(Bill O) (04/22/88)
Does anyone have any information on parallel lisps for parallel machines? At NPAC we have an 18 processor Encore Multimax, and an 8 processor Alliant FX/80. I have heard that Multilisp is available for the Multimax, but have no idea how to get it. Also, I have seen a paper on Qlisp -- does anyone know what machines it might be available for or how to get it? Other parallel lisps? Any relevant information would be appreciated. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bill O'Farrell ( Northeast Parallel Architectures Center at Syracuse University
JLF@PSUVM.BITNET (Jim Forkner 814-865-4775) (04/23/88)
Please remove my name from your distribution list. Thanks, Jim F.
af@SPICE.CS.CMU.EDU (Alessandro Forin) (04/25/88)
In article <>, (Bill O) writes: > I have heard that Multilisp is available for the Multimax, but have no > idea how to get it. Multilisp is running on Encores allright. I did the first port for the Mach operating system, and recently Randy Osborne ( told me that he has completed a port for Umax. All enquires should be sent to Robert Halstead ( who is the original author and keeps all the rights for (re)distribution. > Also, I have seen a paper on Qlisp -- does anyone know what machines it > might be available for or how to get it? I suppose you should be able to obtain information on the state of Qlisp directly from the author, John McCarhty ( sandro- Alessandro Forin ( Comp. Science Dept. at Carnegie-Mellon University
JLF@PSUVM.BITNET (Jim Forkner 814-865-4775) (04/26/88)
please remove my name from your mailing list. thanks
ran@mit-vax.LCS.MIT.EDU (Randy Osborne) (04/26/88)
In article <> af@SPICE.CS.CMU.EDU (Alessandro Forin) writes: >In article <>, (Bill O) writes: > >> I have heard that Multilisp is available for the Multimax, but have no >> idea how to get it. > >All enquires should be sent to Robert Halstead ( who >is the original author and keeps all the rights for (re)distribution. Please DO NOT send all enquires to Halstead. Instead, follow the procedure in my previous posting. Send me mail and I'll repost it if anybody missed it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Randy Osborne
ran@mit-vax.LCS.MIT.EDU (Randy Osborne) (04/26/88)
It appears that my "previous" posting on this matter didn't get through. Here it is again. In article <> (Bill O'Farrell) writes: >Does anyone have any information on parallel lisps for parallel >machines? Multilisp is available from the Parallel Processing Group at M.I.T. The present implementation is a byte-code interpreter which runs on uniprocessor machines supporting UNIX (BSD 4.2) and the multiprocessor Encore Multimax (and our Concert Multiprocessor). Little work should be necessary to port the implementation to other shared memory multiprocessors, which like the Multimax, support UNIX. To obtain this implementation, obtain a licence agreement from the following address: Multilisp Request Room 205 M.I.T. Laboratory for Computer Science 545 Technology Square Cambridge, MA. 02139 Complete and return the agreement (no fee required) and we'll mail you a tape (UNIX tar format, 1600bpi). (We may have to charge for the tape if we receive too many requests.) We're currently experimenting with a native code implementation for the Multimax, based on the Orbit T compiler. --------------------------------------------------------------- Randy Osborne