[comp.unix.ultrix] gcc compiler under ultrix 4.0

DEEJ@MAINE.BITNET (Dj Merrill) (01/08/91)

I am trying to make the gcc compiler under ultrix 4.0 on a decstation 3100.
I have followed the instructions (At least I think so..  :-) )
but am having problems compiling with the -g option.  If I omit this, the
gcc compiler seems to make okay, but when I do the check to see if the files
are different, they are.  This would indicate an error of some kind.
Has anyone run across this problem and have a fix??
I have tried the    'ar rc /usr/local/lib/libg.a' mentioned in the
INSTALL file with no luck.
|         Dj Merrill           |
| Systems and Network Manager  |
|  University of Maine NCGIA   |
|                              |
| deej@grouse.umesve.maine.edu |
| deej@maine.maine.edu         |

meissner@osf.org (Michael Meissner) (01/08/91)

In article <91007.141905DEEJ@MAINE.BITNET> DEEJ@MAINE.BITNET (Dj Merrill) writes:

| I am trying to make the gcc compiler under ultrix 4.0 on a decstation 3100.
| I have followed the instructions (At least I think so..  :-) )
| but am having problems compiling with the -g option.  If I omit this, the
| gcc compiler seems to make okay, but when I do the check to see if the files
| are different, they are.  This would indicate an error of some kind.
| Has anyone run across this problem and have a fix??
| I have tried the    'ar rc /usr/local/lib/libg.a' mentioned in the
| INSTALL file with no luck.

Sigh, I seem to make the same explanation about the MIPS object file
format every month of so (though in different groups).  Here is what I
posted to the gnu newsgroup recently (the debug hacks mentioned are
the patches available for anonymous FTP from foobar.colorado.edu in
the pub/Gnu-For-Pmax directory):

| From: rusty@belch.Berkeley.EDU (Rusty Wright)
| Newsgroups: gnu.gcc.help
| Date: 1 Jan 91 23:32:43 GMT
| Distribution: gnu
| Organization: Computer Center, UC Berkeley
| The suggested method of doing the compares of the .o files for the
| different stages (2 & 3?) no longer works; strip now complains about
| not stripping objects with relocation entries in them.  Does anybody
| have a method for doing the verify?

Here is a perl script that I hacked together to compare MIPS objects
(ie, on a DECstation), section by section.  Without my debug hacks,
expect that you will see differences in the local strings section.
This is because the assembler puts the filename into the file section,
and the filename changes each time, based on the PID of the gcc cover
program.  My debug hacks strip out this filename, since the compiler
provided .file directive identifies the file properly.  My script
expects you to have done a make stage3 after doing the bootstrap.

Alternatively, you could use the fixes the ecoff-cmp that were
recently posted.

#! /usr/bin/perl

# Script to compare gcc binaries in the stage2 and stage3 directories.
# Author: Michael Meissner		meissner@osf.org

sub MAX {
	local($max) = pop(@_);
	foreach $foo (@_) {
		$max = $foo if $max < $foo;

sub MIN {
	local($min) = pop(@_);
	foreach $foo (@_) {
		$min = $foo if $min > $foo;

# Arg 1 is the character value as a numeric
# Arg 2 is the character value as a string
# Arg 3 is prefix string
# Arg 4 is suffix string

sub PRINT {
	local ($numeric, $string, $prefix, $suffix) = @_;
	printf ("%s: 0x%.2x %3d %s%s", $prefix, $numeric, $numeric,
		($numeric >= ord (' ') && $numeric <= ord ('~')) ? "'$string'" : "   ",

# Arg 1 is the offset into the beginning of the bytes to compare
# Arg 2 is the length of the bytes to compare
# Arg 3 is the name of the section being compared
# Arg 4 is the secondary name
# Return 1 if the sections are equal, 0 otherwise

	local ($offset, $length, $name, $name2) = @_;
	local ($i, $j, $ch2_str, $ch2, $ch3_str, $ch3, $lines, $max, $max2, $chunk_len);

	printf ("comparing offset %10d [0x%.8x], length %10d [0x%.8x], name %s%s\n", $offset, $offset,
		$length, $length, $name, $name2) if ($vflag);

	if ($length == 0) {
		return 1;

