jim@umigw.MIAMI.EDU (jim brown) (04/30/89)
I have had a few problems with MIPS F77 v1.0 on a DECStation 3100: (Where does one report these problems -- DEC, MIPS?) 1) arguments to ASF's are not treated as dummy variables. If there is an actual variable declared prior to the ASF with the same name as one of the ASF's arguments then F77 interprets each occurrence of the argument as the previously declared variable. Changing the ASF argument names to something unique within the module eliminates the problem. REAL X(15,72) RAD(X) = X*PI/180. ! PI is a PARAMETER = 3.1415926 ANG(X) = X*180./PI ... COS(ANG(ALAT)) generates an error 2) READ(lun,namelist) is not recognized as a NAMELIST read. Must instead use READ(lun,nml=namelist). 3) Option -O2 causes optimization of NAMELIST variables _across_ NAMELIST reads. Use -O1 instead. 4) `WRITE(6,fmt) ( (A(I,1), A(I,14), A(I,15)), I=1,N)' gives a compile error. Using `( A(I,1), A(I,14), A(I,15), I=1,N )' works OK. 5) `OPEN (UNIT = 25, FILE = OUTFL1, STATUS = 'UNKNOWN')' gives an invalid assignment compile error. `OPEN(UNIT=25,FILE=OUTFL1, STATUS='UNKNOWN')' works OK. -- Jim Brown, University of Miami, RSMAS/MPO [send mail to jim@umigw.miami.edu]