern recognition, recognition of new
 patterns as such and the development of new categories for these new
 patterns, and the ability to better distinguish patterns from background

      Many of these features have already been demonstrated (Yao, Freeman,
 Burke & Yang 1991; Sandler 1990), but only in very specific applications.
 The widespread use of chaos in artificial neural systems may be some time in
 coming, yet it seems unlikely that chaos theory will not play a part in the
 future development of these systems.


  {1} For a simple example, if you plot initial values for newton's method of
 solving for roots of the equation (x^4-1=0) with a color corresponding to
 which of the four solutions the method finally converges to for that initial
 value, you will find wide regions of uniform coloration.  Between these
 regions, however, will be borders which display a fascinating pattern of
 colors with seemingly little relation to their distance from the associated
 root.  See page 6 of the color illustrations in Gleick (1987).

  {2} Some of the research on chaos at the neuron level is briefly summarized
 in Aihara, et al.  They write, for instance, that "it has been clarified not
 only experimentally with squid giant axons but also numerically with the
 Hodgkin-Huxley equations that responses of a resting nerve membrane to
 periodic stimulation are not always periodic and that the apparently
 nonperiodic responses can be understood as deterministic chaos."  A number of
 references to papers relating to chaotic neuron behavior are included.

  {3} See page one of the color illustrations in Gleick (1987) for a picture
 of the Lorenz attractor, or page 50 of the text for illustrations of how
 phase-space portraits are made.

  {4} An example of a phase transition in physics is that between the liquid
 and solid states of matter.  There is a temperature, for instance, at which a
 small change in that temperature will result in a dramatic change (from
 liquid to ice) in the properties of water.  Similarly, Freeman (1991) found
 that "neural collectives in the [olfactory] bulb and cortex ... jump globally
 and almost instantly from a nonburst to a burst state and then back again...
 [D]ramatic changes in response to weak input are, it will be recalled,
 another feature of chaotic systems."

  {5} This was to simulate the "Dale hypothesis" that in the brain each neuron
 has only an excitatory or an inhibitory nature.

  {6} For purposes of this discussion, consider a Hopfield net to be simply an
 artificial neural system with both feed-forward and feed-back connections.
 Sandler also included in his paper the requirement that for some states of
 the network, the weights of connections between neurodes be able to switch
 abruptly from positive to negative, and this was necessary for his results.
 Sandler found that such neuron connections have been known to appear in
 nature, such as in the chlorine synapses of some chordless animals, and
 suggested that researchers try to find similar neurons in mammilian brains.
 This is an interesting case of neurobiological research into the brain
 prompting computer science research into brain simulation which in return
 prompts (one is tempted to say "backpropagates") further lines of inquiry to
 the neurobiologists.

  {7} Described as a neural network binary autoassociator, a three-layer
 feedforward network with back-propagation, the olfactory bulb model described
 in (Eisenberg, et al. 1989), as well as a standard Bayesian statistical


 Aihara, K., Takabe, T., & Toyoda, M (1990) Chaotic Neural Networks _Physics
 Letters A_, _144_, 333-340

 Babloyantz, A., Salazar, J.M., & Nicolis, C. (1985) Evidence of chaotic
 dynamics of brain activity during the sleep cycle _Physics Letters_, _111A_,

 Bower, B. Chaotic Connections (1988) _Science News_, _133_ 58-59

 Choi, M.Y. & Huberman, B.A. (1983) Dynamic behavior of nonlinear networks
 _Physical Review A_, _28_, 1204-1206

 Eisenberg, J., Freeman, W. J., & Burke, B. (1989) Hardware Architecture of a
 Neural Network Model Simulating Pattern Recognition by the Olfactory Bulb
 _Neural Networks_, _2_ 315-325

 Freeman, W. J., Yao, Y., & Burke, B. (1988) Central Pattern Generating and
 Recognizing in Olfactory Bulb:  A Correlation Learning Rule _Neural
 Networks_, _1_, 277-288

 Freeman, W. J. & Yao, Y. (1990) Model of Biological Pattern Recognition with
 Spatially Chaotic Dynamics _Neural Networks_, _3_, 153-170

 Freeman, W. J. (1991) The Physiology of Perception _Scientific American_,
 _264/2_, 78-85

 Fukai, T. & Shiino, M. (1990) Asymmetric Neural Networks Incorporating the
 Dale Hypothesis and Noise-Driven Chaos _Physical Review Letters_, _64_,

 Gleick, J. (1987) _Chaos:  Making a New Science_ New York: Viking Penguin

 Guevara, M.R., Glass, L., Mackey, M.C., & Shrier, A. (1983) Chaos in
 Neurobiology _IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics_, _SMC-13_,

 Ikeguchi, T., Itoh, S., Utsunomiya, T., & Aihara, K. (1990) A dimensional
 analysis on chaotic neural networks _Electronics and Communications in
 Japan_, _Part 3, V. 73_ 89-97

 Sandler, Yu. M. (1990) Model of neural networks with selective memorization
 and chaotic behavior _Physics Letters A_, _144_ 462-466

 Schoner, G. & Kelso, J. A. S. (1988) Dynamic pattern generation in behavioral
 and neural systems _Science_, _239_, 1513-1519

 Skarda, C. A. & Freeman, W. J. (1987) How brains make chaos in order to make
 sense of the world _Behavioral and Brain Sciences_, _10_, 161-195 with Open
 Peer Commentary

 Wang, L., Pichler, E. E., & Ross, J. (1990) Oscillations and chaos in neural
 networks:  An exactly solvable model _Proceedings of the National Academy of
 Sciences_, _87_ 9467-9471

 Yao, Y., Freeman, W. J., Burke, B., & Yang, Q. (1991) Pattern Recognition by
 a Distributed Neural Network:  An Industrial Application _Neural Networks_,
 _4_, 103-121

******** INTERNET: dgross@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU ******* GEnie: D.GROSS10 ********
"That man has missed something who has never left a brothel at sunrise feeling
 like throwing himself into the river out of pure disgust."
					-- Gustave Flaubert