[comp.unix.ultrix] Bugs and gripes and questions: Xwindows on a DS5000

merritt@milton.u.washington.edu (Ethan Merritt) (04/18/91)

In the above referenced postings Steve Wald (wald@dover.sps.mot.com) is griping
about [software] quality control in the Ultrix/DECwindows environment, and
quotes me as supporting his dis-satisfaction.  I just want to state for the
record in the same forum that I am quite happy with the DECstation, and that
my recommendation to Steve to pick up more recent versions of X11 utilities
should not be construed as a complaint about the state of DEC-supplied software.
For one thing, Steve said he was constrained to run Ultrix 4.0 (and I presume
an older DECwindows version). I just pointed out that more recent X11 and other programming tools were available even without going through DEC for an
Ultrix update.
	Still, while we're on the subject of Steve's gripe list...
_does_ anyone out there know how to make the scroll bars on a DECterm window
scroll the text in realtime rather than after releasing the mouse button?

						Ethan A Merritt
Dept of Biological Structure                H510 Health Sciences
University of Washington SM-20              (206)543-8865
Seattle, WA 98195                           merritt@u.washington.edu