[comp.unix.ultrix] Loading Unsupported Subsets - Ultrix 4.1

aden@vf.jsc.nasa.gov (06/04/91)

We received our DECstation 5000/200 last week, with Ultrix 4.1.  I did the 
Basic Installation (for now, at least), and am manually loading subsets.

Has anyone else had trouble loading the Unsupported Subsets? I try to use
"setld" to do this (identically to loading the Supported ones), and all the 
ones I try crap out with a message 
	sh5:  usr/etc/subsets/[subset name].inv: cannot open
	setld: System contains files which cannot be overwritten
It subsequently leaves a ".dw" file in the /usr/etc/subsets directory.  Man 
pages say this is a "subset corrupt" lock file.

My supposition would then be that my distribution TK50 was bad.  But setld 
cranks away at the tape for a while before spitting out the messages, and I
think it finds the subset on tape.  Also, the error messages don't particularly
seem to mesh with the man pages description of the .dw file.

Any help/experience/pointers are greatly appreciated.  I figured I'd try this 
forum before calling DEC support and waiting on the phone up to 30 mins :-)

S. Spenser Aden  --  Lockheed Engineering and Sciences Co. --  (713) 483-2028  
NASA -- Johnson Space Center, Houston -- Flight Data and Evaluation Office
aden@vf.jsc.nasa.gov  --  Comments are mine alone, not those of LESC or NASA.