[comp.unix.ultrix] Psroff 2.0 meets Ultrix 4.0 troff width table format

clewis@ecicrl.UUCP (Chris Lewis) (12/04/90)

A couple of the people trying to use psroff have encountered the fact
that DEC changed the width table formats for Ultrix 4 CAT troff 
without seeming to ship any width table files in the new format
or documentation on it whatsoever.  Ultrix 4 CAT Troff can't even
read the width tables it came with....  And, of course, since Ultrix
troff is unsupported software, the support center is unwilling to help.
If it wasn't supported, why the bleep did they change it?!!!!
Twits-of-the-week.  Sigh...

It seems to want some sort of ASCII files rather than the more
common binary.

I seem to remember someone posting at least 6 months ago a patch
to some piece of software to cope with the "new width table format
for troff on the xxx OS" (where I can't remember xxx...) which was
ASCII....  Which given my defective memory, might be what we're looking
for.  As an idiot myself, I neglected to save it.

If anyone can help, either on Ultrix 4 width tables specifically,
or that old posting, please e-mail me (perhaps psroff-request@eci386
would be the better address than below).  You'll make many people
very happy.

[BTW: for Ultrix 4 users, all is not lost.  You can run Psroff 2.0 as-is
by removing the ".fp"'s from "cmn.pre" temporarily.  Then troff/psroff
will use the width tables that have been compiled into troff.  Unfortunately,
the widths are somewhat (but not grossly off), and you can't do any
".fp"'s to use fonts other than R, I, B and S, but it's still useable.
I was unable to get through to one of the people reporting this problem.]

Please don't post to comp.unix.ultrix alone - my machine isn't subscribed
to it.  comp.text is better.

Thank you very much.
Chris Lewis, Phone: (613) 832-0541
UUCP: uunet!utai!lsuc!ecicrl!clewis
Moderator of the Ferret Mailing List (ferret-request@eci386)
Psroff mailing list (psroff-request@eci386)

steve@fnord.umiacs.umd.edu (Steve D. Miller) (12/07/90)

The problem (as I described in agonizing detail several times during the
Ultrix 4.0 field test) is that the DECstation troff is really the MIPSco
troff.  Troff font width tables are a.out files; when ordinary troff reads
one, it skips the a.out header, then reads the next 224 bytes directly into
an array.  However, since it's sort of hard to make an a.out file on a COFF
machine, MIPS apparently started using an ASCII font width table format.
DEC ships the ASCII-fied troff, but not the ASCII-fied font width tables.

There's basically two things you can do:

	1) You can replace the DEC troff with the 4.3BSD troff, assuming
	that you have access to BSD sources.  To do this, you'll need to ftp
	to fnord.umiacs.umd.edu ( and grab pub/trofffix.shar.
	The code that does .ev's in troff needs work before it'll function
	on a MIPS machine.  (The unfixed code is morbidly fascinating. (-: )
	Note that if you're messing with ditroff, the versions of ditroff
	that I know about need a very similar fix, for the same reasons.

	   If you do this, you'll also need to get pub/psfixfont.c.  The
	'normal' way to build a font width table is to make a C file that
	declares an array of 224 chars, then hand that file to the compiler.
	Once you've done that on the DECstation, run psfixfont over the
	resulting COFF format executable to get working a.out-style troff
	font width tables.

	2) You can try to come up with ASCII tables.  I think that in the
	ASCII format, a font width table is a sequence of 224 lines, where
	each line is a number giving the width of the corresponding
	character.  For example:


	   I think that lines starting with # are ignored.  I don't remember
	the format offhand, so you'll need to mess with this a bit, but
	you'll eventually end up with tables that will work with DEC troff
	as distributed.

If you're desperate for more details, I could fish them out as time permits.

Of course, if you want to complain vociferously to DEC about this, it
wouldn't break my heart. (-:

Spoken: Steve Miller    Domain: steve@umiacs.umd.edu    UUCP: uunet!mimsy!steve
Phone: +1-301-405-6736  USPS: UMIACS, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742