	$max = $offset + $length;
	die "Offset $offset is out of bounds in $name\n"	unless ($offset >= 0 && $offset <= length ($bytes2));
	die "Max Offset $max is out of bounds in $name\n"	unless ($max >= 0 && $max <= length ($bytes2));

	if (substr ($bytes2, $offset, $length) eq substr ($bytes3, $offset, $length)) {
		return 1;

	$lines = 0;
	for ($i = $offset; $i < $max; $i += 8192) {
		$chunk_len = ($i + 8192 <= $max) ? 8192 : ($max - $i);
		if (substr ($bytes2, $i, $chunk_len) ne substr ($bytes3, $i, $chunk_len)) {
			$max2 = $i + $chunk_len;
			for ($j = $i; $j < $max2; $j++) {
				$ch2_str = substr ($bytes2, $j, 1);
				$ch3_str = substr ($bytes3, $j, 1);
				$ch2 = ord ($ch2_str);
				$ch3 = ord ($ch3_str);
				if ($ch2 != $ch3) {
					&PRINT ($ch2, $ch2_str,
						("\t" . $name . $name2 . ' ' . sprintf ($size_format,$i) . ": stage2"),
						' ');

					&PRINT ($ch3, $ch3_str, "stage3", "\n");
					if (++$lines > 20) {
						print "\tSkipping remaining differences\n";
						return 0;

# Set up global variables relating to MIPS offsets
	local ($i);

	# Mips filehdr looks like:
	# unsigned short	f_magic		 0	magic number
	# unsigned short	f_nscns		 2	number of sections
	# long			f_timdat	 4	time & date stamp
	# long			f_symptr	 8	file pointer to symbolic header
	# long			f_nsyms		12	sizeof(symbolic hdr)
	# unsigned short	f_opthdr	16	sizeof(optional hdr)
	# unsigned short	f_flags		18	flags
	#					20	size of filehdr

	$filehdr_unpack = 'SSLLLSS';
	$filehdr_size   = 20;
	$i = $[;			# array indices after unpacking
	$f_magic  = $i++;
	$f_nscns  = $i++;
	$f_timdat = $i++;
	$f_symptr = $i++;
	$f_nsyms  = $i++;
	$f_opthdr = $i++;
	$f_flags  = $i++;

	# Each section header looks like
	# char		 s_name[8]	 0	section name
	# long		 s_paddr	 8	physical address, aliased s_nlib
	# long		 s_vaddr	12	virtual address
	# long		 s_size		16	section size
	# long		 s_scnptr	20	file ptr to raw data for section
	# long		 s_relptr	24	file ptr to relocation
	# long		 s_lnnoptr	28	file ptr to gp histogram
	# unsigned short s_nreloc	32	number of relocation entries
	# unsigned short s_nlnno	34	number of gp histogram entries
	# long		 s_flags	36	flags
	#				40	size of scnhdr

	$scnhdr_unpack = 'A8LLLLLLSSL';
	$scnhdr_size   = 40;
	$i = $[;			# array indices after unpacking
	$s_name    = $i++;
	$s_paddr   = $i++;
	$s_vaddr   = $i++;
	$s_size    = $i++;
	$s_scnptr  = $i++;
	$s_relptr  = $i++;
	$s_lnnoptr = $i++;
	$s_nreloc  = $i++;
	$s_nlnno   = $i++;
	$s_flags   = $i++;

	# Each relocation entry looks like
	# long		r_vaddr		0 /* virtual address of reference */
	# unsigned	r_symndx   :24	4 /* index into symbol table */
	# unsigned	r_reserved : 3	4
	# unsigned	r_type     : 4	4 /* relocation type */
	# unsigned	r_extern   : 1	4 /* ext. sym table vs. section # */
	#				8

