s36579e@taltta.hut.fi (08/18/90)
I have a problem to with digital laser-writer LN03r and with LAT-protocol. The problem is: I can print files from my ultrix-host vaxstation 2000 by using lat-protocol to decserver 200 which forwards jobs to laser-writer. Everything is just allright but I want that printer print scandinavian characters instead of other special characters. We have also a vms-machine connected to lan but when I print files from there those scandinavian characters works just fine. So is it a problem with my printcap or do I need some extra specifications to my decserver 200 ? # @(#)printcap 4.1 (ULTRIX) 11/23/87 laser|lp1:\ :af=/usr/adm/lp1acct:\ :br#9600:\ :xc#0177777 :if=/usr/lib/lpdfilters/ln03rof:\ :lf=/usr/adm/lp1err:\ :lp=/dev/tty05:\ :mx#0:\ :of=/usr/lib/lpdfilters/ln03rof:\ :op=PORT_1:\ :pl#66:\ :pw#80:\ :rw:\ :sd=/usr/spool/lpd1:\ :ts=LAT_08002B14833E:\ :xf=/usr/lib/lpdfilters/xf:\ :xs#044000: * Tuominen Keijo E-mail adresses: * * Klaneettitie 18 d 56 00420 HKI remo@otax.tky.hut.fi * * Phone (Home): 90-538606/90-466292 s36579e@taltta.hut.fi * * Phone (Office): 456 4285 VTT tuominen@atk.vtt.fi (Office)*
s36579e@taltta.hut.fi (DYNAMITE) (08/18/90)
I have a problem to with digital laser-writer LN03r and with LAT-protocol. The problem is: I can print files from my ultrix-host vaxstation 2000 by using lat-protocol to decserver 200 which forwards jobs to laser-writer. Everything is just allright but I want that printer print scandinavian characters instead of other special characters. We have also a vms-machine connected to lan but when I print files from there those scandinavian characters works just fine. So is it a problem with my printcap or do I need some extra specifications to my decserver 200. # @(#)printcap 4.1 (ULTRIX) 11/23/87 laser|lp1:\ :af=/usr/adm/lp1acct:\ :br#9600:\ :xc#0177777 :if=/usr/lib/lpdfilters/ln03rof:\ :lf=/usr/adm/lp1err:\ :lp=/dev/tty05:\ :mx#0:\ :of=/usr/lib/lpdfilters/ln03rof:\ :op=PORT_1:\ :pl#66:\ :pw#80:\ :rw:\ :sd=/usr/spool/lpd1:\ :ts=LAT_08002B14833E:\ :xf=/usr/lib/lpdfilters/xf:\ :xs#044000: * Tuominen Keijo E-mail adresses: * * Klaneettitie 18 d 56 00420 HKI remo@otax.tky.hut.fi * * Phone (Home): 90-538606/90-466292 s36579e@taltta.hut.fi * * Phone (Office): 456 4285 VTT tuominen@atk.vtt.fi (Office)*