[comp.sys.encore] Call Management Centre

C.R.Ritson@newcastle.ac.uk (C.R. Ritson) (12/04/90)

I am the system manager for a pair of Encore Multimaxes, and sometimes
have  to  report  bugs,  or ask encore for advice.  Being on the wrong
side of the atlantic for easy phone  access  (There  is  no  technical
Umax4.3 support in the UK, only Umax V) I prefer to use e-mail.

I  have been asked to use the (new?) call management centre that is on
cmc@encore.com.  I never get replies from them.  Sometimes the message
has obviously been passed on to a technical support person so I get  a
reply.   What  I  would also like to see is an acknowlegement straight
from the CMC, giving me the call number and  some  indication  of  the
priority that has been assigned to it.  That way if I am still waiting
a week later, I can chase up the problem.

Does  anybody  else get a quick responce from cmc@encore.com?  (We ARE
paying for software support, and I DO quote my customer number on  the

Chris Ritson
PHONE: +44 91 222 8175              Computing Laboratory,
FAX  : +44 91 222 8232              University of Newcastle upon Tyne,
TELEX: uk+53654-UNINEW_G            UK, NE1 7RU

rackow@ANTARES.MCS.ANL.GOV (12/05/90)

Don't feel to bad, there appears to be a close to non-existant 4.3 support in 
the US as well.  All of the contacts that I had have left, and the last one
that I talked to said there was only 1 person left in the UMAX-bsd group.  That
person is to busy to even look at bugs as they are still examining core dumps.
If this is not the case, I would like to know why a bug I reported in June still
hasn't had 1 cpu cycle spent on debugging it.