[comp.sys.encore] Annex Tserver and Bind

peiffer@umn-cs.CS.UMN.EDU (Tim J. Peiffer) (02/12/89)

I phoned Encore about an annex problem quite some time ago.  It seemed that
no matter what I did, I couldn't get the annex to respond to my nameserver.  
The problem appeared to be related to the nameserver and not the annex.  
Since the problem was not serious, I decided to "put it on the back burner," 
at least until I knew better how the nameserver operated.  Since then, I have
been doing some studying and made final changes in configuration, and I
thought that I'd share the results.

The annex would easily build host tables when I set the option to build
via rwhod.  (i.e.  na command: set annex rwhod Y)  It also appeared to
run well under an ien-116 nameserver.  Since our site chose to run with
BIND, both of these options were shut off.  I found that the annex would
not send any requests to the nameserver unless the full internet name was
used (x.y.umn.edu), or unless it ended with a dot.  The dot, according
to the RFC's instructs the server to look at the name as fully qualified,
without needing further expansion.  

For example, in our domain, in contacting host dg, the hostname would not 
be found.  However, requesting a fully qualified name such as dg.cs.umn.edu, 
or sun.com., the name request would be served properly, and a connection 
would be made.  As far as I could tell, requesting host dg SHOULD work, 
but it didn't.

The solution was in the hosts and hosts.rev files for the nameserver.  
The line $ORIGIN site.sub-dom.domain. must be included in both files, or 
a default trailer ( .cs.umn.edu) would not be supplied to any name request.  
Also, as far as the annex is concerned, it did not know it's own internet
name unless the hosts.rev file included the entire IP address.  Therefore,
a connection from an annex to any unix host would be seen as coming from an
internet NUMBER rather than an internet NAME.

What follows is a configuration excerpt for the annex, followed by a sample
BIND hosts/hosts.rev file that will work.

Peiffer, Tim (TP63)		peiffer@UMN-CS.CS.UMN.EDU
   University of Minnesota
   Computer Science Laboratories
   Minneapolis, MN 55455
   (612) 625-0876

# annex
echo setting annex parameters					
set annex pref_load_addr				 
set annex name_server_1 bind				
set annex pref_name1_addr                         
set annex name_server_2 bind                                    
set annex pref_name2_addr                          
set annex host_table_size 64                                    
set annex rwhod N                                               
set annex min_unique_hostnames Y                                
$ORIGIN	cs.umn.edu.	<< Note: important!! (The dot also!)	
;;; $Header:							
@		IN	SOA	umn-cs.cs.umn.edu. peiffer.umn-cs.cs.umn.edu. (
				8807301520	; Serial        
                                86400           ; Refresh, 1 day
                                3600            ; Retry         
                                604800          ; Expire, 7 days
                                3600 )          ; Minimum       
			IN      NS      umn-cs.cs.umn.edu.      
@	                IN      A           
1.224		IN	PTR	umn-cs.cs.umn.edu.  IN	PTR	tc1.cs.umn.edu.		

$ORIGIN	cs.umn.edu.		<<< Note: important here too!

@		IN	SOA	umn-cs.cs.umn.edu. peiffer.umn-cs.cs.umn.edu. (
				8807301520	; Serial
				86400		; Refresh, 1 day
				3600		; Retry
				604800		; Expire, 7 days
				3600 )		; Minimum
		IN	NS	umn-cs.cs.umn.edu.
@		IN	A

loopback	IN	A
me		IN	CNAME	loopback
localhost	IN	CNAME	loopback
lb		IN	CNAME	loopback

tc1		IN      A
		IN      HINFO   AnnexII None
		IN      UINFO   "MI:peiffer@umn-cs.cs.umn.edu"
		IN      UINFO   "HL:CSci - terminal pool"
		IN      WKS TCP ( Telnet )
		MX	0	umn-cs
cs-tc1          IN      CNAME   tc1