sanand@radha.UUCP (Sanand Patel) (03/23/88)
I am looking for help in any or all of the following. We are trying to write (network) device drivers for the Microvax II. We have 4.3BSD source code, but are finding that 4.3BSD drivers do not port very well to the Microvax II under Ultrix 2.x. Any Tips/Pointers/Source would be very welcome: 1) Device driver hook differences between 4.3BSD and Ultrix 2.x (Uvax). 2) Device driver source for the Microvax under Ultrix 2.x. (Especially network device drivers). 3) Documentation. Pointers to documentation, etc. I have tried Ultrix Software Support (in Canada), and they know of know information that could be helpful (that DEC has). Thanks, Sanand Patel --- --- --- UUCP: {uunet!mnetor, lsuc, dciem}!radha!sanand --- 416-756-4100 -- --- --- --- UUCP: {uunet!mnetor, lsuc, dciem}!radha!sanand --- 416-756-4100
sanand@radha.UUCP (Sanand Patel) (04/06/88)
I am looking for help in any or all of the following. We are trying to write (network) device drivers for the Microvax II. We have 4.3BSD source code, but are finding that 4.3BSD drivers do not port very well to the Microvax II under Ultrix 2.x. Any Tips/Pointers/Source would be very welcome: 1) Device driver hook differences between 4.3BSD and Ultrix 2.x (Uvax). 2) Device driver source for the Microvax under Ultrix 2.x. (Especially network device drivers). 3) Documentation. Pointers to documentation, etc. I have tried Ultrix Software Support (in Canada), and they know of know information that could be helpful (that DEC has). Thanks, Sanand Patel --- --- --- UUCP: {uunet!mnetor, lsuc, dciem}!radha!sanand --- 416-756-4100