[comp.sys.encore] Strange behavior by Ada tasks

kpierce@umn-d-ub.D.UMN.EDU (Keith Pierce) (03/28/90)

I am developing software components a la Grady Booch (SOFTWARE COMPONENTS WITH
ADA, Benjamin Cummings 1987), but am having trouble with the concurrent
version of queues.  Booch uses semaphores hidden in the structure to guarantee
that only one task at a time is actively processing a queue.  However, when I
activate several tasks to simultaneously update a queue, strange results
ensue.  I appeal to experts in Ada tasking and/or Booch components to help me
determine whether it's my fault or the compilers (I am using Verdix Ada, as
ported to Encore Multimax, a multiprocessor Unix machine, and thus supports
true concurrency).

To simplify your task, I have written a simple version of my original program,
that uses semaphores to protect an integer variable from simultaneous update.
The program defines a package that defines a protected natural variable type
and a single operation that adds one to the variable.

The main program defines two tasks that simultaneously try to update the
variable each 10 times.  If correctly working, the variable's value at the end
should be 20, but it ends up being 10.

Here are the pieces of the program.  Each piece delimited by dashes resides in
a separate file.

-- Specification of Semaphores
-- Reference: Booch
package Semaphore is

  type Kind is limited private;

  procedure Seize    (The_Semaphore : in Kind);
  procedure Release  (The_Semaphore : in Kind);


  task type Kind is
      entry Seize;
      entry Release;
  end Kind;

end Semaphore;

-- Body of semaphore package.
-- Reference: Booch
package body Semaphore is

task body Kind is
  In_Use : Boolean := False;
      when not In_Use =>
	accept Seize;
	In_Use := True;
      when In_Use =>
	accept Release;
	In_Use := False;
    end select;
  end loop;
end Kind;

procedure Seize    (The_Semaphore : in Kind) is
end Seize;

procedure Release  (The_Semaphore : in Kind) is
end Release;

end Semaphore;

-- Specification of package Nat_Package
-- Defines an abstract type of object "Protected_Natural"
-- Objects declared of this type have initial value zero.
-- Operaton "Add_One" increments the object by one.
-- Operation "Put" outputs the value to standard output
-- Semaphores are used to protect against simultaneous access
with Semaphore;

package Nat_Package is
  type Protected_Natural is limited private;
  procedure Add_One (To_Number : in out Protected_Natural);
  procedure Put (The_Number : in Protected_Natural);
  type Protected_Natural is
      The_Value : Natural := 0;
      Guard : Semaphore.Kind;
    end record;
end Nat_Package;

-- Body of package Nat_Package.
with Semaphore;
with Text_Io; use Text_Io;

package body Nat_Package is

  package Natural_Io is new Text_Io.Integer_Io(Natural); use Natural_Io;

  procedure Add_One (To_Number : in out Protected_Natural) is
    Semaphore.Seize (To_Number.Guard);
    To_Number.The_Value := To_Number.The_Value + 1;
    Put("Adding one, new value is");
    Put (To_Number.The_Value, width => 1);
    Semaphore.Release (To_Number.Guard);
  end Add_One;

  procedure Put (The_Number : in Protected_Natural) is
    Natural_Io.Put (The_Number.The_Value, width => 1);
  end Put;

end Nat_Package;

-- Main program Par_Test
-- Declares a global object of type Protected_Natural
-- and two tasks, Add1 and Add2, that, when activated by
-- calling entry Start, each add one to Counter 10 times.
-- When done (as signaled by "Signal_Done" rendesvous with
-- main program), main program prints the final value.
-- It should be 20, but is 10.
with Text_io,
  Nat_Package; use Text_Io; use Nat_Package;

procedure Par_Test is

  package Natural_Io is new Integer_Io(Natural); use Natural_Io;

  task type Adder is
    entry Start (How_Many : in Natural);
    entry Signal_Done;
  end Adder;

  Counter : Protected_Natural;
  Add1, Add2 : Adder;

  -- Note that task body accesses Counter globally

  task body Adder is
    Limit : Natural;
      accept Start(How_Many : in Natural) do
	Limit := How_Many;
      end Start;
      for Index in 1..Limit loop
        Nat_Package.Add_One (To_Number => Counter);
      end loop;
      accept Signal_Done;
  end Adder;

  Put ("The final value of Counter is ");
  Nat_Package.Put (Counter);

end Par_test;
-- Here is a script of the output of this program.
Adding one, new value is1
Adding one, new value is1
Adding one, new value is2
Adding one, new value is2
Adding one, new value is3
Adding one, new value is3
Adding one, new value is4
Adding one, new value is4
Adding one, new value is5
Adding one, new value is5
Adding one, new value is6
Adding one, new value is6
Adding one, new value is7
Adding one, new value is7
Adding one, new value is8
Adding one, new value is8
Adding one, new value is9
Adding one, new value is9
Adding one, new value is10
Adding one, new value is10
The final value of Counter is 10

jcallen@Encore.COM (Jerry Callen) (03/28/90)

kpierce@umn-d-ub.D.UMN.EDU (Keith Pierce) writes:

 [Introductory comments regarding use of Ada tasking to implement
  semaphores and protected variables a la Booch deleted.]

>with Semaphore;
>package Nat_Package is
>  type Protected_Natural is limited private;
>  procedure Add_One (To_Number : in out Protected_Natural);
>  procedure Put (The_Number : in Protected_Natural);
>  type Protected_Natural is
>    record
>      The_Value : Natural := 0;
>      Guard : Semaphore.Kind;
>    end record;
>end Nat_Package;

 [More code and stuff deleted]

The problem lies in the fact that Protected_Natural is being passed to
Add_One by *copy* and not by *reference*. This is legal (see LRM 6.2, 
paragraphs 6 through 8), but it means that the two tasks are updating
DIFFERENT copies of The_Value (each task has a copy on its own stack).

I was able to make your code work by making Protected_Natural an access
type that points to the record containing the natural and the task and
adding a Create procedure to allocate the record. This causes both tasks
to access the same (the only) copy of The_Value.

-- Jerry Callen
   (508) 460-0500 (work)