[comp.ai.neural-nets] Neuron Digest V7 #35

neuron-request@HPLMS2.HPL.HP.COM ("Neuron-Digest Moderator Peter Marvit") (06/14/91)

Neuron Digest   Thursday, 13 Jun 1991
                Volume 7 : Issue 35

Today's Topics:
                  Re: information sought on AI systems

Send submissions, questions, address maintenance and requests for old issues to
"neuron-request@hplabs.hp.com" or "{any backbone,uunet}!hplabs!neuron-request"
Use "ftp" to get old issues from hplpm.hpl.hp.com (


Subject: Re: information sought on AI systems
From:    ntm1169@dsac.dla.mil (Mott Given)
Organization: Defense Logistics Agency Systems Automation Center, Columbus
Date:    03 Jun 91 12:56:06 +0000

[[ Editor's Note: Obviously, not all of the software listed below is
Neural Network related.  But experience has shown that many folks who are
interested in connectionist theories and applications also have at least
half an eye on "traditional" AI.  Happy computing! -PM ]]

         AI software and articles available via anonymous FTP
                         over the INTERNET

    In getting a copy of this software, please be considerate of the host
    site and try to do the file transfer during off-hours.  A large
    number of anonymous FTP users can cause a significant drain on
    computer system resources which could prevent the regular users of 
    them from doing their jobs.  Sites which have this problem may suddenly
    decide to shut off anonymous FTP access to the outside world.  (Your
    local computer wizard can show you how to set up a batch job that will
    start automatically at night to get the file.)

    In getting a file by anonymous FTP, you may need to change directory
    directly to the directory which has your files of interest, instead of
    descending the directory step by step, if you are accessing a machine
    using the Andrew file system.  These sites have implemented this for
    security reasons.  The directory names usually begin "/afs/..."

    This is intended to be a guide to major or significant packages, and
    is not intended to list the innumerable smaller AI programs available
    on computers such as wmsr-simtel20.army.mil.

    If you can think of any additions or corrections, please contact me at:
             Mott Given
             Bldg. 27-1
             P.O. Box 1605
             Columbus, OH 43216-5002

             INTERNET e-mail:  mgiven@dsac.dla.mil
             UUCP e-mail: ...{osu-cis}!dsac!mgiven
             Phone:  614-238-9431
             AUTOVON: 850-9431  
             FAX: 614-238-9928 

 Software        | Host to get it from      |  Directory where software resides
 Adaptive Logic  | meniak.cs.alberta.ca     |  /pub/atree
 Network         |                          |
 AI general topics    | ai.istc.ca          |  /pub/bib                
 AI general topics    | ccweq.tamu.edu      |  /bib                    
 AI general topics    | sumex-aim.stanford.edu   |  /pub/ai*.bib            
 AI in Japan     | cs.arizona.edu           |  /japan/kahaner.reports  
 Artificial life | iuvax.cs.indiana.edu     |  /pub/alife/papers 
 AKCL            | rascal.ics.utexas.edu    |  /pub
 bps             | gmuvax2.gmu.edu          |  /nn
 Belief          | hustat.harvard.edu       |  
                 | belegica.stat.washington.edu 
 Cascade         | pt.cs.cmu.edu            | /afs/cs/project/connect/code
 Correlation algorithm
 CLX             |  expo.lcs.mit.edu        | 
 Cognitive science  | princeton.edu         |  /pub/harnad           
 Cognitive science  | cogsci.indiana.edu    |  /pub/chalmers.bib.*     
 CONDELA         |  tut.cis.ohio-state.edu  | /pub/condela
 elk             | labrea.stanford.edu      |  /pub
                 | uunet.uu.net             |  /X11
                 | mcsun.eu.net             | /programming/languages/elk-scheme
                 | funic.funet.fi           |  /pub/unix/languages/scheme
 Fools Lisp      | scam.berkeley.edu        |  /src/local/fools.tar.Z
 FROBS           | cs.utah.edu              |  /pub/frobs.tar.Z
 FROLIC          | cs.utah.edu              |  /pub/frolic.tar.Z
 FULL            | doghen.boltz.cs.cmu.edu  |  /full/full.tar.Z
 GBB             | dime.cs.umass.edu        |  /gbb
 GENESIS         | sdcsvax.ucsd.edu         |  /pub/GA
 GNU  Smalltalk  | prep.ai.mit.edu          |  /pub/gnu/smalltalk.1.1.tar.Z  
 GRADSIM         | linc.cis.upenn.edu       |  /pub/gradsim.v2.tar.Z
 GROPE           | louie.udel.edu           |  /pub/Grope.tar.Z
 Human computer  | cheops.cis.ohio-state.edu|  /pub/hcibib             
 Integrated      | tut.cis.ohio-state.edu   |  /pub/toolset/toolset.tar.Z
 Generic Task Toolset (also called CSRL)
 ISSNNET issues   | cs.utah.edu             |  /pub/Neural_nets        
 lambda PROLOG   |  a.ergo.cs.cmu.edu       |  /pub/ess
 Little Smalltalk|  cs.orst.edu             |  /pub/budd/small.v3.tar
 machine learning| ics.uci.edu              
 databases       |              /usr2/ftp/spool/pub/machine-learning-databases
 Machine learning | ics.uci.edu             |  /ml-list                
 list archives
 Mactivation     |  boulder.colorado.edu    |  /pub
 mit cscheme-7.0 |  ftp.diku.dk             |  /pub/scheme-7.0.
 Mul-T           |  masala.lcs.mit.edu      |  /pub
 MVL             |  t.stanford.edu          |  /mvl
 Natural language     | archive.cs.rpi.edu  |  /nl-kr  
 USENET group comp.ai.nlang-know-rep
 Neural network  | cheops.cis.ohio-state.edu|  /neuroprose             
 NEURON Digest   | hplpm.hlp.hp.com         |  /pub/Neuron-Digest      
 NeuralGraphics  |  blackbird.afit.af.mil   |  
 opt             | cse.ogc.edu              |  /ogc2/guest/ftp/pub/nnvowels
 Open Prolog     | nexus.yorku.ca           |  /pub/prolog
 PCL             | arisia.xerox.com         |  /pcl
 PC-Scheme       | altdorf.ai.mit.edu       |  /archive/pc-scheme
 pdprolog        | wuarchive.wustl.edu      |  /mirrors/msdos/prolog
 PFL             | linc.cis.upenn.edu       |  /pub/pfl
 Picasso         | berkeley.edu             |  /pub
 Postgres        | postgres.berkeley.edu    |
 Protos          | cs.utexas.edu            |  /pub/porter
 Pseudoscheme    | zurich.ai.mit.edu        |  /pub/pseudo/pseudo-2-7.tar 
 QSIM            | cs.utexas.edu            |  /pub/qsim
 Rochester       |  cs.rochester.edu        |  /pub/simulator
 Connectionist Simulator                    |
 ROLOG           |  cs.uiuc.edu             |  /pub/ROLOG
 SBprolog        | cs.arizona.edu           |  /sbprolog
 SB-HiLog        | sbcs.sunysb.edu          |  /pub/hilog/hilog.tar.Z
 Scheme->C       |  gatekeeper.dec.com      |  /pub/DEC/Scheme-to-C
 Scheme examples |  nexus.yorku.ca          |  /pub/scheme
 SchemeTex       |            |  /pub/schemeTeX.sh
 schelog         | titan.rice.edu           |  /public/schelog.sh
 SCIX            |  expo.lcs.mit.edu        |   /contrib/scix-0.96.tar.Z
 SIOD            |  BU.EDU                  |   /users/gjc 
 Smalltalk examples | st.cs.uiuc.edu        | /ISA  and /MANCHESTER directories
 SunNet          | boulder.colorado.edu     |  SunNet5.5.tar.Z
 T               |  WHEATIES.AI.MIT.EDU     |  /pub/t3.1.  
 Tmycin          |  sumex-aim.stanford.edu  |  /tmycin
 VHDL parser     | mcns.mcnc.org            |  vhdl.tar.Z
 Viola           | scam.berkeley.edu        |  /src/local/viola
 Virtual reality | milton.u.washington.edu  |  archive of USENET postings
 XScheme         | terminator.cc.umich.edu  | /msdos
                 | orville.nas.nasa.gov     | xscheme-0.22.tar
 XWIP            | expo.lcs.mit.edu         |  /contrib/R4/xwip.tar.Z
 WINTERP         | expo.lcs.mit.edu         |  /contrib/winterp
 YYonX           | ftp.csrl.aoyama.ac.jp    |  YY directory

