[net.micro] Comparison of Atari 520ST and Commodore Amiga

jan@looking.UUCP (Jan Gray) (07/28/85)

Here is a comparison of the Atari 520ST and the Commodore Amiga.  Any
information in this article has been taken from various magazine articles
(Infoworld, Personal Computing, Analog, Antic and Atari Explorer), first
hand experience, net articles, and of course rumours.  Take *everything*
with a pinch of salt. 

		Atari 520ST			Commodore Amiga

processor	8 MHz 68000			8 Mhz 68000

RAM		512K				256K + 256K expansion board

ROM		little (later, 192K?)		192K
		GEM may be available in ROMs
		sometime around August, for
		a $40 upgrade fee.

expansion	128K ROM cartridge slot, hard	256K RAM slot, full system bus
connectors	disk (DMA), floppy disk, modem	connector(!), floppy disk, modem
		(RS-232), printer (Centronics), (RS-232), printer (Centronics),
		monochrome/colour monitor,	stereo RCA audio plugs, RGB
		MIDI in and out, joystick and	monitor, TV/MOD? and NTSC video,
		mouse ports.			joystick and mouse ports.

graphics	640 X 400  monochrome		640 X 400  16 colours
resolution	640 X 200   4 colours		640 X 200  16 colours
		320 X 200  16 colours		320 X 400  32 colours
						320 X 200  32 colours
						(plus some ability to display
						 different resolutions on
						 different parts of screen)

palette size	512 colours			4096 colours

fancy graphics	no?				bitblt in VLSI?

video outputs	monochrome, RGB			analog RGB, digital RGB, NTSC

sound hardware	GI sound chip (AY-8910?) Three	Who knows? Stereo sound
		voices, 30-20000 Hz, program-	generation, and some special
		mable waveform, envelope, and	functions in VLSI?

keyboard	part of unit; function keys,	detachable; function keys,
		numeric keypad, cursor keys,	numeric keypad, cursor keys
		HELP and UNDO keys(!)

floppies	3.5" floppy, holds 350K (for-	3.5" floppy, holds 880K (for-
		matted), attached by expansion	matted?), built-in.  Expansion
		connector, more floppies daisy	connector for second drive.

hard disk	15 Mbytes, $500?  Attaches	20 Mbytes (from Tecmar), $1000?
		to DMA and hard disk expansion	Attaches to system expansion
		connector (built-in).		bus.

IBM compat.	no				yes, via $500 Trump card

OS		GEM and TOS (CPM/68K)		Intuition and AmigaDOS
		Similar to Mac Finder		Similar to Mac Finder?

future		compact disk ROM (holds 500	Trump card ($500); digitizer;
peripherals	MBytes of data); 800K floppy;	"Genlock Interface" (merges
		cheap graphics printers 	video with screen images);
						frame grabber; MIDI interface;
						music keyboard; multifunction
						accessory card (2 Mbytes of
						RAM, serial port, printer port
						or Winchester interface, and
						power supply); Pitchwriter
						("sound grabber"?)

mass market	Atari 260STD			Doubtful.

general		Real soon now.			Real soon now?

software	Real soon now.			Real soon now.

price		$800				$2000
		(Atari 520ST with high res.	(Commodore Amiga with 256K
		 monochrome monitor, mouse,	 of memory, built in 880K
		 and 350K floppy drive)		 floppy, and mouse ($1300),
						 plus 256K board ($200),
						 plus high resolution colour
						 monitor ($500).

The Amiga, with all of its special function VLSIs, seems to be the
better machine -- but is it worth 2.5X as much as the Atari 520ST?
How badly do *you* want multitasking and spiffing graphics?

Jan Gray and David Rowley
Looking Glass Software, Waterloo, ON
(519) 884-7473

LAVITSKY@RU-BLUE.ARPA (Eric) (07/31/85)


 Here are some corrections to Jan Gray's Amiga/ST comparison. My
corrections look like TECO comments (!* xxx !)...


		Atari 520ST			Commodore Amiga

processor	8 MHz 68000			8 Mhz 68000 !* 7.8Mhz !

RAM		512K				256K + 256K expansion board
						!* 8 Meg externally !