	$reloc_unpack = 'LL';
	$reloc_size   = 8;
	$i = $[;			# array indices after unpacking
	$r_vaddr	     = $i++;
	$r_index_type_extern = $i++;

	# Each gp entry looks like:
	# long		g_value;	0 /* real/hypothetical value */
	# long		bytes;		4 /* section size if hypothetical value */
	#				8
	$gp_unpack = 'LL';
	$gp_size   = 8;
	$i = $[;			# array indices after unpacking
	$g_value = $i++;
	$g_bytes = $i++;

	# The symbol table header looks like:
	# short	magic		 0	to verify validity of the table
	# short	vstamp		 2	version stamp
	# long	ilineMax	 4	number of line number entries
	# long	cbLine		 8	number of bytes for line number entries
	# long	cbLineOffset	12	offset to start of line number entries
	# long	idnMax		16	max index into dense number table
	# long	cbDnOffset	20	offset to start dense number table
	# long	ipdMax		24	number of procedures
	# long	cbPdOffset	28	offset to procedure descriptor table
	# long	isymMax		32	number of local symbols
	# long	cbSymOffset	36	offset to start of local symbol
	# long	ioptMax		40	max index into optimization symbol entries
	# long	cbOptOffset	44	offset to optimization symbol entries
	# long	iauxMax		48	number of auxillary symbol entries
	# long	cbAuxOffset	52	offset to start of auxillary symbol entries
	# long	issMax		56	max index into local strings
	# long	cbSsOffset	60	offset to start of local strings
	# long	issExtMax	64	max index into external strings
	# long	cbSsExtOffset	68	offset to start of external strings
	# long	ifdMax		72	number of file descriptor entries
	# long	cbFdOffset	76	offset to file descriptor table
	# long	crfd		80	number of relative file descriptor entries
	# long	cbRfdOffset	84	offset to relative file descriptor table
	# long	iextMax		88	max index into external symbols
	# long	cbExtOffset	92	offset to start of external symbol entries
	#			96

	$symhdr_unpack = 'SSL23';
	$symhdr_size   = 96;

	$i = $[;			# array indices after unpacking
	$S_magic	 = $i++;
	$S_vstamp	 = $i++;
	$S_ilineMax	 = $i++;
	$S_cbLine	 = $i++;
	$S_cbLineOffset	 = $i++;
	$S_idnMax	 = $i++;
	$S_cbDnOffset	 = $i++;
	$S_ipdMax	 = $i++;
	$S_cbPdOffset	 = $i++;
	$S_isymMax	 = $i++;
	$S_cbSymOffset	 = $i++;
	$S_ioptMax	 = $i++;
	$S_cbOptOffset	 = $i++;
	$S_iauxMax	 = $i++;
	$S_cbAuxOffset	 = $i++;
	$S_issMax	 = $i++;
	$S_cbSsOffset	 = $i++;
	$S_issExtMax	 = $i++;
	$S_cbSsExtOffset = $i++;
	$S_ifdMax	 = $i++;
	$S_cbFdOffset	 = $i++;
	$S_crfd		 = $i++;
	$S_cbRfdOffset	 = $i++;
	$S_iextMax	 = $i++;
	$S_cbExtOffset	 = $i++;

	# Sizes for the various structures in the symbol table
	# TODO: provide array indices and unpack info for these

	$HDRR_size	= 96;
	$DNR_size	=  8;
	$PDR_size	= 52;
	$SYMR_size	= 12;
	$FDR_size	= 72;
	$TIR_size	=  4;
	$RFD_size	=  4;

