blais@dcdwest.UUCP (Phil Blais) (09/14/85)
A project I'm involved with will require the translation of a significant amount (~100,000 lines) of 8080 code into 8086. The source code is actually written in a custom BNF defined macro assembler language which looks close to 'C' but could be modified to generate actual 8080 source as well as object. With this much code involved a 'by hand rewrite' is seen as very undesirable and therefore I'm looking for an automated process to do the job. Anyone had any experience (good or bad) using the various commercial products available e.g. INTEL etc. Any and all info would be appreciated even if you've only heard of a package either commercial or? How bout a YACC/LEX translation, if you've done it I'd like to hear about it. Important considerations include; memory usage after the translation process, typically I've heard figures of 20 - 30% increase. Verifiablity (sp?) i.e. can the translation process be proved correct without extensive retesting of the resultant code. Completeness, will the process translate all code input, or will a large amount have to be hand rewritten and will the translator alert the user to the fact that for lines such and such it can't do the job. Thanks in advance, Phil Blais U.S. Mail - c/o ITT DCD 10060 Carroll Canyon Rd. San Diego, Ca. 92116 619 578-3080 Net - ucbvax!sdcsvax!dcdwest!blais decvax!ittvax!dcdwest!blais