ROM		little (later, 192K?)		192K
		GEM may be available in ROMs
		sometime around August, for
		a $40 upgrade fee.

expansion	128K ROM cartridge slot, hard	256K RAM slot, full system bus
connectors	disk (DMA), floppy disk, modem	connector(!), floppy disk,modem
		(RS-232), printer (Centronics), (RS-232), printer (Centronics),
		monochrome/colour monitor,	stereo RCA audio plugs, RGB
		MIDI in and out, joystick and	monitor, TV/MOD? and NTSC video,
		mouse ports.			joystick and mouse ports.
						!* Connector for RF Mod !

graphics	640 X 400  monochrome		640 X 400  16 colours
resolution	640 X 200   4 colours		640 X 200  16 colours
		320 X 200  16 colours		320 X 400  32 colours
						320 X 200  32 colours
						(plus some ability to display
						 different resolutions on
						 different parts of screen)
 						!* Special 'hold and modify
						mode allows displaying all
						4096 colors at once. Sprites
						and 'blobs' (blitter objects)!

palette size	512 colours			4096 colours

fancy graphics	no?				bitblt in VLSI?
hardware					!* Yes, and sprites !

video outputs	monochrome, RGB			analog RGB, digital RGB, NTSC

sound hardware	GI sound chip (AY-8910?) Three	Who knows? Stereo sound
		voices, 30-20000 Hz, program-	generation, and some special
		mable waveform, envelope, and	functions in VLSI?
						!* Custom VLSI, stero output.
						Four channels (multiple voices
						on each). Plus digital sampling
						capability. !

keyboard	part of unit; function keys,	detachable; function keys,
		numeric keypad, cursor keys,	numeric keypad, cursor keys
		HELP and UNDO keys(!)		!* Slides under main unit !

floppies	3.5" floppy, holds 350K (for-	3.5" floppy, holds 880K (for-
		matted), attached by expansion	matted?), built-in.  Expansion
		connector, more floppies daisy	connector for second drive.
		chained?			!* May daisy chain up to 3
						external floppies !

hard disk	15 Mbytes, $500?  Attaches	20 Mbytes (from Tecmar), $1000?
		to DMA and hard disk expansion	Attaches to system expansion
		connector (built-in).		bus.

IBM compat.	no				yes, via $500 Trump card
						!* Check that - IBM stuff
						is done in sofware. If you
						want a 5-1/4" drive, add
						~$300 !

OS		GEM and TOS (CPM/68K)		Intuition and AmigaDOS
		Similar to Mac Finder		Similar to Mac Finder?
						!* Similiar only in that
						they both use windows and
						icons. Amiga option lets
						you use CLI, a Command Line
						Interface smiliar to MS-DOS.!

future		compact disk ROM (holds 500	Trump card ($500); digitizer;
peripherals	MBytes of data); 800K floppy;	"Genlock Interface" (merges
		cheap graphics printers 	video with screen images);
						frame grabber; MIDI interface;
						music keyboard; multifunction
						accessory card (2 Mbytes of
						RAM, serial port, printer port
						or Winchester interface, and
						power supply); Pitchwriter
						("sound grabber"?)

mass market	Atari 260STD			Doubtful.
versions					!* Maybe later next year, but
						Commodore will maintain a
						minimum 30% profit margin
						for dealers !

general		Real soon now.			Real soon now?
availability					!* Sept. 15 !

software	Real soon now.			Real soon now.
						!* Some packages available
						even now. At least 20 will
						be available on Sept 15 !

price		$800				$2000
		(Atari 520ST with high res.	(Commodore Amiga with 256K
		 monochrome monitor, mouse,	 of memory, built in 880K
		 and 350K floppy drive)		 floppy, and mouse ($1300),
						 plus 256K board ($200),
						 plus high resolution colour
						 monitor ($500).

>The Amiga, with all of its special function VLSIs, seems to be the
>better machine -- but is it worth 2.5X as much as the Atari 520ST?
>How badly do *you* want multitasking and spiffing graphics?

The Amiga is faster, more expandable has more built in and is
generally more powerfull by a large margin.


UUCP:	...{harvard,seismo,ut-sally,sri-iu,ihnp4!packard}!topaz!eric
SNAIL:	16 Oak St., Flr 2
	New Brunswick, NJ  08903