[comp.unix.ultrix] Sendmail hangs on DS5000/200PX

windley@ted.cs.uidaho.edu (Phillip J. Windley) (05/08/91)

I'm having a problem with sendmail on a DS5000/200 running Ultrix 4.1.

Some message to the machine hang the sendmail process that's delivering
them.  The sendmail process starts like its going to deliver the message
and simply starts chewing up lots of CPU time (like its in a loop).  I've
looked at the sendmail.cf file (I'm using the standard one that comes with
Ultrix) and don't see anything abvious, but I'm not a sendmail expert.

I'll include the df, lf, qf, and xf files from the queue that sendmail
thinks its delivering at the end of this message.

Has anyone else seen this?  Is there a fix?  



PS.  I had purposefully wanted this mail to bounce.  tet@cheetah is not a
valid address and cheetah sent it on to groucho.

-------------------------- dfAA05377------------------------------
   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
>>> RCPT To:<tet@groucho>
<<< 550 <tet@groucho>... User unknown
550 <tet@cheetah>... User unknown

   ----- Unsent message follows -----
Received: by cheetah.cs.uidaho.edu (AIX  2.1.2/3.14)
	id AA09666; Tue, 7 May 91 10:38:36 PDT
Received: by panther.cs.uidaho.edu (5.57/Ultrix3.0-C)
	id AA05373; Tue, 7 May 91 10:39:28 -0700
Message-Id: <9105071739.AA05373@panther.cs.uidaho.edu>
To: tet@cheetah
Subject: test test
Date: Tue, 07 May 91 10:39:27 PDT
From: Phil Windley <windley@panther>


--------------------------- lfAA05377 ----------------------------
* empty *

--------------------------- qfAA05377 ----------------------------
H?P?return-path: <MAILER-DAEMON@cheetah.cs.uidaho.edu>
H?R?received: by panther.cs.uidaho.edu (5.57/Ultrix3.0-C)
	id AA05377; Tue, 7 May 91 10:39:32 -0700
Hreceived: by cheetah.cs.uidaho.edu (AIX  2.1.2/3.14)
	id AA09667; Tue, 7 May 91 10:38:36 PDT
Hdate: Tue, 7 May 91 10:38:36 PDT
HFrom: MAILER-DAEMON@cheetah.cs.uidaho.edu (Mail Delivery Subsystem)
Hsubject: Returned mail: User unknown
Hmessage-id: <9105071738.AA09667@cheetah.cs.uidaho.edu>
HTo: <windley<>>

--------------------------- xfAA05377 ----------------------------
<<< RCPT To:<windley>
<<< DATA

Phil Windley                          |  windley@cs.uidaho.edu
Assistant Professor		      |  windley@cheetah.cs.uidaho.edu
Department of Computer Science        |
University of Idaho                   |  Phone: 208.885.6501  
Moscow, ID 83843                      |  Fax:   208.885.6645