leuthold@atmo2.atmo.arizona.edu (02/13/91)
I get the following error message when using the dump command... #dump 0unf /dev/rmt0h /usr DUMP: SIGSEGV() ABORTING! Illegal instruction (core dumped) The error is a segmentation violation. I have been doing dumps for the last few months with no problems. I get the same error trying to dump to a tlz04, tk50, or a file. I don't have any problem with the restore. I tried to restore the dump command off of tape and that didn't help. I have also upgraded to Ultrix 4.1 and the error is still here. I have run the memory self test too and that didn't report any memory errors. Any ideas? I'm out of them! Thanks. Mike Leuthold Atmospheric Sciences University of Arizona leuthold@atmo1.atmo.arizona.edu