BELIEF - a package in Common Lisp that implements Dempster and Kong fusion

CONDELA - a neural network definition language

elk - version of Scheme    

Fools Lisp - from scam.berkeley.edu ( via anonymous
ftp in src/local/fools.tar.Z (a compressed tar file, so remember to
turn on binary mode).

FULL (Fully connected temporally recurrent network) -
  login: ftpguest
  password: oaklisp

GBB - blackboard tool

GRADSIM - connectionist neural network simulator designed for experiments with
the temporal flow model

Little Smalltalk - Tim Budd's version of Smalltalk

MIT cscheme-70 ftp.diku.dk ( in directory /pub/scheme-7.0 

opt - neural net training program based on conjugate-gradient optimization
Pseudoscheme from zurich.ai.mit.edu, file pub/pseudo/pseudo-2-7.tar 

pdprolog is a version of PROLOG for personal computers.

ROLOG is a Reduce-OR process model that is a parallel PROLOG compiler.

SB-HiLog is a version of PROLOG

Scheme->C (Digital Equipment Corp.)     Scheme to C compiler
anonymous ftp from 'gatekeeper.dec.com'
[]. The Scheme->C files are in '/pub/DEC/Scheme-to-C'

SchemeTex provides simple support for literate programming in any dialect of
LISP on a UNIX machine

SCIX (Scheme Interface to X Window System)
from expo.lcs.mit.edu:~ftp/contrib/scix-0.96.tar.Z

SIOD (Scheme in One Defun) version of SCHEME , FTP to BU.EDU, cd /users/gjc 
Mul-T - dialect of Scheme extended for parallel processors

MVL - a multi-valued logic program written in Common LISP

Picasso - a CLOS-based GUI

Postgres - an object-oriented database

Protos - a case-based reasoner in Common LISP

ROLOG - a parallel PROLOG

QSIM - a qualitative physics/reasoning package in Common LISP

T version of Scheme from WHEATIES.AI.MIT.EDU (
in the directory pub/t3.1.  
Viola - Visually Interactive Graphical Design Engine

Xlisp (as part of WINTERP system under X windows) from expo.lcs.mit.edu.

XScheme anonymous ftp to terminator.cc.umich.edu ( 

XWIP (X Window interface for PROLOG)    

VHDL parser is a parser/formatter written in PROLOG

WINTERP - an X-LISP based rapid prototyping environment using OSF MOTIF
Mott Given @ Defense Logistics Agency Systems Automation Center,
             DSAC-TMP, Bldg. 27-1, P.O. Box 1605, Columbus, OH 43216-5002
INTERNET:  mgiven@dsac.dla.mil   UUCP: ...{osu-cis}!dsac!mgiven
Phone:  614-238-9431  AUTOVON: 850-9431   FAX: 614-238-9928 I speak for myself


End of Neuron Digest [Volume 7 Issue 35]