Hello, Well, after listening to the clamor about 8mm tape subsystems mount, we have decided to join the ranks of the saved and purchase an pair of Exabyte drives. But alas, one last question to be answered; Do we buy Sony consumer grade tapes ( at $7.49 each) or blow the whole wad and get Exabyte Data grade tapes ( at $16.50 each). I am prone to believe that Sony 8mm will suffice, while the "...convienient digital error rate readout " will alert me to a worn-out tape. Anyone have any bad experiences with consumer grade 8mm tapes? Will the Exabyte give an adequate indication of the conditions of a tape, allowing bad tapes to be detected early? Thanks Stephen Miller The Massachusetts Microelectronics Center System Manager 75 North Drive Westboro, Mass. 01581 harvard!m2c!miller (508)870-0312