	# Magic numbers -- don't recognize byte swapped headers
	$MIPSEBMAGIC = 0x0160;
	$MIPSELMAGIC = 0x0162;


	require 'stat.pl';

	if ($#ARGV >= 0 && $ARGV[0] eq "-v") {
		$vflag = 1;
	} else {
		$vflag = 0;

	if ($#ARGV >= 0) {
		@files = @ARGV;
	} else {
		@files = ('gcc', 'cc1', 'cpp');
		if (-f "stage2/mips-as") {
			push(files, ('mips-as', 'mips-tfile', 'mips-tdump'));

	print "\n========== Comparing";
	$maxlength = 0;
	$maxsize = 0;
	foreach $x (@files) {
		print " ", $x;
		$maxlength = &MAX ($maxlength, length ($x));
		if (-f "stage2/$x") {
			&Stat ("stage2/$x");
			$maxsize = &MAX ($maxsize, $st_size);
	print " in stage2, stage3 subdirectories\n\n";

	$| = 1;
	$successful = 0;
	$name_format = '%-' . ($maxlength + 2) . 's';
	$size_format = '%' . (length ($maxsize . "")) . 'd';
	foreach $x (@files) {
		printf ($name_format, ($x . ","));
		$stage2 = "stage2/" . $x;
		$stage3 = "stage3/" . $x;

		if (! -f $stage2) {
			if (! -f $stage3) {
				print "Does not exist in either stage2 or stage3\n";
			} else {
				print "Does not exist in stage2\n";

		&Stat ($stage2);
		$s2 = $st_size;

		if (! -f $stage3) {
			print "Does not exist in stage3\n";

		&Stat ($stage3);
		$s3 = $st_size;

		if ($s2 != $s3) {
			print "Objects are different sizes (", $s2, ", ", $s3, ")\n";

		printf ("$size_format bytes, ", $s2);

		$mips = 0;
		$timestamp = 0;
		$no_diffs = 0;

		# slurp the files into memory
		open (FILE2, $stage2)				|| die "$0: open $stage2: $!\n";
		$nread2 = read (FILE2, $bytes2, $s2);
		close (FILE2)					|| die "$0: close $stage2: $!\n";

		if ($nread2 != $s2) {
			print "Read ", $nread2, " bytes, expected ", $s2, " in reading $stage2.\n";

		open (FILE3, $stage3)				|| die "$0: open $stage3: $!\n";
		$nread3 = read (FILE3, $bytes3, $s3);
		close (FILE3)					|| die "$0: close $stage3: $!\n";

		if ($nread3 != $s3) {
			print "Read ", $nread3, " bytes, expected ", $s3, " in reading $stage3.\n";

		if ($s2 > $filehdr_size) {
			@filehdr2 = unpack ($filehdr_unpack, substr ($bytes2, 0, $filehdr_size));
			@filehdr3 = unpack ($filehdr_unpack, substr ($bytes3, 0, $filehdr_size));

			if (($filehdr2[$f_magic] == $MIPSEBMAGIC || $filehdr2[$f_magic] == $MIPSELMAGIC)
			    && $filehdr2[$f_magic]  == $filehdr3[$f_magic]
			    && $filehdr2[$f_nscns]  == $filehdr3[$f_nscns]
			    && $filehdr2[$f_symptr] == $filehdr3[$f_symptr]
			    && $filehdr2[$f_nsyms]  == $filehdr3[$f_nsyms]
			    && $filehdr2[$f_opthdr] == $filehdr3[$f_opthdr]
			    && $filehdr2[$f_flags]  == $filehdr3[$f_flags]) {
				printf "Ecoff symbol table starts at $size_format, ", $filehdr2[$f_symptr];

				if ($filehdr2[$f_timdat] != $filehdr3[$f_timdat]) {
					substr ($bytes2, 4, 4) = "\000\000\000\000";
					substr ($bytes3, 4, 4) = "\000\000\000\000";

		# do the big compare (presumably with something fast like memcmp).

		if ($bytes2 eq $bytes3) {
			print (($timestamp) ? "Only timestamps differ." : "No differences.");

		} else {
			print "Differences exist:\n\n";

			if (! $mips) {
				&COMPARE_SECTION (0, $s2, "Offset ", "");

			} else {

				# something's different, go through each section and find what's different
				&COMPARE_SECTION (20, $filehdr2[$f_opthdr], "a.out", "\theader\t");

