[comp.sys.encore] Parallel Lisp - Announcement

gupta@prlhp1.prl.philips.co.uk (Ashok Gupta) (09/20/90)

                                HIGH PERFORMANCE
                               PARALLEL COMPUTING
                                    IN LISP

                                 Nov 12-13 1990
                                Twickenham, U.K.

                               A EUROPAL Workshop

                                 Sponsored by
       The British Computer Society Parallel Processing Specialist Group


Production quality Lisp systems are fast approaching the performance levels of 
applications developed in the more mainstream languages.  Implementations of 
Lisp span the spectrum of available hardware platforms - from p.c.'s  to  
workstations  &  dedicated  Lisp  machines through to multi-processor, parallel 

This conference brings together
      researchers working on developments in compiler technology,
         hardware design, systems and algorithms
      users of high performance Lisp systems in research & industry
 and  vendors of high performance Lisp systems and applications.

The programme has a truly international flavour with submissions from USA,
Japan, U.K., Germany, France, Israel & South East Asia, and consists of keynote
and invited speakers, contributed papers and a panel session.

Hear about parallel Lisps for a range of SIMD & MIMD architectures including 
environments and applications on the Connection Machine, Transputer arrays,
the new 256 processor EDS machine being developed under ESPRIT-II, and more.  
Topics covered also include models for parallel computation (Linda and Timewarp)
and their implementation, concurrent OOP, automatic partitioning of Lisp code 
for concurrent execution and parallel debugging.


                                Keynote Address

                                   Ten Ideas
               Richard Gabriel (Lucid Inc. & Stanford Univ., USA)


                        Session 1 - Distributed Systems

                 Parallel Lisp for a Distributed Memory Machine
               C. Hammer and T. Henties (Siemens AG, W. Germany)

                 Sharing Data Structures in a Distributed Lisp
                J. Piquer (Ecole Polytechnique - INRIA, France)

                 Experiences with Lisp and Distributed Systems
                    David DeRoure (Univ. of Southampton, UK)


                       Session 2 - Shared Memory Systems

                       SYMPAL and its Optimising Compiler
         Yariv Aridor & Dr. Shimon Cohen (Tel-Aviv University, Israel)

                     Scheme-Linda for the Meiko & Symmetry
                    Ulf Dahlen (Univ. of Linkoping, Sweden) 
           Neil MacDonald (Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre, UK)

                              - Title to follow -
                       Kelly Murray (Top Level Inc., USA)


                     Session 3 - Implementations & Delivery

       Generation Scavenging GC on Distributed-Memory Parallel computers
         Hanpei Koike and Hidehiko Tanaka (University of Tokyo, Japan)

     The Future of Futures (or, How Futures Can Be Implemented Efficiently
                               on Stock Hardware)
                    M. Radlhammer  (Siemens AG, W. Germany)

                                Linda Meets Lisp
                          D. Hutchinson (U. Bath, UK)

           Delphi: A Toolkit for Debugging of Parallel Lisp Programs
           H. Ilmberger and Dr. S. Thuermel (Siemens AG, W. Germany)


                                   Session 4

                PolyScheme - Semantics for a Concurrent Scheme
               C. Queinnec (Ecole Polytechnique - INRIA, France)

                 Automatic Partioning for Concurrent Execution
                         S. Kalogeropulos (U. Bath, UK)

    A Data Driven, Direct Execution Architecture for a Parallel Lisp Dialect
              W.F. Wong et. al  (National University of Singapore)


                                Panel Discussion

              How Can Parallel Lisp Succeed in the Market-Place ?


                   Session 6 - Models for Parallel Computing

                   Implementing Timewarp Using Lisp and Linda
                     D. Hutchinson & J. Fitch (U. Bath, UK)

                 Concurrent Object Oriented Programming in Lisp
                J. Padget, R. Bradford & J. Fitch (U. Bath, UK)


                            Session 7 - Applications

             PARKA : An A.I. Application on the Connection Machine
                   Matthew Evett & James Hendler (UMCP, USA)

                   Parallelising an Expert System Application
                Jim Aragones & Benjamin Zorn (Boulder, Colorado)


                                Closing Address

                          What Price, Parallel Lisp ?
                       George K. Jacob (Franz Inc., USA)


Programme Committee :-

 Professor John Fitch   University of Bath, U.K.
 Jeff. Dalton           A.I. Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh, UK
 Ashok Gupta            Philips Research Laboratories, Surrey, U.K.

The delegate fee for this two-day event is :-
             250 (pounds sterling) + 15% V.A.T.
      [less  150 (pounds sterling) for all registered academics]

A copy of the Proceedings will be issued to all contributors and delegates.

For opportunities of sponsorship and other details please contact the Conference
Organiser :-

   David Lloyd
   Applied Workstations Ltd.,
   The White Cottage, South Holmwood, Dorking, Surrey, U.K., RH5 4NA
   Phone:-  (+44) (306) 889485  Fax:- (+44) (306) 741293

Or email your postal address to gupta@prl.philips.co.uk, if you would like a 
copy of the Conference Brochure to be sent to you.

                       ** PLEASE CIRCULATE THIS ANNOUNCEMENT **