APratt.osbunorth@XEROX.ARPA (08/06/85)
(in case it didn't make it through, the Reply-To: should read APratt.PA@Xerox.ARPA. Sorry about the wide distribution, but I can't seem to get to INFO-IBMPC.) I have a question about the IBM BIOS Timer routine: Do any programs out there care if the timer value returned from the BIOS doesn't match the time-of-day value returned by the MS-DOS "get time of day" function call? In writing my own CLOCK$ device driver, I am keeping time independently of the BIOS and the external 8255. If, for example, the BIOS time counter runs slow because of missing the 55ms ticks, but the time reported by MS-DOS stays accurate, will that throw anybody off? If you know of programs which compute time-of-day directly from the BIOS instead of going through DOS, or know of other considerations here, please answer this in net mail -- I'll post a summary if it's interesting. Thanks, as they say, in advance... -- Allan Pratt