				$section_offset = 20 + $filehdr2[$f_opthdr];
				for ($i = 0; $i < $filehdr2[$f_nscns]; $i++) {
					@scnhdr2 = unpack ($scnhdr_unpack,
							   substr ($bytes2, $section_offset, $scnhdr_size));

					&COMPARE_SECTION ($section_offset, 40, $scnhdr2[$s_name], "\theader\t");
					$section_offset += 40;

					&COMPARE_SECTION ($scnhdr2[$s_scnptr],

					&COMPARE_SECTION ($scnhdr2[$s_relptr],
							  $scnhdr2[$s_nreloc] * $reloc_size,

					&COMPARE_SECTION ($scnhdr2[$s_lnnoptr],
							  $scnhdr2[$s_nlnno] * 8,

				# Compare symbol tables now

				$symlen = $s2 - $filehdr2[$f_symptr];
				if ($symlen > 0) {
					&COMPARE_SECTION ($filehdr2[$f_symptr], $symhdr_size, "symtbl", "\theader\t");
					@symhdr2 = unpack ($symhdr_unpack,
							   substr ($bytes2, $filehdr2[$f_symptr], $symhdr_size));

					&COMPARE_SECTION ($symhdr2[$S_cbLineOffset],
							  "\tline #\t");

					&COMPARE_SECTION ($symhdr2[$S_cbDnOffset],
							  $symhdr2[$S_idnMax] * $DNR_size,
							  "\tdense #\t");

					&COMPARE_SECTION ($symhdr2[$S_cbPdOffset],
							  $symhdr2[$S_ipdMax] * $PDR_size,

					&COMPARE_SECTION ($symhdr2[$S_cbSymOffset],
							  $symhdr2[$S_isymMax] * $SYMR_size,

					&COMPARE_SECTION ($symhdr2[$S_cbOptOffset],
							  $symhdr2[$S_ioptMax] * $OPTR_size,

					&COMPARE_SECTION ($symhdr2[$S_cbAuxOffset],
							  $symhdr2[$S_iauxMax] * $AUXU_size,

					&COMPARE_SECTION ($symhdr2[$S_cbSsOffset],

					&COMPARE_SECTION ($symhdr2[$S_cbSsExtOffset],

					&COMPARE_SECTION ($symhdr2[$S_cbFdOffset],
							  $symhdr2[$S_ifdMax] * $FDR_size,

					&COMPARE_SECTION ($symhdr2[$S_cbRfdOffset],
							  $symhdr2[$S_crfd] * $RFD_size,

					&COMPARE_SECTION ($symhdr2[$S_cbExtOffset],
							  $symhdr2[$S_iextMax] * $EXTR_size,


		print "\n";

	exit ( $#files + 1 - $successful );

Michael Meissner	email: meissner@osf.org		phone: 617-621-8861
Open Software Foundation, 11 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA, 02142

Considering the flames and intolerance, shouldn't USENET be spelled ABUSENET?

Michael Meissner	email: meissner@osf.org		phone: 617-621-8861
Open Software Foundation, 11 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA, 02142

Considering the flames and intolerance, shouldn't USENET be spelled ABUSENET?

mra@srchtec.UUCP (Michael Almond) (01/08/91)

In article <91007.141905DEEJ@MAINE.BITNET> DEEJ@MAINE.BITNET (Dj Merrill) writes:
> ... but am having problems compiling with the -g option.  If I omit this, the
>gcc compiler seems to make okay, but when I do the check to see if the files
>are different, they are.  This would indicate an error of some kind.
>Has anyone run across this problem and have a fix??

The gcc distributed from GNU doesn't support debugging on the DECstations.
Thus, it doesn't like the -g option.

