klinedin@jvnca.csc.org (01/31/89)
Reply-to: klinedin@jvnca.csc.org We want to evaluate using RA90 style disks on a Vax 8600 running Ultrix 2.2. The DEC release information states that RA90's are not supported under this version, and will not be supported until Ultrix 3.0. Does anyone have any current experience running with this style disk on Ultrix and would be willing to provide advice as to configuration and/or problems encountered? We would like to be able to make a decision about these disks before Ultrix 3.0 is available. Thanks in advance! Mail responses to klinedin@jvnca.csc.org. =============================================================================== Tom Klinedinst tel: (609) 520-2000 Internet: "klinedin@jvncf.csc.org" Bitnet: "KLINEDINST@jvncc" JOHN VON NEUMANN NATIONAL SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER Unix Systems ===============================================================================