[comp.unix.ultrix] Viking/Exabyte Tape Drives on uVaxII's??

hurf@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu (Hurf Sheldon) (09/26/88)

Reply-to: hurf@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu (Hurf Sheldon)

	We presently have Ultrix2.0 & 2.3 uVaxen with rqdx3/rd53's and
	sigma/maxtor disk systems being backed up remotely & directly 
	to a TK50. We are looking at alternatives to speed up both the 
	dump and restore process.

	Has anyone experience with the TD Systems Viking QTO/Exabyte
	8mm videotape subsystem? This 'tmscp compatible'
	drive system has come to my attention and the VMS based performance
	comparisons show it to be 6 time faster than a TK50 for VMS
	backups. Under Ultrix I assume there would be a corresponding
	gain but what about restores? New pricing from Trimarchi makes it
	attractive vs the TK70 and tapes hold 2GB at $10 each as opposed
	to .3GB at $45.00 each.

	Thanks in advance,
     Hurf Sheldon			 Network: hurf@ionvax.tn.cornell.edu
     Lab of Plasma Studies		  Bitnet: hurf@CRNLION
     369 Upson Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. 14853  ph:607 255 7267
     I sold my Elan, got a job in science; Now, no one takes me seriously.

kg@elan.UUCP (Ken Greer) (11/08/88)

Reply-to: kg@elan.UUCP (Ken Greer)

>From article <60432@felix.UUCP>, by hurf@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu (Hurf Sheldon):
> Reply-to: hurf@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu (Hurf Sheldon)
> 	Has anyone experience with the TD Systems Viking QTO/Exabyte
> 	8mm videotape subsystem?

We have just installed an Exabyte EXB-8200 with a Viking QTO controller on
our Microvax II running Ultrix 2.3.  We purchased the set from Eakins
Associates in Mt View California. The cost for the above in a rack mount
cabinet was $5,400.  Recommended tapes are Sony 8mm Video tapes.  These
cost about $8 each at any video/record store and hold 2.3 MB each.

The results:

1. We installed it a week ago.  Did one backup and the Exabyte failed
   the next day!  The vendor (Eakins) swapped the drive and it now seems
   to work fine.  The technician said there is an above average infant
   mortality rate on the Exabyte units.

2. We have performed a grand total of two backups so far.
   In single user mode, we backed up about 600 MB in roughly
   two hours (That's 5 MB/minute).  I'm amazed at the speed!
   This is much faster than a TK-50.  But, then again, watching
   ice freeze is faster than a TK-50.

I am, so far, very impressed with this unit.  We can now due EPOCH
backups of the ENTIRE system EVERY night on a SINGLE tape!
And automatically -- Just throw in a cartridge and go home!

This is a hot item.  I'll keep the net posted to any problems.
Ken Greer
Elan Computer Group, Inc.