[comp.unix.ultrix] Does your umount say: -f not in nfs server hostname format

D. Allen [CGL]) (10/06/90)

Does your umount do this?

    % umount -fv watcgl:/nfs/watpix/tmp
    -f not in nfs server hostname format
    -f: Unmounted
    watcgl: Unmounted
    Unmounted watcgl:/nfs/watpix/tmp

The Ultrix 3.1C umount command passes "-f -v" to nfs_umount, but of
course nfs_umount only accepts a single leading dash argument of the
form "-fv", so it dies.  (Someone should just change an "if" to a
"while" in the argument parsing loop.)  Even when you manage to say:

	umount -v watcgl:/nfs/watpix/tmp

which umount passes correctly to nfs_umount, nfs_umount slams down a
'\0' on top of the ":" so your confirmation message comes back with
just the hostname -- the actual unmounted pathname is behind the null.

	% nfs_umount -v watcgl:/nfs/watpix/tmp
	watcgl: Unmounted

And the crowning touch, of course, is that nfs_umount exits non-zero even
when it succeeds.  But, I suppose that's not a fair criticism since
umount ignores the return status of nfs_umount anyway.

Still true in Ultrix 4.0?
-IAN! (Ian! D. Allen) idallen@watcgl.uwaterloo.ca idallen@watcgl.waterloo.edu
 []  Computer Graphics Lab/University of Waterloo/Ontario/Canada