[comp.ai.neural-nets] backperc info needed

mcdonald@Daisy.EE.UND.AC.ZA (Bruce J McDonald) (06/04/91)

Hi there

Some excitement has been generated on the net due to tantalising
announcements about a new neural-net training algorithm called
backpercolation.  Does anybody out there have any specific info
which would allow me to write some C++ code.  Algorithms and 
references to research papers would be really nice.

bruce mcdonald, University of Natal, Durban, South Africa

dens@flammulated.rice.edu (Dennis Allen Schmitz) (06/06/91)

I too am looking for backperc references. As yet, I only have a vague
recollection of a message claiming that the algorythm doesn't get caught
in local minima. I should pay more attention to what I'm reading, but I don't
remember where I even saw it. Thanks.


A better email address is: Dennis=Schmitz%CPU=Test%Mfg=Hou@bangate.compaq.com


dens@owlnet.rice.edu                      "...and if I claim to be a wise man,
den%cpu=test%mfg=hou@bangate.compaq.com   it surely means that I don't know."