You'll need to get the version that OSF puts out from foobar.colorado.edu
(IP address

Michael R. Almond (Georgia Tech Alumnus)           mra@srchtec.uucp (registered)
search technology, inc.				      mra%srchtec@salestech.com
4725 peachtree corners cir., suite 200		       emory!stiatl!srchtec!mra
norcross, georgia 30092					 (404) 441-1457 (office)
[search]: Systems Engineering Approaches to Research and Development

meissner@osf.org (Michael Meissner) (01/10/91)

In article <402@srchtec.UUCP> mra@srchtec.UUCP (Michael Almond) writes:

| In article <91007.141905DEEJ@MAINE.BITNET> DEEJ@MAINE.BITNET (Dj Merrill) writes:
| > ... but am having problems compiling with the -g option.  If I omit this, the
| >gcc compiler seems to make okay, but when I do the check to see if the files
| >are different, they are.  This would indicate an error of some kind.
| >Has anyone run across this problem and have a fix??
| The gcc distributed from GNU doesn't support debugging on the DECstations.
| Thus, it doesn't like the -g option.

Actually with 1.38, it does support -g to the extent of doing line
numbers and tracebacks.  Local symbols on the other hand are not
supported with the vanilla release, since the assembler provides NO
way of setting up the local debug information.

| You'll need to get the version that OSF puts out from foobar.colorado.edu
| (IP address

Here is the canned response I generally send out:

As part of my work for the Open Software Foundation, I have been
supporting GCC for MIPS based platforms.  I have fixed tons of bugs,
and added things like full debug support and better code to omit the
frame pointer.  Dirk Grunwald (grunwald@foobar.colorado.edu) has
supplied patches to bring up G++ with this compiler, and Per Bothner
(bothner@cs.wisc.edu) provided gdb patches.

I maintain a mailing list to get the GCC patches automatically.  Send
me mail if you want to get on the list.

In addition, Dirk has allowed me to put copies of the compiler on his
machine (foobar.colorado.edu, IP address if you can
get sources via anonymous FTP in the pub/Gnu-For-Pmax directory.  Here
is a list of available files as of December 15th:

-rw-r--r--  1 0        system    1721295 Nov 11 02:59 g++-osf-
-rw-r--r--  1 0        system       8944 Nov 11 02:59 gcc-
-rw-r--r--  1 ftp      system     510215 Dec 15 10:34 gcc-fsf-1.37.1-osf-
-rw-r--r--  1 0        system      39757 Nov 11 02:59 gcc-osf-
-rw-r--r--  1 ftp      system      27219 Dec 15 10:34 gcc-osf-
-rw-r--r--  1 ftp      system    1290307 Dec 15 10:49 gcc-osf-
-rw-r--r--  1 ftp      system    2788255 Dec 15 10:42 gcc-osf-
-rw-r--r--  1 0        system      59587 Nov 11 02:59 gdb-3.5-mips.patch.Z
-rw-r--r--  1 ftp      system     682738 Dec 31  1990 osfrose-tools.new.tar.Z
-rw-r--r--  1 ftp      system    3654053 Dec 13 13:36 osfrose-tools.tar.Z
-rw-r--r--  1 0        system        553 Nov 11 02:59 split.c

The currently known bugs are (12/15/1990):

   1)	malloc.c doesn't work properly in libg++, specify the
	following in the Makefile:


   2)	You must configure g++ with the following in Makefile:


	and the all target should be:

		all: g++ cc1plus collect # crt0+.o crt1+.o

   3)	G++'s Makefile doesn't run in subdirectories yet.

   4)	Ignore the messages (best as I can tell) about duplicate
	functions lmask__Fi, rmask__Fi, BSnew__Fi in libg++ -- these
	are inlines that aren't getting inlined.

   5)	The tFix and wrapper libg++ tests are known not to work.  I
	also had problems with tRandom.

   6)	Debugging isn't completely supported for G++ (it is for GCC).

   7)	Passing structures that are unaligned (ie, contain only shorts
	and/or chars) will not generate the correct code.

George Hartzell (hartzell@boulder.Colorado.EDU) and Peter Ham
(ham@cs.stanford.edu) were looking into better G++ debug support.

Michael Meissner	email: meissner@osf.org		phone: 617-621-8861
Open Software Foundation, 11 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA, 02142

Considering the flames and intolerance, shouldn't USENET be spelled ABUSENET?