T1W@psuvm.psu.edu (06/19/91)
Does anyone have available--online?--Fisher's iris data set? Or does anyone know where we might be able to acquire it?
brady@brahms.udel.edu (Joseph Brady) (06/19/91)
In article <91169.180706T1W@psuvm.psu.edu> T1W@psuvm.psu.edu writes: >Does anyone have available--online?--Fisher's iris data set? Or does >anyone know where we might be able to acquire it? I have seen this data set reproduced in SAS manuals, version 5.
ntm1169@dsac.dla.mil (Mott Given) (06/20/91)
From article <22223@brahms.udel.edu>, by brady@brahms.udel.edu (Joseph Brady): > In article <91169.180706T1W@psuvm.psu.edu> T1W@psuvm.psu.edu writes: >>Does anyone have available--online?--Fisher's iris data set? Or does >>anyone know where we might be able to acquire it? It is available online. I have the information on how to FTP it below, which I have abridged as it was a very long article: From: bradley@cs.utexas.edu (Bradley L. Richards) Newsgroups: comp.ai.edu,comp.ai Subject: Re: Public Data (machine learning) Keywords: machine learning Date: 19 Jun 90 20:05:07 GMT Organization: U. Texas CS Dept., Austin, Texas In article <25021@unix.cis.pitt.edu> jcst@unix.cis.pitt.edu (John J Cierniakoski) writes: >How can I get a copy, either machine readable or paper, of >"Quinlan's Mushroom Data"? UCI maintains an extensive set of publically available data sets suitable for machine learning implementations, including the "mushroom" data. They are also interested in new data sets with documentation. ... =============================================================================== This is the UCI Repository Of Machine Learning Databases 7 February 1990 ics.uci.edu: /usr2/spool/ftp/pub/machine-learning-databases Site Librarian: David W. Aha (aha@ics.uci.edu) 47 databases (5884K plus 1 offline database of unknown size) =============================================================================== Included in this directory are data sets that have been or can be used to evaluate learning algorithms. Each data file (*.data) consists of individual records described in terms of attribute-value pairs. See the corresponding *.names file for voluminous documentation. (Some files _generate_ databases; they do not have *.data files.) The contents of this repository can be remotely copied to other network sites via ftp. Both the userid and password are "anonymous". ... -- Mott Given @ Defense Logistics Agency Systems Automation Center, DSAC-TMP, Bldg. 27-1, P.O. Box 1605, Columbus, OH 43216-5002 INTERNET: mgiven@dsac.dla.mil UUCP: ...{osu-cis}!dsac!mgiven Phone: 614-238-9431 AUTOVON: 850-9431 FAX: 614-238-9928 I speak for myself
nlonginow@falcon.aamrl.wpafb.af.mil (06/20/91)
In article <22223@brahms.udel.edu>, brady@brahms.udel.edu (Joseph Brady) writes: > In article <91169.180706T1W@psuvm.psu.edu> T1W@psuvm.psu.edu writes: >>Does anyone have available--online?--Fisher's iris data set? Or does >>anyone know where we might be able to acquire it? > > I have seen this data set reproduced in SAS manuals, > version 5. You could always get a copy of his original article, "The use of multiple measurements in taxonomic problems", R.A. Fisher. , Annals of Eugenics, 7, pg 179-188, 1936.
tbarkerd@cc.curtin.edu.au (06/25/91)
In article <91169.180706T1W@psuvm.psu.edu>, T1W@psuvm.psu.edu writes: > > Does anyone have available--online?--Fisher's iris data set? Or does > anyone know where we might be able to acquire it? I believe, but am not completely sure, you might find the data itself or part there of in the latest or even previous SAS (statistical package) manuals, called SASSTAT. The DISCRIM procedure uses some or all of Fisher's Iris data as an example to show how the DISCRIM procedure works. Any decent university library should have these manuals. Hope this helps! Dave Barker tbarkerd@cc.curtin.edu.au School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Curtin University Perth Western Australia